
3 Reviews
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Unauthorized Living: ¡Llamadme Nemo! (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Closed captioning to actual voice sux.
21 June 2024
This isn't a bed movie but the closed captioning in relation to what is actually said is AWFUL!!!!! And now I'm supposed to right a super long review so I'm just going to "cut and paste".

This isn't a bed movie but the closed captioning in relation to what is actually said is AWFUL!!!!! And now I'm supposed to right a super long review so I'm just going to "cut and paste".

This isn't a bed movie but the closed captioning in relation to what is actually said is AWFUL!!!!! And now I'm supposed to right a super long review so I'm just going to "cut and paste".

Well I guess that finally got it done.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2022)
Would have given it a nine last year
6 February 2023
The first seasons were awesome, and I loved every single episode.

Now the political correctness and liberal nature has literally nearly ruined this series for me. We don't watch a show like this for political correctness, we watch it to make us feel good about everything this series started out being.

But then, we have an MD saying that he's going to get free WIFI for the entire city of New York???????

What about the rest of us.

What about the statement made in "Disconnected" EP9 where it was said after a little girl was shot "this is what happens when we defund the police"???

What about it.

To the cast and crew, I recommended this series to my family, but I said to be careful the third season is going WAAAAYYY left.

We don't want politics in our movies or TV shows.


If you want to dabble in politics, quit play acting and run for an office.
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Mark Savage has no clue.
26 January 2023
Director Mark Savage clearly should stick to interviews and not try to make faux feature films. This film started out ok but after I saw Killian's character running around the woods with an air rifle (I think a Crossman pump-up .177 that you can buy at Walmart for about $40), was when he lost me.

He, as with most directors of this day are completely clueless when it comes to reality, like the hitman or cop that has to "jack" a round into their automatic pistol or pump shotgun in order to use it in the heat of the moment. What hitman, criminal, or cop carries an unloaded weapon??? And then, he uses that air rifle, with simulated muzzle flashes and recoil to tap a guy in the chest or shoot an atv to leave a HUGE hole in both.

Savage would be better served by being an armorer in an Alec Baldwin feature.
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