
45 Reviews
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Love Next Door (2024– )
It's good, but not much happens here.
7 October 2024
This drama is nice and comfortable. It's definitely a binge watch, but I don't get why it has such a high rating here.

Its biggest drawback is the fact that not a lot happens in it in general. She comes back from the USA, and gets together with her mother's friend's son- as you could have expected. A few themes like illness, friendship, mental health, family, etc are also there.

The drama also suffers on the aspect of emotion. It has never made me cry or laugh, nor did I feel a lot of emotion for any of the characters. At some point I felt a connection to Seokryu's depression and with all her issues, but as soon as she arrives home it's as if she's magically healed mentally. (healed by love?) The side couple was super stiff and uncomfortable to me, and their dynamics as well as the dynamics between their families felt very forced.

I counted what I didn't like, but I definitely overall do think this drama is good. The main couple was pretty nice, their chemistry was also nice, it is binge-worthy and the actors in general are great. Whoever was putting up outfits for Seunghyo's mom- you are amazing, I see you!

So, is it good? Yes. Overrated? Also very much YES.
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I don't care what anyone says, I love this.
6 October 2024
I have to say: among romantic kdramas this could very well be the best one. The male lead is not a kdrama-standard one-dimensional strict CEO who never laughs and wears strictly shades of black: this guy is a CEO but he has a personality, he laughs loudly when he's nervous (it's annoying but it becomes endearing by the end of the series), his clothes are colorful, he speaks like a child at times and behaves like one too. The girl is a shy doormat type, but her character development is nothing short of incredible by the end of the series. She finds a career she likes and courage to express what she wants publicly (very publicly, in fact).

They are both flawed humans who become better because of each other's love. There's hilarious comical moments, but then there's extra emotional moments too (Ailee's "Goodbye my Love" soundtrack is all I'll say on that topic). Don't let the dated fashion or minor plot holes turn you away from this: this series was meant to make you laugh, cry and smile as you slowly fall in love with the characters and their story.
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Haikyu!! (2014–2020)
23 September 2024
This is so good. So far in my experience, one of the few titles that deserves a perfect 10.

The show is about high school volleyball. "Pfft, high school volleyball? Sounds boring", I bet you're saying this right now- well you are wrong.

Want an inspiration for anything? Look at Hinata's persistence and constant improvement despite being a short guy who just really wants to keep playing volleyball. Want to understand how to deal with people? Look at stern grump Kageyama who becomes a team player who listens and communicates with his team. The list goes on as the situations change and our little high school team adapts to their opponents on the court.

Filled with life lessons, moments where you absolutely lose it with laughing, or when tears start just flicking out your eyes (yes, that broken heart episode in season 4 just had me gone). So many times, the team faces opponents that are so strong and barriers that seem unbreakable, but they keep persisting nevertheless. It kept me thinking that this is the attitude everyone should adapt into their lives for just anything they do.

And remember: Don't look down. Volleyball is the sport where you have to look up ;)
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Superior version- you cannot change my mind!
24 July 2024
I am coming to the party very, very late- but I am coming here after watching all versions to say this one is superior.

Let me tell you why: 1. It's duration (episode number and length) is just right. I found that the Taiwanese, Chinese and Korean versions are way too long, and that extending the plotline resulted in some choices that took away from the emotions in the drama. In Korean version, after the main lead sees his friend and his girl together, he wants to destroy them, but his sister shows up and creates a game for them to play- and suddenly I felt like his emotional state was the least important thing in the plot. Thai version is a bit better than these in a sense that it's shorter, but I felt like last episodes were a bit rushed.

