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Mass Ave (2021)
A Terrifying and Timely reflection
This hits hard w the terrifying realization that Black Americans are never safe in their own country.
They can be going about the business and at any moment have their lives brutally taken simply for being "Black faces in white spaces". It happens every day to Black Americans.
Brown skin typically regarded by whites as being indicative of being "suspicious" "guilty" and criminal.
That prevailing incessantly toxic racism has resulted in countless innocent Black men, Black women & Black children losing their lives to white reactionary racist aggression.
Forces us all to reflect unflinchingly and realize that Jim Crow may be over on the books but still very much alive and well in America.
Who We Are: A Chronicle of Racism in America (2021)
Unflinching, Unapologetic Factual Indictment of white Terrorism
This is a rare gem of a historical indictment of the pain rage and atrocities hoisted upon Black Americans by europeans occupying the United States. Leaves viewers emotionally gutting w a deep mix of pain and rage simultaneous as Jeffery Robinson connects the dots between the enslavement of Black Americans and how they are targeted today..
For those europeans who watch this I advise you to watch without defensiveness and w an open mind because facts dont care about feelings.
Black Americans need to be prepared for the pain.. As stated this is an unflnching account of white violence - a preponderance of which is hard to digest to put it lightly.