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Hidden Figures (2016)
We are hiding the farm animals now like we did these brilliant humans
I watched this movie through the lense of self-development as I picked it up from a self-development movie list online. A lot of it is atmospheric, about the circumstances, and annoyances of black women who worked at NASA. It is really inspiring to see them being so looked down upon, and given no consideration, and yet still somehow managing to take very important positions within a male dominated field especially at the time. It was very exciting seeing coloured bathrooms being demolished.
I will say that NASA, and space travel, even though impressive leaves a bad taste in my mouth for we could have all this focus on our planet, the animals, and nature that we currently have. Where are the geniuses innovating ways we can preserve our climate? When will we focus on the planet the way we focus on stars? Different people should have different aspirations, but I don't want humanity to die haha. So anyway this was something different for me to watch because all I am focused on is nature right now (and self-development now haha).
Another aspect which stands out to me is family, and love, and how these smart people get to be in these admirable positions. There is status gained while doing this work. I think I got quite jealous, and contemplative. I am astounded by how serious, and non playful it is to be working there, but also this is a movie so perhaps it is just a popular perception of how it is, but since these people were even racist, I guess it must have looked like that. Everything could be so much better if we had love, and compassion for each other, if we didn't laugh at our differences, and let the smart people do their work that they want to do.
This movie got me thinking about how I could contribute in terms of smarts to humanity. We get to do this, and we should do it just for how cool it is, but we should also care about the animals, and the planet because that is even cooler. It is nice that we are less racist, but we are even more cruel to the animals now as factory farming got worse, and worse. In the social justice aspect humanity hasn't progressed at all - we just found new victims to commit even worse crimes on.
We need animal rights movies like this currently not to say that this is bad, and I give this movie the best rating, but what we do to animals is far worse, and they deserve our attention right now as a socially discriminated species. We do not even acknowledge the animals as a species, and discrimination of them as speciesism. The public is being kept in the dark, but also a huge portion of it stay willfully ignorant of the struggles the animals face.
I Feel Pretty (2018)
This is a profound movie about a woman who is not conventionally attractive, and how her life turned around once a concussion made her feel conventionally attractive.
I feel like I need to reevaluate a lot of my memories, and the comments I received lately. This is a really good movie to face your shadows surrounding beauty. I received a ton of overly encouraging comments whenever I felt good about myself to the point where they wanted to convince me that I had superior genetics to other humans, and to the point where people did not want to engage with my content, but rather just use my body. I did not stop to think exactly why they were engaging in self-hatred like that, and what caused it, but now I do. On the other hand I had people who acted like they liked me in a normal way, but then acted like I didn't matter, and that they did not in fact like me, that my only value was my work, and what I produced for them.
This movie portrayed everything I needed to be portrayed. Lots of people say that everyone already knows how to love themselves so that they don't need to read up on self-improvement or take the first steps to do it, but the more I engage in self-improvement content the more I realise that this is a language I did not develop at all growing up, and I can only develop it by engaging with it.
There are people out there who want you to succeed, and to be well regardless of how you look, and who you are. Unless you have that same confidence in yourself you will not be able to be in the same room as them. Everyone has unique gifts, and we were not meant to compete with each other, but help one another - collaborate, and contribute to everyone's well being. It is sick how many people take advantage of this basic human need for connection, and use it to steal, and to spread suffering, convince you that life is all pain, and that animals need to suffer at our plates for no reason at all.
I refuse to believe that I am any different from any human being. I refuse to believe that words of suffering hold more power than the words of thriving. Everything I have experienced is a lesson, and I have hope that truly embodying these words will make others embody them as well, and if not I will still find my people. I have found myself.
The Game Changers (2018)
Vegan Athletes
The Game Changers is so information packed, the visuals are gorgeous, it is a very well filmed documentary. I love how it unpacks veganism from a new angle unlike a lot of repetitive vegan documentaries. It is the definition of converting someone by example as every person in it is thriving (well maybe not a dying grandpa).
There are a couple studies in the middle of it which will turn off an ethical vegan as they are conducted with non-vegan meals. But scaring people about losing erections, and getting their blood muddy because of murder consumption is probably good!
I love how easily, and clearly it presents the information about nutrients. Explains how everyone needs b12, and how plant protein is superior.
