Andrew W. Walker credited as playing...
Evan Crowder
- Simon: [the Evan and Simon are standing by the car, a few feet away from the for sale/sold sign] Your house sold quickly.
- Evan Crowder: I'm pretty much giving the keys back to the bank, anyway. Movers are comin' tomorrow.
- Simon: Hmmm. You must be keen to put all of this behind you. Oh, hey. Did they find anything out about your friend's murder?
- Evan Crowder: No, no. They said it could've been a robbery, but they don't know for sure.
- Simon: Yeah. You've had a tough couple 'a months. I'll be sorry t' see you go. But getting some distance will probably be the best thing for you.
- [children shouting in the distance]
- Evan Crowder: I hope so.
- [Simon nods slightly and Evan looks to him]
- Evan Crowder: Thanks for everything, Simon.