
2 Reviews
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Bye Bye Barry (2023)
Great movie!
25 November 2023
This is a great movie. I only gave it a 9 (instead of 10) because that garbage J. Hill is so prominent in the movie. Otherwise, fantastic. I grew up during this time and have always been a huge football fan. Even though I am a lifelong Dallas Cowboys fan and Emmett was our guy when Sanders was playing, I have always respected Barry Sanders for his abilities and what he was able to accomplish. Although I, along with so many others at the time, could not understand why he walked away when he did, I now understand so much more and have such a great respect for him. He was an amazing athlete and is a very humble man.
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7 March 2021
I am sad to report just how awful this movie is. I have been looking forward to seeing this sequel for a long time, but it might actually be the worst movie I have ever seen. My expectations were way too high. 😞
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