It is fun hearing about all the athletes, and they are obviously highly regarded people in our society for their commitment to overly specific physical skills. All athletes have experienced tremendous advantages from a plant based diet. I really liked how there was a lady who cooked for a whole sports team custom meals, it seemed so wholesome.
Food Choices (2016)
There's documentaries like this already, but it's relevant, and important
Food Choices mostly focuses on the science behind eating a plant based diet, but then goes on to elaborate on the environment, and then the ethics. I learned that too much protein damages the body, and that fish oil doesn't help with omega 3 at all. Animal flesh is full of omega 6 which causes a disbalance of omegas within our body. I love how even now I can still find new faults about the murder diet. Apparently all the low carb diets are similar, but they gave them different names.
This documentary features a lot of vegan authors, it's basically science after science. There were some cool vegan athletes. I feel like a lot of vegan documentaries use a very similar formula, and that it would be way more beneficial to differentiate, and cover different topics like sentience, animal biology, and diversity.
I love that it is free on youtube like a lot of vegan documentaries. This is easily accessible, informational, straight to the point, no nonsense. Lots of people can benefit from this, and it promotes a low-fat wfpb diet which is the best diet. This is a low budget, let the experts talk documentary.
Big Max (2016)
A review of the "Big Max" documentary
I am glad it was made, but my observation is that it has little direction, and that you are left with making your own conclusion with not that much vegan education thrown in.
There are a lot of people like Max, and having such a person can inspire other people just like him to ask themselves questions about what they are eating. This is throwing light on the dysfunctions, and people with these dysfunctions making them harder for society to avoid, and go into denial about. It is good to see that, but also it would be great to throw light on why these dynamics happen, and why people end up overweight in the first place, what the food industries do to get you hooked so that the viewers get a better sense of reality.
This is such a frightening window into the shame of our society. You have this individual in this documentary who is completely separated from themselves, their addictions, and self-abandonment is completely supported by their environment. This completely showcases the gaslighting, cognitive dissonance, and apathy of our society. He is a walking trauma bag, and everyone enjoys being around him because they are just like him internally, their emotional world is just as damaged. None of these people are aware of this, and this level of dysfunction is normal for them. The way others treat him is also completely internalised, the part of him that feels lonely is so buried away that he cannot even point out any negative emotions that he is feeling. Every human feels negative emotions, it is a complete disconnection from feeling to be unable to point them out within oneself. Those people around him are also struggling with feeling their negative emotions, that's why they are all friends, that's why it all "works out" so well for all of them.
Max needed deep healing, and psychological help to change food habits. They completely did not approach it from ethics, and the support, connection they got from this documentary, which is totally the main reason why someone would go vegan in these circumstances, most likely will be gone after it. The reason why someone goes overweight is because of deep psychological trauma, and issues. Fixing surface level symptoms like the diet doesn't help, once the supportive environment is gone there is no reason to not revert to old habits. While I love all sorts of vegan activism, and methods this is too much off-hands for the viewer when most people viewing this won't be vegan. It can be easy to brush off the impact, and the message of this documentary for non-vegans.
It is concerning to end this documentary with camera shots of meat, and how much this person enjoyed it. It is disturbing how the smoking addiction is completely unaddressed. It seems that in order to stop the meat addiction they overfocused on other addictions instead. Letting people do what they want can be greatly healing, but I don't think Max knew what eating animals truly entails, and this is a vegan documentary. At least some commentary on the nuances of this complex topic would have been nice, people don't really know what to do with the darker aspects of themselves that get displayed in the media, and covering them is important to make people understand as much as possible.
In conclusion I love that this documentary brings light to the problems, but I don't see the right steps to solve them or steps that could greatly impact as many people as it possibly could. I want people like Max happy, thriving, and not in basements. I hope we start waking up to our shadows, and loving the parts of ourselves that we do not want to see. I get that this documentary was made with the best resources and intentions in mind.
The Cove (2009)
Dolphins killed for nothing
Dolphins are real life unicorns of the sea, if unicorns were real we would hunt them too. Dolphins are being killed for meat, even though it is extremely poisonous - filled with mercury. This meat is brought as mandatory food to children in schools or alternatively sold under the guise of whale meat.
What can one even say to this?
In this documentary you learn how intelligent dolphins are, and then hear their unique screams as they are being murdered. Blood baths are committed for unknown, and vague reasons like national pride.
This is done in secret, and most people living around the areas have no idea.
