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The Galaxy Britain Built (2017)
An must-view for any 'Star Wars' fan
This is the story of the making of the original 'Star Wars' (1977) movie and how it became a heavily British influenced piece of film history.
Even before it was made, George Lucas was having problems with his latest vision of a space saga, with film studios turning him down and people in the industry reluctant to help.
With a few forward thinking key people and an 'Outside of the box' thinking to the production, location, a meagre budget and a greatly skilled and underestimated crew, George Lucas could now make his masterpiece.
Now 40 years after the first movie was made, we hear from some of the highly talented British crew that made an ambitious film production into the biggest movie in history, at the time. Every little bit of skill, ingenuity and a lot of hard work is detailed here.
With many people thinking that this was a purely 'Hollywood' blockbuster film, it was a joint Anglo-American production, with studio filming taking place at 'Elstree Studios' in Hertfordshire, England, UK, just north of London.
This is a worthy story to be equally proud of, that 'Star Wars' is a little bit of British history at best.
Autosport F1 & Motorsport (2016)
A Great, Up-to-date Motorsport podcast.
This is a worthy podcast series that is a great listen that covers a wide variety of Motorsport, mainly modern day 'Formula 1'.
These podcasts are an electronic addition to the UK based 'Autosport' weekly magazine that covers a wide variety of Motorsport categories with its comprehensive reports and results. It usually has expert analysis from 'Autosport' staff, detailing the key and pivotal news for that week. There are sometimes exclusive interviews or special features of the drivers, team personnel and the cars too.
Some of the interviews are with key people who created legends of our sport, or defined a legacy with their skills and ingenuity. It's what has made them be famous, renowned and well remembered due to being especially remarkable and extraordinary in they way they went about their work.
It's these Podcast interviews and features that can and will inspire the current and hopefully the next generations of audiences.
However, even if your interest is more casual, these Podcasts are still a great insight into the mind's of these individuals or marvel at the technological wonder of the cars and what they represent to the team's and fans.
I would highly recommend this podcast to everyone interested in modern Motorsport with it's regular race reports and special articles. That's why it's been my pleasure to be able to contribute to this entry in 'IMDb'.
Motor Sport Magazine Podcast (2009)
A Worthy podcast with a broad range of Motorsport categories over various era's
This is a worthy podcast series that is a great listen and proves that Motorsport is NOT just about modern day 'Formula 1'.
This Podcast is an electronic addition to the UK based 'Motor Sport' magazine that covers a wide variety of Motorsport categories over many years, (mainly the past, but present too).
These are many interviews with key people who created legends of our sport, or defined a legacy with their skills and ingenuity. It's what has made them be famous, renowned and well remembered due to being especially remarkable and extraordinary in they way they went about their work.
It's these Podcast interviews with a variety of extremely talented and highly capable people who are leaders in their own speciality of the Motorsport community. They have inspired the current and hopefully the next generations of audiences.
However, even if your interest is more casual, these Podcasts are still a great insight into the mind's of these individuals.
I would highly recommend this podcast to everyone interested in Motorsport and that's why it's been my pleasure to be able to contribute to this entry in 'IMDb'.
W Series (2019)
A Very Worthy Motorsport Series
This is a long overdue motorsport category that has had an incredible inception with much deserved and widespread support. This proves that Motorsport is NOT just about the driving (by Men) and domestic (by Women). These Women can really drive and they're good too.
These old stereotypes are now myths. Also behind the scenes, there is a variety of extremely talented and highly capable Women who are leaders in their own speciality of the Motorsport community.
This has given some of the great females a real chance to compete equally and fairly with one another to hone their race craft and grow in their skills. I hope this inspires the current and next generations of Not just its target Female audience, but ANY person who feels as though they in a minority. Hopefully in the future, we can make everyone Welcome.
If some people feel that this is unfair or positive discrimination, then the current situation of only the richest getting ahead (usually always Men, but probably not as skilled as their Female competitor) then maybe the whole system should be looked at.
Hopefully in the future this racing series wouldn't be required, but until that day, I would highly recommend this series to everyone, and that's why it's been my pleasure to include this in 'IMDb'.
Racing Lives with Aurélie Donzelot (2020)
A Worthy Motorsport podcast for 'Everyone'
This is a worthy podcast series that is a great listen and proves that Motorsport is NOT just about the driving (by Men) and domestic (by Women).
These are now myths, with a variety of extremely talented and highly capable Women who are leaders in their own speciality of the Motorsport community.
I hope this inspires the current and next generations of Not just its target Female audience, but ANY person who feels as though they in a minority. We are ALL Welcome.
I would highly recommend this podcast to everyone, and that's why it's been my pleasure to include this in 'IMDb'.