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Personal Velocity: Three Portraits (2002)
More like personal power...
How do you deal with the power you have, or the power you want to have back? Three women try to figure that out. Told from their side, from their view, the choices they make aren't always "right" but they are their choices. Good film.
The Sunshine (2000)
The Sunshine is a sweet movie about a sad subject.
The Sunshine is a sweet movie about a sad subject. A look behind the windows that you pass everyday of your life, but never see from the other side. A look at the people who were moved out so you could move in. Director Bertelsen handles his subjects honestly and respectfully; without judgement or pity. The sense that their corner of the world may have already faced the wrecking ball (or may be facing it even as we watch the film) was painful, but these people were so human that it was good to see them alive. A nice film. See it if it comes your way.
Sisyphus (1974)
The best...
Possibly the best animation I have ever seen!