Blackfish (2013)
Humans keep abusing wild life 🌱
This documentary is about the absolutely ridiculous decision to hunt down a bunch of whales and then subject them to a lifetime of abuse for meaningless entertainment. I personally cannot call it entertaining or anything similar, it has no education, no valuable purpose for the whales. Meaning their best interests are not taken in. Meaning this is just plain abuse.
It goes over the ridiculous murders, and accidents by the whales that were covered up by Seaworld as if nothing had happened. Keeping whales and then training them, confining them in the most inhumane ways is such a low energy decision I barely comprehend it. These trainers pretend that they are the best friends with the animals while they simultaneously willingly participate in the abuse.
If we let this happen and pass then what else, what other corruptions are covered up or completely invalidated, and dismissed by our society? Humanity needs to step up, learn about the animals and learn to coexist. It is shocking how the trainers didn't even bother to learn about the animals - how long they actually live, how they form bonds in the wild, and how they have emotional capabilities which are better than those of humans.
It is utmost disturbing how they bred the main killer shark, their star who has killed the most people. How there is footage displayed in this documentary of people collecting his semen. 50% of sharks there were his children.
I hate the abuse, trauma, not the abusers themselves, but I cannot find it in myself to express this any nicer way. I hope humanity heals from this one day, and admits that it is capable of such atrocities and careless accidents because no awareness will keep causing them.
I am very happy to have watched this because I want to learn about the abuse we have done to the sea, and it's about time we turn attention towards it. I'd like to encourage everyone after watching this to pursue greater self-awareness, attunement to emotions, and find material which would improve the mood, and bring you towards solutions. Focusing on the solutions is what will keep the wild animals from being taken advantage of, and losing their lives in captivity by human hands.
Seaspiracy (2021)
The fish industry is hidden in plain sight
Seaspiracy exposes how little recycling and plastic contribute to the fish and coral reefs dying. Most of the plastic killing fish is from the fishing gear, in other words the true solution is to stop murdering fish. It is not sustainable to cull their populations, besides the regular fishing there are a ton of people cheating the process and doing it illegally. Lots of practices like fishing exotic animals for their specific parts don't harm the populations
as much as them being caught in the bycatch.
This is I found to be very useful information and it was shocking to hear what lengths people go to hide it. It is just like with slaughterhouses - the fish get denied that they are individuals more so than chickens and cows. People like to pretend that fish doesn't contain meat, but some magical otherworldly substance and that they do not feel pain.
In some ways I am starting to wonder if it affects people at all to see all those fish in blood pools. It should, that would be empathetic and normal, but I can't help thinking that what you see at the stores looks so similar to all these corpses. Perhaps it is because my relatives would fish and then bring these miserable looking corpses like the ones in the documentary. The cognitive dissonance is so great that we can pierce them with giant hooks and then pull them by their faces into the surface where they suffocate little by little. Even more odd is that we can play this game where we release them back into the ocean just after, because we hook them as a form of entertainment on certain lakes. I wish this played at all those fish selling vendors like an ad against smoking, and even more so I wish fish were recognized as cognizant.
Fish are individuals, they have lives and are more important for the earth than us (because so far we just destroyed it).
When it comes to fish their ecosystem is massive and relies on the food chain, even the corals need the fish, the sea levels need the fish, the sea itself needs the fish. I hope this makes people reflect and think about how to make this food chain less violent, but how could we focus on that when we can't stop the slaughterhouses and the fishing practices? We need to stop everything and think about all the solutions, it is pointless to wallow in problems and do a disservice to the animals suffering right now. I don't mean by this that people should neglect themselves and their mental health, no, people need to put themselves first, follow the truth, maintain their mental health. You can't be there for the animals if you destroy yourself first.
I find the soundtrack, the filming and all the technical stuff a huge improvement from Cowspiracy. It is a gripping, high quality experience and it gives you relevant information, redirects the audience's thinking to more productive spaces. I am excited about watching Christspiracy and I hope it contains just as great information.
Okja (2017)
Not vegan enough
I don't enjoy the tone and the humor of this movie, I guess I just dont action movies and stuff made for the general public. This one had animal rights themes so I wanted to watch it, I thought it would be more sci-fi focused for some reason.
