Skaterdater (1966)
Delightful film.
I first saw this wonderful film on TV when I was a freshman in college. It was part of a program called 'The American Boy: a Trilogy'. A real coming of age film that boys, girls and parents should watch. It shows the pain and delights of growing up. The mixed up feelings one has as a boy goes through adolescence and then adulthood.
Misconduct (1966)
Miss conduct
One of the first soft core films I saw. It was an interesting blend of black and white combined with color photography. I saw the film at the Metropolitan theater which no longer exists on 14th St. in Manhattan on the East side. The film would be classified as a T&A film (tits and ass). At that time (mid 1960's), pubic regions were not shown except in under the counter hard core films not commercially shown. The most memorable parts of the film was how beautiful the actresses were. They were June Roberts, Darlene Bennett and Marlene Eck. I have always had a soft spot for these actresses and am tracking down the films they appeared in. Most of the film was in black and white. The color portions (in very grainy 16 mm film stock) was when the nudity was shown. The plot was ridiculous but the topless shots of the actresses dancing and wrestling were great.