If I could give this a negative 1 I would. Please watch the first 15
Minutes if you can stomach even that and you'll
See what I mean. I have no idea how a movie
Like this can ever be published holy Toledo.
.... ..... ..... And every character is so damn stupid except For maybe the wedding planner orphan / sister
I need to go watch a 90"s movie to make up for this one. They just fk t make the Line they used to. It used to be about quality now it's become completely about cranking out as many movies as humanly possible using inexpensive "tale t". I've seen lots If bad movies in the past 5 years and this one takes the cake.
.... ..... ..... And every character is so damn stupid except For maybe the wedding planner orphan / sister
I need to go watch a 90"s movie to make up for this one. They just fk t make the Line they used to. It used to be about quality now it's become completely about cranking out as many movies as humanly possible using inexpensive "tale t". I've seen lots If bad movies in the past 5 years and this one takes the cake.
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