I am a bit confused as to why fish and chicken are eaten at the start of the movie. I hope these were props. It doesn't really make sense unless it was supposed to poke at cognitive dissonance, but it never really gets brought up at the front of the script. I don't think these super pigs are very appealing animals. I mean even in the movie itself they are meant to be mutants, pigs are a way cuter animal to me than them. Weird parts of them get focused on like their excretory system and it gets animated with so much detail? Like why? There are gross parts and I mean it is supposed to be gross and uncomfortable, but at certain bits it feels unwarranted and unaddressed like the random caress of the nipple and then a joke about it way later in the movie? I guess it is just supposed to be crass because that's what the people enjoy these days and they can get away with it because it is a weird and disturbing CGI animal? A lot of this movie I feel focused on the sex appeal of the actors which is weird and it gets used at weird times. There is an animal liberation front, but it feels like they are a joke and nothing like the real people, instead of heroes they get portrayed as these hot himbos here.
The disturbing imagery was surprisingly good although weird that from the same movie as in the first 30 minutes. These CGI animals are hard to get attached to but the sentiment was similar to seeing the slaughterhouse footage of real nonhuman animals.
This movie did pretty well for itself so I don't suppose rating it low will damage it or anything like that. I would recommend watching the documentaries instead of this. I really want vegan fiction out there, but I would like some quality and dignity in a vegan movie as well. Watching this movie feels like eating fries at mcdonalds. I am glad it is out there, but it is not for me.
Oh, okay the director is not vegan, that is so weird, but the start makes more sense now.
The Animal People (2019)
Animal rights activism against vivisection
This documentary shows how the FBI are not for the people and much less so for the animals. Corporations are willing to silence animal rights activists in any shape or form and to label them as terrorists even if they did something as innocent as hold a poster and walk down the street. It is awful how someone had to go to prison because they simply defended the animals rights to live and not be experimented on.
The activists in the documentary were in particular against the widespread vivisection practices, they were targeting a specific rich company which didn't perform vivisection in any special way. Vivisection is inherently violent, immoral and makes animals into computers to be thrown around, cut open while alive and all sorts of other terrible crimes.
We have honestly not moved from the tortures of the middle ages or of slavery we now just choose other victims to be on the receiving ends and we deny them the dignity of being called victims because they cannot speak. What is better than to move on to such targets? Slaves revolt, but the animals could never.
It is inspiring to see the activists' efforts to go against the companies and never lose the feeling that they are there to win against them, it is great to see them campaigning and pressuring people in comfortable positions in nonviolent ways. The title the Animal people comes from how they were called in the court proceedings as these violent terrorists who made parents and children cry and be distressed. They paint the narrative however they want and turn people fighting for justice into bedtime story monsters. This sort of process has happened throughout history with all social movements. We are being told a clean version of social activism's history, not told about the fight that needs to be put up.
These are the people who are going against the grain and making sacrifices that most of us aren't willing to make, but can make. Even when their efforts backfired and the worst has happened they have not lost their determination to go against the powers above or their fellow people that are supposed to join them, but instead laugh and buy into the narratives of who has the money. It is ridiculous how most people are scared of animal rights activists, but not the government and what kind of laws it allows. The cognitive dissonance is strong and we need to join our forces to combat it and to ensure that the information about the immense animal suffering gets spread.
The animal people are the ones we should be discussing and talking about, not some celebrities or whatever. They are the ones showing that the upcoming future will progress and not regress. We must follow their example and do the best we can for the animals.
Vegan Love (2009)
Vegan dating short film
This is a casual film on vegan dating, it doesn't really have any facts and is just for fun. That is a bit unusual for vegan media and we should have more of it haha. I think the film makes a bit of a lax stance on veganism though when the audience for this would have to be vegans anyway. I am not sure I like the main message and I can't make much out of it. It is a pretty short film and not much happens so it's hard to comment, it definitely feels like skit rather than something that could realistically help you. It has a bit of a relatable side with how openly silly the characters are and you can easily see their flaws.
Live and Let Live (2013)
Animal rights conversations
This documentary starts with some german which I did not expect- I mean it starts with animal rights ethics conversations, it shows some animal footage for a minute or two, but it's pretty much not there compared to the documentaries who are solely focused on showcasing it. The first story is about people who rescue animals. I always find those people so admirable and interesting, there is a documentary called The Ghosts in Our Machine which is about that, it is so good. There are some more niche animal rights subjects shown like the first vegan news and they say how the term vegan was coined.
The documentary later transitions into showing an athlete, health concerns and a vegan cook.
