The Hills Have Eyes (2006)
Brutality at its best
Hills have eyes is a pretty gory & intense movie. But the best thing about it is its direction. A. Aja has done a near perfect job in remaking the original and adding all the violent & brutal stuffs to it.A family on their way passes through the new Mexico desert only to find themselves bring terrorized and traumatized by mutant retarded freaks.
The movie never loses its depth or gets diverged. It starts and ends on the same lane & that's what differentiates it from other recent movies of the same genre.I haven't seen the original and now I don't think I'll be able to enjoy that one.
But for those who don't enjoy watching blood and gore, I would advise to stay away from it.
L'ultimo treno della notte (1975)
Hard one to watch but nonetheless, a decent direction
Night train murders registers itself in the category of most disturbing movies of all times. It is inspired by Wes Craven's Last house on left,which was released couple of years earlier but it appears more brutal because the story looks more realistic and believable. Two girls travelling by train on Christmas Eve are humiliated and tortured sadistically by two men and a woman. Its amazing what wonder, a good direction does to a pretty tame storyline. Firstly we are introduced to two super pretty and innocent characters and when we start liking them, the movie get switched to its darker phase showing ruthless violence & extreme brutality towards the most affectionate characters in the movie. Some may categorize it as 'torture porn'though I have seen hell lot of gore movies which are meant to affect you visually, but this one is supposed to hunt your mind, it tracks you mentally and makes you feel sick and disturbed
Frontière(s) (2007)
Bloody gruesome, to say the least
If you have watched recent french gore movies and enjoyed it,then you would definitely love frontier(s).The movie works on a tiny created plot,starts with riot scene in Paris.Some crooks with cash in their hands try to cross the French border in urgency.They encounter an isolated inn on their way and decide to rest there.But their whole idea turns into an unexpected nightmare and before anyone could gather sometime to understand what exactly happened,they start getting butchered like farm pigs!! Frontier(s) scores on visuals.Some of the scenes are really intense and gory.There is no need to justify mindless violent sequences in the movie because the whole purpose was to show the killing and torture in artistic fashion.
I would rate Frontier(s) higher than Martyrs[2007] & Haute Tension[2003] because it is extremely graphic in nature and plot looks believable to me.It stands up to the standards of Inside[2007] but could have been much better if the background of the psycho-cannibalistic nature of family was explained.Nonetheless Frontier(s) is absolutely must for gore fans but for others please stay away from it or you may end up hating this insignificant but entertaining genre.
Naked (1993)
Devastating, Unnatural & Insane....
'Naked' is one movie that I won't be able to get out of my mind for a long long time. I have watched this movie after reaching the peak maturity & understanding of various subjects, but my notion of movie making and direction was totally shattered when I came across this Mike Leigh's bleak & dark film. The role played by David Thewlis is totally shocking but his acting is purely awesome. He fled to London from Manchester in search of sex and shelter. Though his uncaring and ruthless approach towards life may looks offensive but its pretty interesting. His character is a very good observant. He believes that world is going to end in some years. But exactly what he wants from the life is not clear. He just tries to go deep inside others with petty conversation and unworthy topics. There was a kind of uniqueness in his role in this movie. But more than this, his character is beyond all doubts unacceptable & hypothetical because there is always something or at least one thing in life that you are concerned about. Or it just implies that there is nothing in this world which inspires you, take the life as it comes to you. Society may declare you insane or defeated but how does it matter? Good to see or feel this way but when it comes to reality, nothing can be more scarier than this...
Sideways (2004)
Made me feel so really obvious portrait of reality
A leisurely paced drama which focuses on the life of a man who believes his life is a failure. His wife left him for someone else & though he considers himself a writer, he consistently fails to impress publishers and is left waiting for his first book to get published. Still he keeps on trying for a better future hoping to bring things in order. The other side of his life is his intelligence about many intellectual topics and deep knowledge and taste for wines.
The story starts with two men setting out for a weekend to enjoy sex and wine. The only moral I can get out from the movie, besides totally enjoying it is that may failure is gripping you hard and your life is not moving anywhere, the best option is to keep on trying but at the same time not to give up your crave for knowledge and the things that interests you. In short 'Sideways' is a rich & knowledgeable drama about reality of life.
