This film is probably one of the many spoofs of the then new Dragnet TV series,aside from Stan Freberg's comedy recordings! Moe's narration is as dead on as Jack Webb's voice overs! I like how Shemp keeps altering his "day" names:St.Patrick's Day, Independance Day,etc.
2 Reviews
Sons of the Desert
From a longtime L&H fan!
26 December 1999
I love the boys and their films.In the mid-1980s,there was the syndicated Laurel & Hardy show that,of all things,feature new versions of the breezy background music. In fact I have two copies of this film on both VHS and Beta (Remember THAT video system?)In fact,I still have the old Beta VCR.The Beta tape has the film which was part of a weekend afternoon movie TV show with a host who gives a brief lecture on the making of Stan and Ollie's films and info on the various cast members.
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