I believe it uses the same melody at the end that Cowspiracy did so that was a bit odd. They have the same sonic mood so I wonder if these documentaries have shared staff members.
I really love the conversational tone of this one. It feels very holistic and encompassing.
I was just about to read Melanie Joy's book and here she is :0 Gary Francione and Campbell are just everywhere haha. But there are a lot of faces I haven't seen yet in this documentary. It has a lot of stories just like Vegan: Everyday Stories though these ones felt more everyday than of that documentary. Lots of lovely vegans here too.
Vegan: Everyday Stories (2016)
Direct action is cool too
These are quite extraordinary stories in my opinion, because all these people are vegan. It is quite a chill and enjoyable documentary providing lots of different perspectives of different age groups and backgrounds. It has an empathetic, but not very urgent messaging which the animals need more.
It is a fine documentary except for a few comments at the end of it, direct activism gets dragged by a person for no reason. Screaming with blood and all does help, it is a method which reaches the most non-vegans, and yes there are plenty of people who went vegan because of activism like that. We as vegans are facing big corporations, we can't just be chill all the time and appear gentle, nonthreatening. We need to shock, expose and awaken people directly too. All social justice movements have been positively affected by direct action, whether combating women's rights, racism or homophobia activists have done actions which the media and the general public did not approve of and yet they boosted the numbers for the movements. That being said I am certain those aren't the views of everyone involved in the documentary and that the documentary makers were probably trying to open up discussion and to showcase all sorts of perspectives of vegans.
There is a kid activist who is now a teen and whom I have seen on instagram, but did not immediately recognize. There are a lot of cute things and scenes in the documentary, whether they are staged or not they are wholesome and not something you usually see with these documentaries. It made this feel like an exciting movie. I really love the ranch story or well any story here because all these people are vegan, haha.
Forks Over Knives (2011)
Whole food plant based diet recommendation
It is a bit odd not to mention the ethics at all in a plant based documentary, but there's no wrong information and it should help a lot of people towards health. It just goes over a bunch of people and how they improved on a whole food plant based diet, it goes over how eating animal corpses is inherently unhealthy and how vegetables are inherently healthy. It showcases Campbell like a lot of documentaries and goes over the China study even more than most plant based documentaries I watched. I really need to read the China study. I don't think this is specifically a vegan documentary as it exclusively focuses on the diet.
I am starting to feel that plant based documentaries have a lot of the same information and it overlaps quite a lot, if only the general population watched even some of them, it is starting to not feel like such a task that should be daunting just from the sheer number of the documentaries I watched. You can watch at least one of them! Thanks!
A lot of doctors that care about nutrition are old now and I suppose this is the sort of stuff you might care the most at an old age, but a lot of them are still attractive, just saying.
I love how a lot of these old people become marathon runners in the documentaries, I really need to step up.
I recommend watching a documentary on animal rights and ethics after this one like watch dominion if you haven't already.
Vegan 2016 (2016)
Vegan rewind 2016
Dr. Michel Greger released his book this year which garnered a lot of media press. Ed Eathiling gave a speech, lots of new vegan athletes appeared, vegan meats improved. Veganism got some pushback from the meat industries as it gathered attention, but also a lot of vegan alternatives started to appear because companies started to see profit in veganism. I don't keep up with TV or news outlets at all so it's nice to see the most important information from them and to not sift through them myself. Some great statistics and improvements from last year, it's so nice to have a resource like this so that you can see the progress this movement had.
Vegan 2015 (2015)
Vegan rewind
This is a nice compilation of everything that happened in 2015. Hopeful and informative over vegan advancements, it is only 20 minutes long and the next instalments get longer. I am excited to see how this improves and changes through the years, this is such a cool thing to do even if the information gets outdated or someone gets mentioned who doesn't deserve it anymore haha. Some vegans give nice quotes in it, there are book releases and a plethora of vegan brands get mentioned. It is so wholesome to see all the vegan influencers in one place, this is the better youtube rewind. Cool how forks over knives and Cowspiracy were released around this time.
Punk Rock Vegan Movie (2023)
I don't feel like I found out much, but it's vegan idk
Punk rock vegan movie shows the history of some of the vegan punk rock bands and their challenges of trying to find appealing food in the 80s. It seems that they managed to eat whole food plant based foods, except the ones who ate white bread. I don't really get the point of making it seem like it was a hard thing to do or stating it like they sacrificed something, but I suppose the ones who would listen to this music like the air of feeling cool and having a feeling of a cool story behind everything they do.