2. Matsumoto Jun's Doumyoji is the best F4 leader, you can't change my mind. He's not the most attractive lead, but he walks like the world is his runway and we're his spectators, which I feel like a guy like this would walk like. He resolves his emotional issues via violence, but all throughout he shows these glances of emotion. His face when he's hurt is just something else, on a few occasions I felt like my heart was hurting for him. In the end of the season 1, he cockily tells Tsukushi "you're in love with me", and when she replies that she does, the way his face shifts ever so slightly, the small change in his expression just breaks me every time I watch it. Season 2 as well. Doumyoji is violent, but he never touched Tsukushi, he's extremely emotional, but he's also kind of goofy and stupid, and just extremely likeable. The other male leads lost me when they were trying to forcibly kiss the female leads, or hitting them. I know the original has these scenes, but just no. Also the way he dresses so boldly is top notch. Other versions also have some great male lead outfits- in the Thai version, Thyme wears an animal print long coat on top of an animal print shirt- and it looks ridiculous, but this is something a guy like him would wear and I loved the animal prints on every version of the male lead.

3. One version of meteor garden replaces the f4 card with bridge invitation card, and also makes f4 geniuses. This has to be the worst take ever. I know we're sick of bu***ing, but if you don't want to make a series on it, then just make an entirely different series.

4. The female lead related choices- and by this I mean the way she behaves in the drama, not the acting: this version and the Thai one are superior in this aspect. In all versions excluding 2005Japanese and Thai one the female lead is brave enough to punch the guy in the first episodes, but she's too hesitant to say "I like you", which just didn't sit right. Sure, in these two versions the female lead is not 100% on the proactiveness scale, but their backbone never disappears. Other versions have a female lead that's occasionally "just there" standing with these mellow expressions and passive behavior which just doesn't fit a girl like this. Also, in this version, there is a scene where Tsukushi admits to her friend that just seeing Doumyoji walking with another girl made her chest hurt way before she had any feelings for him, and it was so great to see a girl in an Asian drama say loudly what she feels, even to a friend. All other versions have moments of "glossing over" these feelings between the female lead and her bff, but in this one, it felt so good to hear her say it explicitly.

All this to say: sure, this series in general has many questionable plot choices (the accidental kiss cracks me up in all versions, it's so unserious). However, when it comes to quality, especially in the sense of showing emotion, this one is superior in my opinion. Especially for the male lead, he is definitely the best version. His face and eyes with their expressions alone are better than some of the other versions. If you have to choose one to watch, watch this one. In fact, ranking them would be: 1. Hana Yori Dango s1 2. Hana Yori Dango s2 3. F4 Thailand 4 and 5 empty 6. Korean version 7. Taiwanese 2001 version ...and the 2018 Chinese remake together with the animated series version completely off the list because they were practically unwatchable, mostly because of questionable plot choices.
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Forced sentimentality over a story that does not need it
29 June 2024
The story behind this movie has so much potential- it's already a set of heartbreaking circumstances. Yet, it feels like the sentimentality is forced, especially in the last section of the movie.

The acting performances are quite good, though the dialogue is many times lackluster. Especially the scenes where Marie says goodbye to her father and Kiwan the dialogues are on the extra level of lackluster. These scenes are supposed to make you cry- but they don't. The actors do what they can when they can, but they shine in scenes where they don't speak much.

Some parts of the story are told through the dialogue as well, but the way they are told is just really flat. I cannot help but believe the scenario writing could have been so much better.

This movie in its entirety, based off of story alone, is supposed to make you sob- but it doesn't. Still, the story itself and the acting performances save the movie, so it's watchable and decent.
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Kizil Goncalar (2023– )
This is so interesting
26 May 2024
This series tells the story of Turkish society in its extremes: on one side we have an ultra-Islamic religious group, on the other an ultra-secular family. The story begins where their roads intersect.

The truth is, I think most of Turkish society swims somewhere in between these two groups, but this series decides to focus on the extremes- that is, on the pure black and pure white, and shows how they mix to become grey. I saw somewhere a quote saying "like front and back side of the same paper, we go through life together, but never see eachother". This series is kind of bringing the front and backside together, forcing them to look at eachother and accept eachother.

