This is the second entry in The Garage Sale Mystery series on Hallmark that is loosely based on the series of books by Suzi Weinert. Several characters have been replaced...noticeably the husband is changed to actor Steve Bacic (no real objection), there is no sign of daughter Hannah or her new boyfriend Adam.
There is a new detective and friend of both Jason and Jennifer Shannon named Detective Lynwood. He is older than Detective Adam Iverson and even more conservative in the sense that he "doesn't want Jennifer following potential suspects". Dani is played by the same actress Sarah Strange, who is wonderful as the quirky best friend, in to eating organic, actively looking for a love match, and has a wonderful vintage wardrobe that I envy!
Jennifer and Dani go to a storage unit auction for the first time and bid on a unit. Shortly after the Self-Storage manager, a retired marine named Martin, is murdered. Jennifer remembers seeing him arguing with a gentleman who was going to loose his unit due to lack of payment...which sets her out to solve Martin's murder. Meanwhile, Logan (Jennifer and Jason's son) found an old "for free" bike that ends up having a treasure map inside of it...sending him on an adorable quest into a senior citizen's backyard digging for buried treasure.
I love the portrayal of the family unit...being good parents, cooking and eating dinner together. I like the mention of every day tasks like laundry. I think it contrasts nicely with divorcee Dani's quest to find a New Romantic partner and her smoothie and new age sentiments.
It is interesting that Jennifer doesn't do a murder board, but makes lists and does research...often on a computer. This was a fun mystery that involved missing diamonds.
I love antiques, history and this series is the perfect fit for me. I highly recommend this mystery series to cosy mystery fans out there.