
2 Reviews
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14 April 2007
This movie stunk. The English dubbing was horribly amateur, like some video company wanting a release in North America hired a bunch of high-school teachers to dub the film and did it in one try to save money at the recording studio. Ignoring the dubbing, the acting was completely off-key. Sometimes the characters looked like they were trying to get their lines over with after practicing a dozen times in front of the mirror, other times they were over-acting, it was the typical acting style you see in high-school dramas.

The choreography was a joke, not only can you tell it's totally fake with the lack blood and the bad acting, but what makes it funny is that they try to make it look real by moving the camera angles in such a way to hide the fact that they thrust the sword to the side of the opponent or to cover up the fakeness. The directing and photography is equally bad, the camera work is shaky, sloppy, and even out-of-focus at times.

The film shots were poorly set-up. They were at bad angles, frames, and positions. I'm sure the director knew this during editing, but they probably were operating on a miniscule budget, so they couldn't afford enough film and decent filming equipment. You can tell the budget is so small by the fact that they lacked enough decent props and backdrops, didn't have any special effects besides camera tricks, and had micro "villages" and settings that had the camera always close-up to hide this fact. Lastly, the music was completely cheesy, like it was made and composed for an electronic keyboard.

To sum things up, this movie is a completely forgettable, straight from film to VHS, watch-on-a-Sunday-afternoon-when-nothing-else-is-on-TV flick.
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Borat (2006)
Cheap toilet trash humour
9 April 2007
The humour in Borat is as witty and tasteful as chewing on barbed wire and mud pie. Seriously folks, if you want a funny foreigner movie watch something else. Trust me, I know lots of immigrants and I got plenty of funny stories, but this film disappointed my expectations.

Most of the humour in this movie is very, very degrading and low. The exception is some funny scenes such as when a kid is driving a car to take Borat out of his village and the camera zooms out to show the car is being pulled by a donkey. What's not funny is how incredibly stupid beyond logic Borat himself is. It seems somewhat ridiculous that he would spend the whole day trying to kiss random strangers in New York without realizing that it's not a welcome custom.

What's also not funny are the cheap jokes. A good junk of the phony jokes that Borat forces on the audience to pull out a laugh are immensely anti-Semitic, anti-feminist, about degradation, and homosexuality. It's so disgusting it's not even funny for most people who like this kind of garbage humour. What's not funny for most civilized people (I should hope) is the degrading humour attempts such as showing off the naked unattractive people, wrestling with a naked, disgusting, and fat obese man, masturbating to Pamela Anderson in the open with another man 10 feet away in the same hotel room, showing off your teenage son's hairy penis, making out with your prostitute sister, crapping in public, etc.

A lot of it is some of the most appalling and offensive material I have ever seen in a film. It belongs to the Nazi's propaganda film storage vault that was used as an excuse to annihilate 6 million people. It has jokes like Jews are egg-laying monsters, like at one festival in Borat's village. I guess some Arab terrorists would laugh at that kind of crap. Borat and his obese producer come to the home of a nice old couple who greet them with hospitality but when they find out they are Jews, they become so suspicious, they believe the couple changed form at night into cockroaches that crawled under their bedroom door. There are other grotesque jokes about mentally retarded people and handicapped people.

Although it's been 60+ years since WWII and the Holocaust, that kind of crap wasn't funny, isn't funny, and should never be funny lest there be another holocaust. And being a Jewish film producer doesn't give you the excuse to make this kind of film.

This film is a disaster to Kazakhstan. It portrays their people to many Americans who've never heard of Kazakhstan before as being full of borderline homosexual men who are so stupid they wash their face in the toilet because they've never seen one before, as Nazi's hell-bent on protecting themselves with animals and weapons against the egg-laying Jews, as being full of female prostitutes who win awards for their accomplishments, as being an over-bearing patriarch society that sees woman as nothing more than pleasure tools and property, as being lewd, offensive, and uncivilised people who have little self-control and prance around like naked, incestuous, homosexual, savages talking about having "sexy-time" with animals and woman at the dinner table.

Bye the way, I happen to be from the "Stan" regions, and my name happens to be a five letter word similar to "Borat" that starts with the letter "B". In fact, some people nicknamed me "Borat", and I wasn't that insulted with the nickname until I saw this abomination and what was it about. This movie is a big disgrace to all the people from those regions, and the way he portrayed Kazakhstan is less humorous than it is downright demeaning. I wouldn't be surprised if Sacha Baron Cohen got sued by any one of the "Stan" nations.
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