The concept of straight edge is really cool- no alcohol, no drugs. Combined with veganism it's even cooler. It is amazing that a subculture with so much controversial activism, political ideas actually had so many wholesome and liberating messages- the yin yang of trying to get a peaceful message out there is that sometimes you have to be loud about it. It is great that these people found a place for themselves in the entertainment industry which can lead to a big impact for the animals. Fans of these bands seem to have gone vegan simply because these bands made it seem very cool.
Lots of these stars or at least the ones in the movie are quite aged now so it is not the most exciting or punk movie anymore, but the older audiences might like the nostalgia of it and it is a nice pat on the back to all the vegans who support or are part of the punk rock scene. It would have been cool to see newer voices of the scene if there are any, there was one singer who started out an activist in the movie who was young. The cold cave people also seemed young, but there wasn't much focus on them and their voices.
Other than that this must have been a passion project and not that serious on getting the most quality footage or anything and that is commendable. This was made to be consumed completely for free. There isn't much to complain about and it focuses on the ethics at the end. Think for yourself and make the choices that make you live your most fulfilling life regardless of what the outside thinks.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
Vegan for the environment doc
Cowspiracy exposes the environmental impact the animal agriculture has and how even the environmental organisations are refusing to speak about it because of the power the meat industry has. In Brazil activists have been murdered for speaking up for the animals.
This documentary is professionally produced and covers how meat is bad for us in a variety of ways. So far the documentaries I watched shied away from delving deeper into the environmental impacts, the amount of methane gazes the cows produce and the water they consume. They don't show the animals getting murdered much, but there is a single scene near the end.
They interviewed some people who raise animals free range, they claimed to love the said animals and that they have no environmental impact. The amount of land that kind of farming uses says otherwise. We could be growing crops for us and focusing our energy on more important topics than eating corpses.
It is baffling how the members of leading environmental organisations are stumped when asked simple questions or how the meat industry representatives lie outright in your face. It is powerful to show such footage because it speaks for itself. I love the motivation they drop in the end because it rings true to my experiences.
I already watched one documentary by this creator and will watch more because they are of a higher quality than a lot of previous, unmodern efforts of animal rights documentaries. I love how they call up the experts, but also the people who choose to stay silent.
It captures a lot of depression people might feel about after learning the information, but reframes it in a more productive and helpful way. Consuming the information in this manner alleviates a lot of pressure and makes it seem like it isn't such a big deal to be an activist for these issues. Which is true, but also false. Anyone can do this to a certain extent, but the people who do are strong, intelligent and capable, they are unafraid of life and the opinions of others.
The Ghosts in Our Machine (2013)
The life of an animal rights photographer
A movie about a photographer exposing animal abusers and animal abuse culture. She goes fearlessly into the industry, the farms and gets high quality and publishable photos for the cause. The relief for her is the animals at the sanctuaries and taking photos of them.
There are so many shots, so many different kinds of animals suffering in the movie. I got a bit short of breath while watching, got all sorts of terrible memories revisited and cried out. This shouldn't be happening and this shouldn't be hidden. It is wild how we hate ourselves as a society so much that we let this happen and continue.
People get focused over what is cringe and what is lame so much, they go to musicians and cool artists and leave hate comments, death threats all the time if they challenge the industry. But that kind of thing isn't even related to the animal abuse industry. Why do people have so much time to hate on things that are not even hateable? If they focus on such minute things and not the important ones like this then we truly live in a hopeless hell.
I find that other reviews on here are trying to find excuses to hate on this movie, methods are not okay? Emotional manipulation? It's like we are not on real emotional manipulation 24/7. This is actual emotion, this is real, this is about actual lives that suffer, it is not CGI, it's not special effects. It is made for the purpose to save lives that are even now currently being killed and abused in the most creative ways mankind could ever. I wish people would actually focus on the environment, themselves and the healt, but they don't even do that. What the hell are our priorities? Why are we not concerned about this? Why do we fear the truth so much that others have to die for it? If we all had more bravery we wouldn't need to live in a dystopia, we could actually focus on making the world a better place and we could make and consume entertainment without any guilt. Why is our environment dominated by guilt?