The characters are extremely interesting, as well as the dynamic between them. The conversations between psychiatrist Levant and Cuneyd are a thrill of every episode, with how profound and philosophical they can get.

To me the most interesting is the dynamic between Zeynep and Cuneyd. You find yourself in a strange position observing two individuals who understand eachother as if they're soulmates, so much so that you tend to forget how inappropriate the situation is.

So far, I have only watched the first season and I am positively surprised at how thought-through the scenario is. It's promising so far. There are, obviously, inconsistencies tied to the plot, and also the super annoying advertising within the series, but what can you do. As far as Turkish series go, this is just about the most thought-provoking one I have ever seen.

Warning for the future watchers: The series includes heavy themes of trauma, mental health, religious sects and secularism, feminism and anti-feminism, domestic abuse, as well as child marriage and child abuse. While there are no extreme scenes, these topics are around the centre of the story and it can get disheartening and disturbing at times. The topics are there to serve the message however, and in contrast to the the other series, there are no blatant displays of heavy topics such as showing abuse just for the sake of it.
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Studio Ghibli is incapable of making bad movies
5 May 2024
The entire duration of this movie I felt like my heart had strings on it and somebody was very gently playing on them. From the visuals, to the story, this is just a beautiful movie. In my twenties, I did feel a bit old for the messages of finding one's own path and teen romance, but nevertheless, I felt warm inside the entire time. I feel like the cat in particular was supposed to represent how lost and directionless the Suzuki felt, and when she finally breaks in tears after finishing her story, the cat enters the house, as if its found its true home.

What stuns me is the gentleness of delivering the message and going about the story, it's all so soft, but it hits you all the same.
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Perfect Days (2023)
The perfection of the mundane
28 April 2024
Just a toilet cleaner, going about his daily life. Wakes up at the same time, brushes teeth, goes to work, visits the exact same places for food and drinks, bathes in the same bathhouse, uses the same laundromat, goes to the same bookstore, reads before bed, sleeps at the exact same time. Routine tasks he completes alone. There's a little bit of sadness, a bit of anger, frustration, a bit of joy, but ultimately peace and fulfillment after taking a huge breath of air that smells like rain in the morning and going through the same routine day after day. There's fulfilment in witnessing time go by, being a part of it- and every day, with all it's boring parts, with all the things that make us sad, happy, angry, lonely, lost- is ultimately perfect. Just like this movie.
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Up there, among the most grand Kdramas ever.
28 April 2024
There is a certain air of magnificence that dramas like Crash landing on you and Descendants of the sun exhude (just two examples of the top of my head, there is more dramas like this)- and Queen of Tears has just joined the club. Though the drama contains some unnecessary cliches, overall the story is beautiful. If you liked the other two I mentioned, you certainly will like this.

The story is about a married couple in crisis, where the male lead Hyunwoo (Soohyun) can't stand his wife Haein's (Jiwon) nor her overbearing rich family. The problems and miscommunication arise in the "happily ever after" and this drama focuses on that, how despite being in love, we can forget it with the daily problems. The story starts when the male lead wants to ask for divorce, and the female lead discovers she's dying (this is not much of a spoiler, it happens pretty much right away).

Let me lead with the things I liked: Jiwon is standardly a good actress, yet I haven't watched much of Soohyun's stuff, mostly scared of overrepeating the cliches through dramas. But here, he is stellar. The range of emotions that he had to play in here, and the way he embodies Hyunwoo is incredible, I was honestly kind of annoyed at how good he is. He can probably act in anything and I will start going through his dramas and films with my eyes wide open.

I absolutely loved the way this was shot. Many times the focus shifts, or the angle to the scene shifts, and it adds so much perspective. The drawings at the end of every episode, occasionally cutting the screen into an old style format, or the sceneries- beautiful! There was one scene where Haein is in the elevator with Eunsong, and the camera focuses on the mirrors showing them looking in opposite directions, although they are looking at one another- such a great shot, it remained in my mind despite watching that episode long ago.

