Warhead (1996)
Fine low budget action
I don't know why, but Warhead is one of my favorite movies.
May be it's the typical Mark Roper-action style in combination with the music during the ( long and violent ) action scenes. The story is about a group of ( fashistic ) terrorists overtaking an american nuclear-silo and a secret Special Force, which takes'em out step by step. Especially the shoot-out in the middle of the movie, where nearly the whole Anti-Terror-Unit is killed by the terrorists impressed me. Mark Roper made a extraordinary well job in this scene. Little note for anyone coming from Germany and planing to rent it. Don't do it ! The video version is heavily cut. Check out the version running in TV ( Pro7 ). It contains more of the violence. If you watch both versions you get in impression of how different these versions are. If you've the right connections, buy the US-release or the ( rare ) UK-print.
T-Force (1994)
Only for action-fans
T-Force is one of these films you only watch one time. The acting is poor and the story ( typical Die Hard / Terminator combination ) is equally boring and equally unrealistic. The movie lives from his unnecessarily long and bloody action-scenes, especially in the beginning. All together: A typical PM Entertaiment Group film. Not worth to rent on video.
Darkman II: The Return of Durant (1995)
Oh my god ...
Compared with the fantastic first part of the triology the Return of Durant is so bad I can't describe it with words. Ok, this is my opinion. I really like action-movies, but in this case ( except of perhaps 3 minutes of the final shoot-out ) I only can say: Don't waste your money for this XXXX. Go and buy something to snack for the money. Oh, and trust me: The 3rd part is as bad as the one, I'm commenting on.
Adrenalin (1996)
Action made in Germany
I know, there're a lot of bad movies coming from Germany. OK, Germany has nothing, which can be compared with Hollywood, but the Action-movie we have here, is a very good one.
It has an interessting plot ( a kidnapping story ) and contains well directed action scenes.
For those who saw John Woo's Replacement Killers - Til Schweiger, who plays the main character in "Adrenalin" acted in R.K. as one of these Replacement Killers ( The one, who is shot in the cinema )
A film worth to see.
Gwang tin lung fo wooi (1989)
One of Billy Dragos better films
China White is an entertaining action movie. In contrast to other movies, which are similar ( and these are a lot ) it is relatively well played and has a quickly developing storyline. Certainly it contains many extremely bloody shoot-outs and some strong language. Actionfans will love the slow-motion death-scenes, especially during the last 30 minutes. One of my favorite movies. Check it out !
Hard Justice (1995)
Undercover cop blows dealers to hell
Hard Justice is a typical B-Movie ( NU IMAGE ). On the one hand we have non-stop bloody action scenes, on the other hand a 08/15 storyline. The movie is about a cop, who is sent to prison, certainly undercover, to take out a gang of drug and weapon dealers. In the end nearly the whole prison goes to hell. Many prisoners escape and are mostly shot down by the anti-terror-teams awaiting them, while D. Bradley fights with the head of the dealers on a driving bus. Hard Justice isn't a bad movie. If you only want some action and not a detailed plot, this is the right movie for you.
Der Bunker - Eine todsichere Falle (1999)
Great action movie from Germany
In my opinion, this is the best action movie ever made in Germany. It is about a Russian terrorist-team, which overtakes a Natobunker with nuclear missles in it somewhere in Germany.
The film combines excellent direction ( Michael Bay-Style
"The Rock" "Con Air" "Enemy of the state") with nonstop action. Surely this movie is only another copy of DIE HARD, but it is a very good one. So if anyone outside Germany is able to watch this excellent action movie, go and watch it. Don't miss it, especially if you like movies like THE ROCK.
Rambo III (1988)
Once again John Rambo fights the Russians. Explosive action combined with strong violence on a low intellectual level.
For myself, Rambo - First blood part 3 is one of the best action movies ever. In fact the story is a little bit poor, once again the typical one vs an army-story we know already from Rambo 2. Everyone, who does not think about a stupid story and the "Evil-Russians-topic" gets an explosive and very bloody action movie without long periods of boredom. In his original uncut version the movie is banned in Germany and this has good reasons. The film is absolutely nothing for kids. In my opinion the Littleton-massacre a few weeks ago was a direct consequence of films like Rambo. If you're old enough, watch it ! The final fight starts with the following dialog: "John,what're you thinking ?" Rambo:" F**k'em!"