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The Mummy (1999)
Jack Burton, Ash, Finnegan... if these names mean anything to you, then this is a movie that you will really enjoy. If not, then prepare yourself for a wild and enjoyable piece of entertainment. Great special effects, a fast-paced story and some great tongue-n-cheek humor.
St. Helens (1981)
A Whimpy Little Disaster Flick
Like most docu-drama disaster flicks, this film is pretty boring and has little to note. About all it has going for it is the fact that you know how the film is going to end... in disaster. The only reason you keep watching this is the morbid curiosity of which characters are going to die.
The Final Countdown (1980)
A Real Thought Provoker
For fans of time travel, world war II or naval aviation this is a great movie. It realisticly blends the three into a compelling and thought provoking piece of entertainment. The acting is good, the effects are great and the plot is extremely interesting. Charles Durning, Kirk Douglas and the F-14 Tomcat all give memorable performances.
Kelly's Heroes (1970)
Not Your Average War Movie
First and foremost Kelly's Heros is a highly entertaining war movie with an all-star cast. It is easily one of the funniest war movies ever made. In addition, KH has a lot of realistic battle sequences, likable characters and the bank heist sub-plot is very unique. There are some real good reasons why this movie is one TNT all the time.