I also loved the emotional scenes, it was never over the top, and it did make me cry and smile with the characters.

Things I did not like: We later find out that the male lead and the female lead accidentally met twice in the past already, but they didn't know. This trope of "met in the childhood" is really annoying, and it keeps repeating throughout dramas constantly. All characters, again, have so many connections, as if the whole country is no bigger than their mansion.

Second, I'm a bit tired of overly perfect characters, like Hyunwoo. Oh he just happens to be handsome, intelligent, honest, kind, selfless, attractive, a lawyer, an ex marine who was great at shooting, but also in kids marines group, but also he used to box and got an award for it? Oh and did I say handsome? Luckily Soohyun gives phd-worthy performance, otherwise I'm pretty sure I'd leave the series after the second episode.

On that note, this guy is aging like fine wine, and I'm talking highest primest quality french basement save for special occasions type. God bless.

I also have a lot to say about pure-evil characters and how some things that happened did not make sense- but this is such a good drama that I'd rather leave it at that. It just made me feel so good and entertained watching it, and all the cliches and inconsistencies did not change my mind. I think the best word to describe this drama is "grand". It deserves 8-9 rating at the very least, 1 star down because, well, the cliches and incosistencies. But it's great still.
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Doctor Slump (2024)
Fun, but why is everyone drunk all the time
9 March 2024
I am now on the twelfth episode. The series is fun, but honestly very overrated because the main cast is super popular. Otherwise, I don't think there is much that makes this series special. The main couple is alright, I don't think they have that much chemistry. However, I really liked the way they comfort eachother and are helping one another with mental health.

Both characters suffer from mental health disorders, and I find the portrayal of mental health issues to be somewhat a trend in nowadays' kdramas. I especially like that this one takes on the topic of overachieving and forgetting to live in the character of Haneul (even if the way they present this is over the top- the girl eating instant coffee powder to not have to use the restroom is ridiculous).

The main couple is fun, and so is the side couple. It's an excellent comfort series, but there is not much to write home about.

One thing though: heavy drinking is shown in every episode. Every single one. Not that I'm against drinking, but the fact that every single character has gotten blackout drunk at least once is kind of concerning. Not sure if this represents Korean society or what, but it's a bit much.
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Interesting, but...
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This docu is quite good at showing exactly what the criminals are thinking, how they're trying to save themselves in court. I really appreciate the amount of courtroom recorded videos shown throughout the episodes.

If you end the series thinking it's one-sided, you're not watching it correctly. The documentary shows two truly intelligent people, not necessarily cunning intelligent, but capable of mixing lies with the truth to the extent to make you confused and doubt yourself. They're both saying half-truths.

The docu omits some crucial evidence, like: at the beginning of the series, the officers say somebody has showered at the crime scene- which later never appears in the testimonies of the criminals; they both talk about room service, but this piece of evidence is missing; they talk about attending a show, and it's unclear who exactly saw the show. It's a weird sequence of missing information.

It doesn't exactly matter, as I see enough evidence that they are both guilty. There is no doubt they have both planned this. Just the fact how they travel around the globe evading justice is enough of a proof, along with their disturbing toxic letters. Who's telling the truth, it doesn't really matter. They're both guilty, even if one of them did not draw the knife.
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This is a gem.
16 February 2024
First of all, I have to specify that this drama targets a slightly older demographic: women in their 50s, 60s- however, it can very comfortably be watched by everyone. Still it speaks the most to women, especially married women in more patriarchal societies.

It's a story of a mother of two who, after a near-death experience, turns her life around. A housewife of 20 years, she decides to go back to medical profession and soon realizes her husband is a narcissistic liar and a good-for-nothing ****bag.

