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Husk lige tandbørsten (1995)
One of the greatest Danish live-tv-shows ever.
So the show takes place in a hangar at the Copenhagen Airport. All of the audience has packed their bags, passports etc. (This is why the show is called "Remember the toothbrush").
Everything is controlled by the gifted comedian Casper Christensen. With his wife Anette Toftgård he takes the audience and the viewers at home through several competitions and so on. They had a competition, where you at home should turn the lights in the house on and off, when Casper told you to. The show was so popular that they had to stop doing this, because it caused severe problems with the power grid, due to all the people doing this.
At the end a couple of members of the audience are sent on a vacation immediately after the show.
The show sat a new standard for live TV-shows in Denmark, and we are still awaiting a live-show as good as this.