
2 Reviews
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Opposite Day (2009)
Flip It
28 October 2023
Straight forward, that's what it basically is; children and adults reversing rolls, positions, responsibilities, and so on.

For an young child (4 to 6), it gives clean, happy, funny entertainment. Parents, if you don't like it, suck it up - one of the things about raising kids is being playful, fun, innocent, and getting involved with what they do, why, how - ask if you don't understand, and learn more from, and about your kids. It also gives a kids a view on how unpleasant the adult world is...and yes, my son is almost 4.

As an adult, all I can think, is...well, for the adults out there, I would give this movie of less than 0, if possible, but hey, it's for kids.
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Blippi (2014– )
Found by accident
26 March 2023
I will say that I find the show an excellent to share practical (and real world experience) to things that are intellectually stimulating for a toddler, in a manner to which a toddler can understand. My son loves the character's energy, colours, and behaviour. I also believe it's a good show to help toddlers keep their childhood innocence - as for the 7/10, I've always been the more serious type.

As for the actor, well, as time moves forward, we all age, and mature - some want to leave good behind, hoping the next generation will learn beneficial, and kind, things.

As for all the parents out there, we all know how business works; show, and sell products, especially with good marketing. I also know that this series is not big budget, so it's bound to have more hiccups. I also consider this show one of the cleanest shows I have ever seen; it's much better than most media out there. That said, I know it allows my inner, child-like playfulness to come out, allowing me to bond with my child in an additional way.
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