The film crew personally reached out to Southport Mayor Joe Pat Hatem to present a special gift to supporting star Mel Gibson. Hatem agreed and during an impromptu ceremony, presented the actor with the keys to the city, declaring December 16th, 2023, as "Mel Gibson Day." Hatem later explained he did this to express thanks to Gibson for causing production of the film to begin with his involvement which employed hundreds of Southport residents. Caught completely off-guard, Gibson humbly accepted the gift saying, "I didn't know this was coming. I'm cringing actually. The key to the city... does it open the bank?"
During a promotional interview alongside Mel Gibson, Mason Thames was asked what his favorite Mel Gibson movie was to which he uncomfortably replied it was 'What Women Want.' Gibson nodded and agreed, "That's a great one."
Originally titled "The Boys of Summer."
Director David Henrie explained in an interview on "The World Over" that he decided to make this film because he was disappointed in the lack of family films being made and wanted to make a relatively serious and slightly scary '80's-esque movie that younger audiences could enjoy.
At 23:56, Noah uses the reflection of a knife under a door to see into a room. Mel Gibson uses the same technique in Signs (2002).