Blood Fest (2018)
Enjoyable movie. Shows growth from Rooster Teeth
A fun movie to watch. The story was easy to digest and most of the acting was believable. I was skeptical to see this after the trash Lazer Team was but they proved me wrong. It's light faire but truly fun to see.
Wrecked (2016)
TBS is finding the funny
First The Detour and now Wrecked, TBS has really made a nice investment into a couple of very funny comedies. Wrecked is about a couple of losers trying to lead a group of people on an island after a plane crash. Some of the jokes aren't hard to see coming but the payoff will still make you laugh. I'd say it's just in time for a good summer comedy from a network you really wouldn't expect it from. I'm excited to see what direction they are going to take and it looks like they have a solid cast and writers who can create a story that's better than a run of the mill comedy. Now I've run out of things to say but the powers that be always want a 10 line review and by gosh somebody should say anything about this show.
Lazer Team (2015)
Lifelong RT fan and this was just not it
I was very excited to watch Lazer Team, they've been talking about it on the podcast forever and it kept Michael Jones and Gavin Free from a few Achievement Hunter Let's Play's which I gladly dealt with in hopes that something funny was on the horizon for Rooster Teeth and it would all be worth it.
I was a paying sponsor for their website for a few years because I've received so many hours of entertainment from all of the content they produce and it felt like they deserved compensation for all the laughs delivered to millions worldwide.
I viewed the movie on January 28th at a Tugg fan event and the enthusiasm of the crowd was palpable. Many of the die hard fans (which I want to think I am)laughed at very juvenile jokes, or just when anybody they knew appeared on screen. All and well, I nor anybody else can dictate terms of laughter, but I knew I wasn't laughing. They had a few good lines in there that were truly funny, but creating a film, labeled as a comedy needs a bit more than sporadic enjoyment.
Most of the acting came off as wooden, which surprised me, these guys usually do very well on camera. Colten Dunn was his usual self (he's very funny in Superstore) and came across as the only character I believed. Fans have seen this writing team do better and any outsiders will instantly recognize this as a poor effort. Rooster Teeth is usually very creative and funny and this film won't change my opinion of their online content but I will definitely be more wary in the future when buying a ticket or subscribing to any services offering their newer content.
Don't let any of this stop you from watching the movie, preferably in a theater, yes it's out on the torrents after it hit Youtube Red, judge for yourself. It simply isn't funny and no matter how many dollars you donated to the crowd-sourced fundraiser, or episodes of Red vs Blue, or Let's Play's, or RWBY, or Rage Quit's, or podcasts you've absorbed from RT, they didn't bring any of that to this film.
I've read a lot of the reviews for this movie, many of the professional ones are nice and cite the "enthusiasm of the actors" for making this movie worth watching. It didn't translate to the movie I watched and I wish I had seen whatever they did, otherwise they're liars.