I just saw this movie just 2 weeks back and the movie was awesome and it was having much fun and having adventure.The movie is a bit compared to the Hollywood film 'the Italian job",but still he had added much ideas to the film and developed it.this not an idea that a normal director should get,the directer has a special ability to think more.great.this film would be more nice if he didn't compare with the Italian job.still its good and the director was able to add much tragedy and fun.looks like its created very hard and it took a long time.we should, have awesome films to make thoughts like this :).it was not slow and it was having fast actions and good actions.i don't think a normal artist can make a freaking film like this.and i now thank Santhosh Sivan.now just think about him (Santhosh Sivan) he is fantastic thinker.And i again thank Mr.Santhosh Sivan for giving us a great time (watching this film .i feel good now cause he didn't copy the film "italian job" directly.if it was like that i would have written a bad review