There is many frustrating moments in the drama, as Dr Cha navigates the new circumstances. I got annoyed so many times that she doesn't simply cut the cord with everything that's dragging her down- but I'm soon lead to realize that people are much more difficult to deal with. Even when her kids decide to hide big secrets from her, at first I'm annoyed, but soon I understand them. In the last two episodes you even feel some sympathy to the husband and the mother in law.

People are colorful and not pure evil or pure good, and many times they make bad decisions- this drama relies very much on that. The entire sequence of events is so very realistic. Most heart-warming interactions in the drama are non-romantic, human instincts of giving a hand or a word of comfort to those who need it. The entire drama reminded me of a saying "Homo homini lupus est", but turned into "Homo homini homo est".

Overall- this is a great drama, slice-of-life, human in all the mistakes, selfish and selfless acts characters make. It's a comforting weekend motivational type of a drama I'd especially suggest to women.
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Dr. Romantic (2016–2023)
Romance between a human and life- A MUST WATCH.
7 February 2024
This is very possibly the best Korean drama. The story follows an estranged surgeon Kim Sabu who works in a village hospital. He has a strong set of moral values and impressive skills that attract young doctors; he also 'picks up' those doctors that are discouraged or dishonored when he sees potential in them. Result: a brilliant team of doctors and nurses that work day and night to save lives.

The "romantic" in the title has very little to do with romance between couples, much more to do with romanticizing life and its meaning. Doctor Kim is romantic because he lives his life following his values and feelings, he saves his patients with his skills and feelings alike. It makes young aspiring talents gravitate to him. He gives them both comfort and knowledge- and fertile ground to grow.

Of course, there is a romance story- what kind of 'romantic life' doesn't have some romance in it. Story of Seo Woojin and Cha Eunjae is so well-paced and they feel so natural- super refreshing after so many stiff kdrama couples. However, this is a medical drama first, so romance scenes are not as prominent (an FYI for kdrama fans).

His pupils imitate this romance, each in their own way. My favorite story is that of doctor Seo Woojin in S2, who grew up without love, but then managed to find a fatherly figure in Kim, romance towards medicine as his calling, romantic partner in doctor Cha, and a full family in the rest of the staff. He had a lot of reasons to give up- but he doesn't- he carries his past trauma with such strength and gives himself a normal, healthy life.

Of course, one could say that all this is unrealistic, that people who live like this do not exist. I have to disagree- I met a few people like this. They are extremely rare gems that shine bright when it's the darkest, and they persevere, no matter what. It's an absolute privilege to witness people like that, both in real life, and in a drama.
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I like this, and I don't even know why
22 January 2024
I honestly had very little expectations for this, but it's surprisingly kept me interested so far. It's got comfortable pacing, nothing moves too fast or too slow. There is no dragging or overextending of emotional moments, it feels like everything is moving just right.

At the same time, I have to say I really dislike the tendency of kdramas to "justify" the main couple by throwing in flashbacks of how they've actually met before. Marry my husband joins other very good and prominent dramas with this cardinal cringy sin, which I completely dislike. I think it even takes away from the plot.

Otherwise, I really like and feel inspired by the storyline of having the second chance to do your life all over- and I really like that the main character does a full makeover physically and mentally. She questions her own past actions and decides she is going to fight for herself. She chooses to no longer be a pushover, and tries finding people who deserve her. I think it's really fitting to have this drama released in this day and age.

I heard it's a webtoon adaptation- I don't really know much about the webtoon so I can't comment on how well it was adapted. Regardless, the drama stands pretty well on its own, in my opinion.
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Spinning Out (2020)
Absurdly high rating-avoid this.
20 December 2023
This has to be one of the worst shows I have watched in the previous years.

Figure skating world is very interesting and drama-worthy, so I expected the show to have a lot of topics to explore. Be it concerns of career-ending injuries, mental health, overwork, vulnerability of minors to all kinds of exploitations, it truly is a well of topics. And this show tries to cover many of these, on that I can commend the writers.