I want everyone to watch movies like this, read books like this and share them. It is not a matter of personal taste or what you like. This is lives at stake and until they are saved, the quality of this movie, even though I think it is a legit good movie, doesn't even matter. The message is so powerful that the movie should be promoted regardless of aesthetics.
I don't want to live in a world where sad animal eyes haunt us at every corner.
What the Health (2017)
An essencial documentary on health.
A professionally filmed, produced and edited vegan documentary about the ill effects of the meat industry. It has beautiful graphs and artworks to demonstrate its points. This work focuses fully on health and I think that is fine. The documentary invited tons of vegan experts, but also showed a ton of people recovering from medications after being put on an endless number of them. It shows plenty of intrinsic reasons as to why one goes vegan and doesn't mention the ethics of it.
They got one interview from the diabetes prevention people which was pretty entertaining. This documentary shows the lengths that diet is excluded from our discourse about health and how health organisations have their agendas, how they hide the facts that would empower individuals. The ways they fail the consumers are tremendous. The cancerous, cigarette like effects that meat has not only affects regular people, but also farmers and people living near farms. The amount of excretions that the animals produce is abysmal.
It is catastrophic what we let go on and how we refuse to address these issues that hinder our lives now. We stall our health and care for ourselves till there is no health left for anyone, we can only be healthy for others if we get healthy for ourselves first. We have created a toxic environment which promotes and multiples unhealthy living even for health conscious people. People who go to plant bases still have to deal with other people who contaminate their vegetables with animal product residue.
I am glad someone took the time to gather the experts, to ask their advice and to educate the public on something that should be known to everyone. People need to empower their bodies and to discover their strengths with the cheapest, healthiest and most natural diet made for human consumption which doesn't involve foreign, nonhuman animal milk that is not meant for us. We do not need to be addicted to other animals' bodily fluids like on heroin.
It's time to look into our fridges and choose health.
La belle verte (1996)
A comedy for an eco audience
Edit: okay some points and intentions still stand, but I realised that this is a vegetarian film and they literally milk cows in the beggining, yikes.
This was a lovely movie that I did not expect to find in Lithuanian. I heard about it from a solarpunk reddit. I have never watched a fictional vegan comedy with vegans travelling interstellar, but it's not vegans being made fun of, the rest of the earth is. This movie understands all the little annoyances that come with being vegan and presents them in subversive ways which a lot of current activists documentaries right now can't do, but there is nothing wrong with those. This movie manages to be completely different and stand out. I long for vegan fictional movies and I am not sure how to find them because for example this one wouldn't show up in vegan movie google results.
I love the French language and eco-feminism. This movie is a combination of many great things. I can't imagine people unfamiliar with veganism enjoying this, some environment might get a little more out of it, but this is a piece of media that's been made for vegans. This is something I have not experienced while growing up. I wish there was a plethora with movies like this and a higher quality of jokes that do not make fun of minorities, but rather make fun of the world and its oppressions.
It is so baffling to think that people have been going vegan way before I was born and yet the progress made towards veganism is so little, instead of this being the most important topic and on everyone's minds we have football, video games, anime and other addictions. Some video games and anime are dear to my heart, but most of them are violent and the ones I love always subvert the material, genre and do things outside the norm.
I laughed out loud while watching and the movie keeps you on your toes and goes to a lot of unexpected places. I hope it becomes more popular as more people turn to veganism.
The Land of Ahimsa (2022)
Animal rights documentary set in India
I hoped to get more information about the religious background of India and how Ahimsa was founded, I feel like I only got the most basic explanation of what it is. Most of the documentary is the basic information that people need for the push to go vegan. This was made for an Indian audience and has a ton of Indian people and activists. Various Indian vegan businesses get promoted at the end.
I think people pour lots of milk for religious rituals in India based on the footage. There was this specific God that apparently drank milk, but the experts suggest not taking the teachings literally as they do lots of other impossible things. India is the 5th largest meat producer in the world currently, people in India use a lot of meat and oils when they have other traditional alternatives, lentils, greens, seeds.
There were a lot of animal rights activists that I haven't seen before in this movie and I am happy to see how people from the other side of the world are fighting this issue although it would be better if they had it solved. India is large and it would be amazing if people there went vegan, but I find that to be super hopeful even if they have Ahimsa. Ahimsa is the ethical virtue of not causing harm towards other beings, but most people in India seem to not uphold it whatsoever.