Educating Rita (1983)
A light hearted drama
Educating Rita astonished me with the simplicity of its theme. Those of you who have not watch this movie, let me tell you Educating Rita signifies the aspect of relationship, which is purely based on interest & knowledge. Two people of different lifestyle meet, their ideology matches and they started to enjoy each other's company. Everyone is unique in his/her own way, then they grow up meet different person but end up hooking with someone who shares the same special interest as they do. But these are theories let me emphasize on the movie.....Rita a young married woman believes that her life means more than just getting married and having kids, and thus to learn more about life and herself ,she starts taking literature lessons from a boozing professor who was a victim of loneliness. He discovered that Rita is different from most of his students. Her pretty straightforward way of approaching the life amused him to the extent that he started longing her company. The content of the movie is specifically rich as it creates viewer's interest in plays and novels associated with literature. Acting is pretty natural and goes in flow as story progresses. Educating Rita is a warm tale of two people who seeks meaning of life in each other's presence
Edmond (2005)
Crazy buster
Edmond a kind of movie I would have loved watching anytime. David Mamet did an excellent job depicting the reality and troubles, an ordinary man has to face. It looks so close to reality where everything showed appeared true. Edmond is a story of simple man Edward Burke who left home on account of his boring life to seek some manly pleasure but end up getting bugged everywhere he went. Even after trying he failed to get himself out of the mess which eventually made him loose his nerves. The movie is quite sexy and passionate .But what I liked most about it was the question that Edmond put up..& his views about how human race is living,as he encountered the harsh world & very much are those questions make sense though they may seemed to be associated with some philosophical theories. William H Macy again showed how natural his acting is! In short, Edmond is really an impressive movie but I would confess that its equally shocking and disturbing as well considering it is quite near to the kind of world we try to survive in...
Kill Theory (2009)
Whatever exists in corners of mind, can be applied...
Kill Theory is a movie with a gruesome concept, though in any context its nothing more than just another slasher movie still its plot, I guess makes it interesting but disturbing also. A maniac returns from mental asylum to plot a dangerous game for a group of friends and force them to kill each other as that was the only mode of survival. I have seen hell lot movies of these kind where teenagers (with hot girls) falls in trap of killer, same here. Like most of the low budget horror movies, most of the things in the movie are unexplained, though there is plenty of gore and blood, which I consider the first priority of slasher flicks. The tagline of the movie 'Deep down we are all killers' make pretty sense as everyone cost their life more than any other. So Kill Theory is all about to prove whatever weirdest theories that exist anywhere in our mind.
Veronika Decides to Die (2009)
How will you interpret the meaning of happiness...?
The first thing: I have not read the novel so this review is purely based on the what I saw on the screen, indifferent of how its being adopted from the book. And again Sarah Michelle Gellar scores with her performance as an innocent girl. I think she was the best suited for this role. So before discussing the story, which I guess most of you, would be acquainted with I want to talk about the direction which was the strength of the movie. The movie is not at all boring and characters are well handled .There were given a chance to fit in their respective roles. So I liked the acting and conversation between the characters very much. But still I can't say that the movie is flawless.
As I finished watching the movie I found myself pretty satisfied with acting, story and movie overall. But still I get a feel that something was missing in the movie something that could have put this one in different league of top movies, the kind of movies which are award-worthy. One thing was lesser publicity, but leave that reason behind ...truth is maybe I could not digest the whole plot. Let me make myself clearer and discuss the storyline.
Veronica (SMG) is a suicidal girl, she unsuccessfully tried to kill herself and was later admitted to a mental institution(kind of) for recovery. The doctor and other staffs of hospital tried to change her mindset and make her believe that life is worth living. But why she wanted to die? What she was expecting from her life, that she did not get? What happiness exactly meant to her? Was she seeking only love in her life? May be you wont find the proper answers to these questions ,but considering the fact that movie is purely based on the novel it wont be appropriate to question the storyline of the movie. So for me watching this movie was a nice experience.
Jimmy and Judy (2006)
Is there anything new in this one...?
Jimmy & Judy left me disappointed because I did not find anything original in the movie. While watching the movie many other better flicks similar to this one, came into my mind like Natural Born Killers, Badlands, Kalifornia etc.
And I kept on hoping that there may be some twist in the plot but nothing happened. Another problem with this one is that the characters never got the time to develop.
The acting was ordinary. Both Jimmy and Judy looked normal teens acting weirdly !I don't know why? Nothing was said or shown. So all in all you may miss this one and better watch any of the above mentioned movies.
Deadly Sins (1995)
Unholy Desires leading to sins
The movies which are low on story line & acting but high on meaningless violence & sex may turn off many people, who like good & decent movies. But here we are not talking about those people. A low budget thriller which often fall in B-category movies are constrained by resources. So whenever you plan to watch these kinds of movies, just keep your expectations low then surely you will enjoy these movies. So Deadly Sins falls in above mentioned category only. It has limited release & lack of publicity due to which many of you might have missed this one. So here the plot is : Girls in the catholic church are getting disappeared or killed continuously in small county. Nobody seemed responsible or being interested to whatever happened to those girls until a new sheriff steps in with the determination to find out the truth. Nothing more to mention except that Alyssa Milano as always looked very beautiful in this movie.