However, the execution is just... the plainest, driest, most annoying show. The plot revolves around Kat (Scodelario), a once promising junior skater who struggles with PTSD and bipolar disorder and cannot start her senior career due to these. Kat, however, is the most unlikable main character I have ever seen. She stabs her best friend in the back, and every EVERY relationship she has with people around her revolves on: her being careless for others, and them staying with her and considering her "magical" on ice for some reason.

Her mother, who by the way looks way younger than her, is also struggling with bipolar. I cannot comment on this aspect, as I do not have much experience with the topic. However, most of their episodes are a bit over-the-top. It almost seems like all bad behaviors of Kat and her mother are portrayed as "excusable" because they struggle with their mental health, which is a strange choice.

The romance part is also very unbelievable. It seems like Kat doesn't care for Justin at all. He's a bit more believable, again, because he forgives her for whatever she does.

The only saving grace is Jenn, Kat's friend who truly behaves like a friend and supports her. Her career story is truly tragic and she's the only character you find yourself empathizing with. Dasha's story also could have been a great addition, but it was undeveloped in my opinion.

I would honestly not recommend this to anyone- especially not to figure skating fans who will find themselves extremely disappointed with the skating sections and the random decisions to implement elements minutes before a competition.
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Last scene is the only good one in the movie.
16 December 2023
This is the most wannabe romance movie I've ever seen. All the while predictable, with many tasteless scenes (like on the street when she is stopped by people, or the competition scene)- none of them brought anything to the plot at all. I liked the theme of struggle with marriage and career goals, it is very current and a problem for many nowadays.

Now tell me why, WHY, do the two actors who are famous for their chemistry in Aski Memnu have NONE here. How did the directors manage to do that is beyond me. Kivanc is a much better actor now than he used to be, but this project... he's too good to be there. Beren's way of speaking made me want to jump out my skin, it was so juvenile and unlikable. She's usually a good actress, I don't know what happened.

I disliked the majority of the movie, except for the very last scene- no, of course I'm not talking about the most cliche airport reconciliation scene- instead, at the very end, they are both laughing over a lost suitcase I presume. I loved that scene, it's so realistic how exasperated they are, and it's genuinely funny.

Overall: this is a classic romance cliche film, don't get your expectations high just because the cast is strong.
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A wannabe larger-than-life.
10 December 2023
I am just wondering what the casting director thought of when casting Anna Kendrick and Ben Affleck for this movie. Ben feels like he'll crack and say "whadup bro" every second. He keeps furrowing his eyebrows to look more serious I guess, but it looks like he's faking a headache to skip school. Anna Kendrick is just... well after she witnesses Chris (Affleck) shoot a man in front of her has this comical expression on her face, just plain bad acting.

While the story is interesting, it has this misunderstood genius cliche - add on top the neurodevelopmental disorder that makes him a genius - it's just quite an overplayed plot. A single man taking down a bunch of trained sturdy men is nothing short but communist-movie propaganda fantasy.

I have to say I did like the way they talked about neurodiversity. Still, I just cannot see what's so great about this move.
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The Terminal (2004)
Very late to the party
10 December 2023
This movie is just so great! It puts what we call comedy to shame, and at the same time has a heart-touching story behind it. More than anything, this is a story of human connection, friendship and dedication. The whole movie is nothing short but adorable.

The romantic story is short but also kind of pales in the comparison with the friendships that are developed. There's very little cliche, and even that pertains only to Viktor's dead father (main character sob backstory cliche). Honestly, I miss this kind of creativity, originality and backbone in films lately.

It's just kind of heartbreaking how unrealistic it is in today's context that people come to care about one another like that without expecting something in return.
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Apollo 13 (I) (1995)
Great movie, greater story
5 December 2023
This is definitely a great depiction of the story. The human factor, tons of anxiety that can be felt off screen even if you know the story ends well, the sheer tension that is carried throughout the movie, especially the silent moments- this is just amazing storytelling.

