Sci-fi != rockets. Sci-Fi = new situations. If you can take the same story and put it in another setting and nothing really changes then it's not Sci-Fi, it's just a drama. That it happens to take place with some futuristic elements is not enough to call it Sci-Fi
All we really get from this is a drama about a guy looking for his wife with a hard deadline to find her. The setting is mostly superfluous. I bring that up because putting it in a Sci-Fi dressing sets some expectations that there will be something new added to the world. What if robots became sentient. What if an AI declared war on the world. What if everyone had 24/7 video cameras in their eyes. What if AR was so real it caused PTSD, What if time travel was actually possible, etc...
This movie doesn't really add a strong enough "what if" to be sci-fi so when all is said and done it's a mostly mediocre drama about a guy that for some reason left his wife but now wants to find her and the only person that knows where she is is someone he screwed over previously and mostly wants to see him suffer/die.
The only things we get from the "what if" are a dead line and a reason to need his wife even if he doesn't care about her. He may or may not care about her but he needs her regardless. Those situations already exist in the real world. For example visas expire. I know several friends that had to move back to their home country even though they didn't want to leave, because their visa expired. They desperately tried to find a new job (job = visa sponsor) before their deadline, failed and had to leave. Needing a spouse for a visa is also a real world issue.
Basically this is not a Sci-Fi movie but because it's dressed as one it only disappoints those mis-lead by the setting. Remove the setting and not much changes.
I think the ending is not such a bad idea though I can see how in the end it's unstatifying and that the build up to get there doesn't make it worth while.