Broken English (2007)
A dramatic illustration, closer to reality
Broken English closely captures the trouble faced by a girl in carrying on relationships & her desperation to find someone whom she can marry. The main theme of the story is to try looking for someone who can be your appropriate match or what inputs you need to give in a relationship to make it everlasting. May be the problem which a person is facing are not worth worrying or important. Well coming to the movie, Parker is beautiful, young & independent girl. She had been in many relationships which probably ended up with sex or she fell for someone who is already married ,in short she always end up picking a wrong match for her. What she exactly wanted was some guy who is reliable, caring & ready to be committed. But her continuous failure in relationships freaked her out until she found out that its not only true love that she was expecting from her life. It meant more than that. There are two aspect of relationships. For some people its not more than a casual affair but for others it may means a lot. So its all about picking up a right match for you. Otherwise on a serious note it may lead to frustrating consequences like feeling of failure & insecurity in life. This movie is very well handled in terms of acting and direction specifically. So at least the people who care about sensitive & mature topics should give it a try.
The Devil's Rejects (2005)
Get prepared for gore treat !
Well,Rob Zombie is now in the process of playing with Halloween series.But tell you what,this one is the best in terms of gore & storyline.
Similar to house of 1000 corpses in plot,the story is of runaway family who crosses the hell limit of sadism,& get the s**t out of their victims.
I always believe,what you need in a good bloody gore movie like this is a perfect direction,so that a we can get a sense of reality.Story hardly matters.
Among the recent movies I watched and in the era of remake of 80's slashers,this one stood out from rest...
The Hamiltons (2006)
Who were they exactly..?
Hamiltons,is one of the movies featured in the after dark horrorfest 2006.The movie is about a family which actually appears strange ,and they are hiding a secret about their existence.Into the movie and you will notice one thing for sure that the family is not normal but what are they and what they want ?
Nothing much is explained or implied,so you have to keep your senses out and enjoy whatever is being shown.But still if you are a horror movie fan like me then you will be impressed with some of the sequences and amount of gore in the movie.
Overall,there isn't much to say about this movie apart from the fact it gives you a good company when you want to spend a lonely night..!!!
A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child (1989)
Don't expect much from this...
I have seen the very first part of this series and no doubt that was a chilling classic.After that I did not see the next three sequels because of the pathetic reviews they received.Somehow I decided to try this part ,and honestly I felt dissatisfied and disappointed.I mean the series is not going anywhere.Its just struck on showing gore without emphasizing on storyline and plot.
If we talk about the storyline,this time Freddy is killing teenagers through the dreams of an unborn child.One noticeable thing is the gruesome images and special effect shown in the movie.But at any time I did not feel like witty enough about my decision to watch this movie.There is hardly any scary scene and you can predict everything that comes as movie progresses.
In terms of relativity those who have seen all the parts of this series may found the dream child comparatively better. But for others,keep your expectations low while watching this movie,because this movie fall miserably of the standards set by the original one.
Schindler's List (1993)
A struggle of an individual for the sake of mankind
Schiendler's List is about a German Oskar Schiendler who in his own way tried to rescue thousand of Jews workers from Nazis.And the tool he used to help them is his wealth.Now I wont say much about story,because no doubt Schiendler's list is an epic from Mr.Spielberg and whatever anyone says,you should just watch this movie.I just did not feel anything while watching it..I mean it so well directed and dialogues are very clear. Well critics rating and its ranking speaks very much about it.We have seen many movies about Nazis hatred for jews, including some really good movies like The downfall(2004),Inglorious Bastards(2009) and many more,but this movie is different..because it shows how a man can help others,if he wants to while remaining in his limits & working under constraints. Schiendler's list emphasize on this aspect of the story.Watch the movie from the view of a person who tried to maintain his position within Nazi and help his so-called enemies in the process.From that point you will really appreciate the movie.
Howling V: The Rebirth (1989)
A creepy werewolf tale
The one thing I liked most about this movie is that it manages to maintain suspense and created an environment suitable and pretty enjoyable for a horror movie.It started with a bunch of tourists gathered for the reopening of an old castle after 500 years.The castle looked awesome.People gathered there as the lucky ones chosen for the castle opening unaware of the horrible truth of what lies ahead.They were being set up to play a bloody game of who is werewolf? Aware of the fact that one is a werewolf among them,you will keep guessing till last,and that's how this film is successful in getting viewer's attention.But its not that the movie is flawless.It would have taken a bit more to make Howling:Rebirth,a top notch movie of this genre.Despite of good plot the weak direction hurdled smoothness of storyline.For instance(spoiler..),the killings should have been shown in much effective & gruesome manner,I never saw the werewolf properly in any of the scene. Howling:Rebirth is being shot at Budapest:Hungary.So of the scenic beauty at the beginning of movie is really good. I liked the concept of ice storm.So best time to enjoy this movie is late,cold night where you can get the proper feel of some of the scary scenes.