I somehow wish the movie was longer and did not "skip" the days that much. I understand why this was done, as extending it might have made some people bored- but I think it could have had a more realistic impact on the viewers, on being in that situation and doing essentially nothing because there's nothing you can do (or waiting on instructions).

The true story in itself is so impressive, motivational and life-altering for many, and this movie definitely did justice to it. I won't comment much on the truth behind each moment- this movie's purpose was to depict the story of strength of human spirit, the power of knowledge, innovation and professionalism of so many people- and this movie tells that story very well.
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Law School (2021– )
This is really good.
27 November 2023
This is a good drama, and one of the few that actually deserve that title. Good meaning not perfect, and not bad, but solid, grounded- good.

The story begins with a murder in the backroom of a mock court at prestigious university's law school. What follows is plot layered like an onion, we take a look at each character, their connections with the murdered person- and each person has their secrets. But does having secrets make them the killer?

But it's not enough, they have to prove everything in the court of law. It's not always easy, even if we all know they are right.

The characters each have their own fight, sometimes their interests intersect- but sometimes, they leave their best interest and help their friends. This, I would say, is the part I enjoyed watching the most. The student group especially, it was really heart-warming to see them leave their exams/duties to help their friends.

The chemistry between the characters is also really prominent. Mostly it's friendly chemistry, like the professor-student one, or the friend-friend one: when they communicate, you can really feel that they care for one another.

One of the students, JoonHwi, is showing a ton of romantic chemistry towards SolA, and in the last episode, she is returning that chemistry- although there is no development between them. This, in my opinion, brings a special charm.

Undefined relationships are fine, but the vagueness of the last scene did not impress me. I was immediately wondering where the rest of the students are. Sure, you guess the three are working on something together- but you remain curious of the nature of their relationship, and of everyone else.

My least favorite part: I cannot fathom how interconnected everyone is. Not a single side character that isn't in a web with at least two other characters, to the point where it's fantastical. You'd think the entire city is the size of a courtroom, everyone knows everyone. It's really taking away from the experience of watching it.
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North & South (2004)
A true gem!
23 November 2023
I have seen a lot of book adaptations, but this has to be among the best ones! The pace is just right, the actors are just right, the settings- everything is just sitting at the perfect sweet spot, just incredibly well done. Especially the main cast, I was honestly humbled by ever opening my mouth about "good actors" when people like this exist- people with this amount of talent, able to make it all look so natural and flow so well.

The story in itself is a clever play between societal struggle portrayal, the kind you only see in Russian classics, and romance typical to Austen's novels- and the mix of both is so charming, so on point.
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A cheesy romcom- but very much needed
22 November 2023
This movie is the soapiest wattpadiest most juvenile romcom- but it's great. Think any romcom you've ever watched- this movie follows a very similar pattern to it.

I heard it's an adaptation of a novel, and it made a lot more sense as to why the side characters were never wholly developed- they were basically trying to squeeze an entire book into a relatively short movie.

But, this movie can stand on its own, without the novel. The most important part was the central relationship between the prince and the president's son, which was covered fairly well.

There's not much to write home about, really, other than my personal opinion: this movie, however cheesy it may be, was absolutely necessary for this day and age, both for the LGBTQ community and those who aren't a part of it. The fact that we are watching two men being into eachother seems to be adding more charm, even more the fact that neither of them is effeminate (as LGBTQ+ movies tend to portray gay/bi men this way). As far as representation goes, this movie absolutely nails it.
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Confusingly both a bad story and great movie?
21 November 2023
This movie left me speechless, both for the quality that's woven into every second of it, and for the wattpad-dy story that it has. I have never seen a movie manage to be simultaneously both of those.

