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Der Clown (2005)
Funny Movie
Who the heck visits a movie spin-off of a German trash TV-Series and doesn't know what to expect? This film was great: funny lines, great stunts, simple story. It delivered exactly, what I needed! In fact, it was like a double feature of the show with more budget. Well, the director seems to be a little bit "over-talented", but in the end, it was a great fun to watch this movie. The acting was OK, the only downside was the replacement of Diana Frank as Claudia Diel. The movie would have worked the same way with the original team and I'm not sure, why they replaced her with Eva Habermann. Maybe it was because off age or money, I don't know.
The Matrix (1999)
Watch it
I just watched this film again after five years and I was more excited than ever. The story is refreshing and really great (please, don't think about logic holes, if you like to do that, just don't watch ANY movies), there is no dull moment, the action is great (even after five years) and it is just great to watch. And if you want to, you may even think about this film. And if you want to see some of the best action scenes of that time, just watch the lobby scene over and over again, like I did after the film came out. The only drawback is the feeling that they (the W-Bros) shouldn't have done part 2+3; being a unique movie, not a trilogy, would have been much better!
Doctor Snuggles (1979)
The most creative inventor of all times
I always really wanted to become an inventor after watching Dr.Snuggles in my childhood. He can create robots by connecting old marmalade cans, make them alive by inserting an old alarm clock and build every machine you could imagine by just combining simple parts.
Not to forget the psychedelic parts of the series (well, I didn't really recognize them in my childhood :-). Flying marmalade-trees, every plant and animal is talking and most of them smile all the time, there is a camel living on a rainbow, there are salt and pepper mountains (where lives a witch riding on a motor-driven broom, invented by Dr Snuggles) and it's all very very colorful. Really a great series.
Rat Race (2001)
Wow, what a fast paced, terrific movie
I just want to say, that I'm totally amazed. This movie is an excellent piece of comedy, and I haven't laughed that much in a movie for a very long time. Great. My favorite scene is the monster-truck escape scene, brilliant filming.
Staplerfahrer Klaus - Der erste Arbeitstag (2000)
Just great ...
I got this movie from the donkey and it really rulez. I didn't know, what kind of movie it was and was kind of irritated in the beginning. The well known voice of Egon Hoegen (Der Siebte Sinn) and the typical style of filming really tricked me into thinking of it as a real factory-safety video, but after a few minutes (the "knife-scene") I was totally surprised and amazed. Really a great movie !
Kein Pardon (1993)
Well, my favorite Film of all times ...
Ok, a very subjective view, but this film has so many great jokes, I could watch it every week. Well, I've seen it about 20 times and know every sentence, but watching it with some friends, which know it as good either is just fun fun fun. Besides the storyline is quite critical and shows in an amusing way life in showbiz and life in a typical 'Ruhrgebiet' family.
As I said - great film ... ... ... 'Quatsch, dä Henne is Jungfrau !'