Funny Games (2007)
They look like gentlemen,they talk like gentlemen but.....
they are couple of sick minded jerks who love playing games.Rules are simple and you got to take the challenge of survival.Funny Games is a cruel movie,a family is chosen and forced to play games at the cost of their lives,brutal games where you just cant win.Its a adoption of the movie with same title which came a decade earlier.
Naomi Watts as always been a pleasure to watch but surely the movie belongs to Paul & Peter(not know their exact names).
Well,this movie shows the extremes of brutality and sadism,how devastating a human mind can be and how much fun it be ,torturing & playing with your prey before slaughtering him.
Acting is top-notch, film is pretty believable and that's what makes it more disturbing.But after all its only a movie and should be given the credit it deserves.
Under Capricorn (1949)
A very different work of Hitchcock
Under Capricorn is quite different movie and is not pretty much popular.In fact its Alfred Hitchcock's movie but its not a suspense movie,instead its a snail-paced love story.Its slow,but pretty enjoyable especially if you like Casablanca fame Ingrid Bergman. Its an Australian movie.
Governor's cousin arrive in Australia to make his fortune.There he met his sister's old friend(Ingrid Bergman).He realized she is not altogether fit health wise so he tries to help her to get out of mental sickness.Its an involving story though I am not pretty sure about what actually this movie wants to convey,but I enjoyed every bit of it ,may be because of well written dialogs and descent acting.
Penelope (2006)
pigface baby
Its a fable and fantasy tale of young girl Penelope who was cursed by an old witch in course of revenge.Christina Ricci adopted the role fine and acted very well,though most of the times movie seems rather childish but it has its moments.
Well,the movie is quite predictable and moves at leisurely pace.You may find it enjoyable depending upon your taste but on a much serious note its just a good time pass.
Well its a light hearted romantic story,nothing to say more.Recommended to Christina Ricci's fan and all those who enjoy watching Disney channel.
Eden Lake (2008)
one more movie with ruthless,pointless & sadistic violence
Its not that Eden Lake is a failure or not a watchable movie.Instead its pretty enjoyable if you like gore and torture.But there have been so many movies in this genre and some of them quite better than this.
The story begins with a couple, whose idea of vacation to construction lake site turns into nightmare when they clash with a teenage gang. The movie is fast-paced and perhaps well acted too but the violence is pretty high and at times looks meaningless.Though I do agree the movie has raised the issue of teenage violence but no solution is been provided to the problem instead of ruthless killings.
Overall despite of weak storyline you may relish the good visuals and direction.
Killshot (2008)
If action flicks interests you,then this one deserves a chance
Killshot got some good action sequences though not like Die Hard or Lethal Weapon.Most of the scenes involve direct gun shots.
Killshot is a story of two killers one professional,experienced hit-man and other more a psychotic type,who terrorize a couple involved in a real estate business after they refuse to pay their demand.
The story is simple,acting is up to mark especially from the sides of Diane Lane(unfaithful) and Mickey Rourge(The wrestler).
What differentiates Killshot from other numerous action movies is instead of showing frequent nonsense action &voilence,it gathered up as a story,defining the characters well & establishing the relationship between them.
Something Wild (1986)
A power packed wild ride
This movie is a real fun to watch.I mean I just kept on watching the movie and could not take my eyes from the screen because the characters are so funny and every time something happens which you are not expecting at that moment.
The story begins with an investment guy having a breakfast at a café when he encountered a strange & unknown women and then begins there wild run.Melanie Griffith looked pretty comic in her dress up.
The most intriguing thing about movie it never ceases to bring in elements of surprise and constantly moves at fast pace without loosing focus.Something wild is a perfect blend of action,romance & comedy.
Killing Zoe (1993)
drugs & bullets....that's all
Killing Zoe revolves around Zed who was invited to Paris to contribute in a bank robbery.Unfortunately that's all the story plot contains. Rest is all about unnecessary violence which really don't make any sense.
There's been also some scenes of drugs depiction and consumption.Also there is no twist in storyline,weak plot and very predictable.
The only strong link of the movie is the presence of Julie Delphy who looked extremely charming.
Its obvious to expect more from this movie but it do not stands anywhere around its expectations.
Before Sunset (2004)
Jesse & Celine......second spell of charm
What I feel is making a sequel is quite a job because you have to work in constraint with previous work.Everything needs to be in accordance with original.That's why most of the sequels fail.But Before sunset is a movie which in most of the aspects better than its first part Before Sunrise.
The story continues where its been left & the two teen lovers meet again but this time they have grown mature enough,faced the world more practically.They ambled on the streets of Paris sharing their past experiences & remembering their first meeting in the glimpse of a beautiful evening sunset.
Julie Delphy looked extremely charming so was Ethan Hanke.Before Sunset is one of the precious gem in modern romance genre.