Circle of betrayal, abuse, heavy sexual content, a charged love story- this movie has it all. Every single second of the movie your eyes are stuck on the screen, it's every scene is incredibly attractive. The casting is nothing short of perfect.

However, the entire story feels like a work of a fanfiction writer, and it also feels like it was written by someone very young and inexperienced. I am not sure if it was intentional, though, the movie has left me very puzzled about that.

One warning: the movie is very erotic, so be careful with the setting should you decide to watch it.
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The Silence of the Sea (2004 TV Movie)
Kept me bewitched- WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I first stumbled upon Suite Francaise, then I saw this below just as a recommendation. I was hesitant as it was late and I had no time for another movie- but I stayed up for this and THANK GOD I DID.

This story of a French girl in an occupied France in WW2 and a German officer occupying her house and her deceased parents' bedroom is nothing but remarkable. The first half of the movie is relatively calm, grips your attention with a comfortable pace, but is milder than the second half.

In the second half of the movie, I was holding my breath subconsciously. Just as Jeanne was not able to constrict her emotions, so you, too, in front of the screen, feel her struggle.

The soldier, Werner, trying to talk to them every night was very interesting to me. He seems to have been trying to get some human touch out of the people he's living with, sharing his own turmoils, if with not so many words, but enough for us to realize that he is not simply a monster.

The love story is transparent, everpresent, restricted and fragile. It feels like my heart was being squeezed by clouds. I cannot tell you whether this movie has cinematic quality, or if it's worthy of any awards- but it is worthy of your time, for sure.

WARNING- Some spoilers below.

I absolutely love the pairing of the two scenes: when she sits to play the piano for the first time while Werner is in the house and it builds up to the explosion. Her frantic playing trying to save him, his eyes lighting up in wonder and hope, a minute of silence- he tries to leave, but she opens her eyes wide and stares at him with no restraint for the first time, and just minutes later- boom. He realizes right away what has happened. Stunning!

The fact that in the entire movie, she tells him only one word- only one, but even that word is not as impactful as their eyes.

Another thing I appreciate: people don't die of love, or lack thereof, and this movie is a great reminder of that. The flower pot as a symbol of resistance is a genius touch at the ending- both resisting the occupation and refusing to give up on life just because you love someone you will never see again. She never abandons her values, and I love it!
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Love likes the impossible, but also accepts the impossible.
20 November 2023
The movie takes place in a French town occupied by Germany in WW2. German soldiers are randomly assigned to houses, and so Lucille and her mother in law get a well-mannered officer Bruno who comes with a dog. Lucille and Bruno develop an absolutely impossible romance, one that clenches your heart yet with every breath they take, you feel the hopelessness of their love and you accept it.

The entire time during the movie, it felt like Bruno's and Lucille's hearts were talking to one another, simultaneously being restricted by barbed wires all around them. Even when they kiss, you feel that anything between them is absolutely impossible. Yet, even if you feel so, you are somehow at peace with that fact. Many times movies make you cry at impossible love, this one never gives you any hope.

I adored the way Bruno's character was portrayed. We see him playing with a dog, he is well-mannered with every step, a sort of a recluse, and a musician first, a soldier second. But we are not given the luxury to keep this innocent image of him: he performs his ruthless duty of a soldier, albeit with tears, but still performs it. Not for a second do you forget who he is, even if he's playing with his dog, playing the piano, being the most humane among soldiers- you still never forget that he is one of them.

Choosing Matthias Schoenaerts as Bruno was possibly the best casting decision of the 21st century. Matthias has in his face the characteristics and expressions both suited to a German soldier and a lovable musician. The layers of Bruno's character in the way he moves, the way he's presenting himself, the way he talks- when I saw him I was quite literally floored by how well he has done this!

The rest of the cast has also done a great job, Michelle and Kristin have also left noteworthy performances.

I have given two stars down because the film felt a bit slow to me. I have also watched a fair number of films with similar themes and this one feels like it belongs to the 7/8 ratings.
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