Ravager (1997)
good sci-fi
good sci-fi if you you're a sci-fi fanatic. movie starts out with 7 people embarking on a 8 hr. flight from U.S. to Asia in the near future aboard a near space altitude ship.... this wore out ship soon crashes in a wasteland near an old dumpsite for the "ravager" bio-weapon cannisters... one crew member is exposed to the virus(duh...what else?) in a small quake.and becomes sort of a zombie...old story line here....with the single minded intent of passing the virus to others.... why??..of course the virus must have a mind of its own...well 2 of the 7 manage to escape at the end...probably exposed the virus...headed for civilization like they're home free...maybe a sequel is in store this time with a large population exposed to make things interesting..