This documentary had dramatic telenovela editing at one point which was amusing. I liked the part where they discuss how we resemble herbivores more and how they mention the long nails curling, I had no idea. I also probably forgot that a long intestine system was something that carnivores don't have.
Land of Hope and Glory (2017)
Exposing the most humane country
Land of Glory and Hope exposes the UK farms that are considered as the most humane animal farms in the world, it debunks that humane means anything positive when combined with murder.
This documentary shows footage of pigs, cows and birds being brutally slaughtered. It also shows how lambs get slaughtered in a way even more unregulated. The lack of sanitation, humanity, basic human decency in this movie can shock someone into considering veganism as a philosophy.
If anyone watched this I would recommend Dominion as it is a higher quality and a more ambitious production, a way larger group effort to expose what happens to animals all over the world.
It is inspiring to see what a youtuber or a public figure can achieve and how they can get the means to expose this exploitation on their own, how these people put out this information for free, how you can watch so many vegan documentaries on youtube with no cost.
Vegucated (2011)
Not vegan enough
Vegucated is charming and fun to watch. They pick off willing people from craigslist then take them around vegan experts, to a bunch of different vegan places and also expose them to slaughterhouses. This movie contains a ton of fun family, friend activities and ideas that you could do to make others see how not being vegan is harmful for the animals, health and the planet.
This is entertaining to watch as a vegan because only very few of us have gone vegan from birth. I would also think we still get exposed daily to see meat and dairy all around us so it probably wouldn't bother that many vegans that they eat meat at the start. Although if someone can live away from that then this documentary certainly can seem less cheerful then because there are reminders everywhere that not that many people go vegan. There is a sense of comradery as in "I have been through this!", except these people get people to help them.
There are a couple choices that I disagree with and shows this documentary's age. They do not make a point that vegans should be activists, that would be fine if animals could speak up for themselves, but they can't, they can't be activists for themselves so we have to do it for them. The creators behind the documentary were too lenient and accepting of vegetarianism, also a girl literally got a boyfriend who was not even plant based during this which makes me think that the ethics weren't properly discussed despite all the slaughterhouse footage being shown.
I love the comedic tone this documentary has, but it's not adequate on some levels and not a strong enough of a push for so that the viewers would go vegan. It might implant some flawed ideas into them as well. I hope there is a documentary of this kind in the future with a more professional and budgeted effort. Maybe there is now? No idea. I can't rate it that high even though I want to rate all vegan documentaries as high as I can pretty much, but this felt like a vegetarian effort in places so a vegetarian rating it will get.
PlantPure Nation (2015)
Great effort to spread education about nutrition
Plantpure Nation is a program developed by Campbell's son, the father wrote the famous China nutrition study and now I have to read it for sure. Several other authors feature Michel Greger and David Robinson Simon. The program established itself by introducing the plant based diet to a small place with tons of meat eaters called Mebane.
This film goes over the process of getting support and laws for healthier eating. It shows false advertising and the lack of knowledge of pharmacologists, the lack of education they get over nutrition and how they don't get much time to do anything, but prescribe a tablet. There is an abundance of advertisements who play down the roles of exercise and adequate diet.
The editing at the start of the film is kinda weird, I watched the official upload on youtube, but the quality is not the best and just like the H. O. P. E. documentary this should appeal to an aged population the best. Unlike that documentary this doesn't go as much on the basics of veganism, it just goes over the health and specifically the effort to better the health of the American population.
I knew nothing about Plantpure Nation, but it seems like a very fun way to bring people to try out plant based meals. This wasn't only for fun and they tracked down the dropped cholesterol levels via blood tests which in all cases dropped significantly only in 10 days. This is a very convincing method and the efforts of this project have considerably increased since this movie's release. It is so cool how they filmed all their process and then could make a movie out of it.
It was fun seeing Kentucky politicians panic over the plant based diet being mentioned in their parlament. This is utmost motivating and all the accounts regular people gave as to how the plant based diet improved their lives was pleasant to hear. It was pleasant to hear them as well as to be so passionate and baffled about the effort of nutritionists, societies in general refuse to hear them.
This documentary also mentions local vegetable farms and particularly how in America from 7 million they went down to 2 million. Fast food and meat became so accessible in America that people found it hard there to find the healthy options in certain places which is baffling.
I am interested in their other program they mention at the end and I hope it has a movie.