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The Omega Code (1999)
Christian doesn't have to mean bad
This is by far one of the worst films ever made. As a Christian I am offended at several different levels. First off the writing for this disaster was so bad I thought I wrote it. The characters were very one dementional and stereotyped (I thought this is what the fundies hate about secular film) and the plot was rushed and inaccurate to the bible.
I do have some suggestions for people who want to see good movies with christian themes. ANYTHING BY INGMAR BERGMAN!!!!! For great film with real character studys and the struggle to be faithful in a secular world, Bergman can't be beat. If you want biblical accuracy try "Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo" (The Gospel According to Matthew) by Pasolini. "La Nazarin" by Bunuel is a great film in the tradition of Job and when bad things happen to good people. Notice that all these films and directors are foreign, I guess that says something about America and Christianity.
As for the Omega Code, if your idea of Church is to watch Oral Roberts on the Bible Network than you may like this one, all others are forwarned.
The Man Who Laughs (1928)
I saw this last night at the New Orleans Film Fest and was blown away. The film has been restored and was shown with a live octet to boot. The story was complex yet easy to understand and the acting was great. I was amazed at some of the camera work and film editing for such an early period in film history. It is too bad Leni died so young because he was headed for greatness.