If you're a fan of action man, whether it's the action figures, the animated series from the 90s or the early 2000s cgi series, then you should give this movie a miss. The cgi is ugly, cheap looking and rivals the dreadful cgi of foodfight, the voice acting is laughably bad and cheesy, and the story is generic, boring and poorly written. Despite this movie is only 45 minutes long, it feels like it takes forever because nothing interesting ever happens. The main villain himself, doctor X, feels like he was written as cartoonishly evil as possible and he is hard to take seriously as a villain because he's so stereotypical, he would not feel out of place in a comedy flick. Overall, this movie feels more like a toy commercial made to promote more action man figures, instead of having an engaging story. Watch the 2000 cgi series instead, as well as the 90s cartoon show. They at-least put effort in both of those, unlike this lazy cash-in.