
2 Reviews
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French and Indian involvement + other RAF
18 November 2024
Dunkirk: Mission Impossible Churchill greed to evacuate French, but where were their air force?

On 31 May the French destroyer Sirocco was sunk by an attack made by the German E-Boat. Earlier, the French Destroyer Cyclone had been damaged by a torpedo fired from the German E-Boat S-24.

What role did the French army perform?

Presenter said Spitfires which only accounted for 1/3 of RAF losses. What were the other aircraft?

Hurricanes and Blenheim bombers?

The Indian Contingent at Dunkirk

They included Major Mohammed Akbar Khan, Royal Indian Army Service Corps, and 300 Muslim Indians from the Punjab. These were the men of Force K6.

Mule drivers?
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Lacks Illustrations!
7 June 2024
Expertly presented, but often pointing places out on a map which can not be seen, about units which viewers might not recognise.

Needs a simple metal board to hold a simplified map showing only the key points, orientated facing north, possibly with a micro map in a corner showing its position in France. Magnetic markers for units could then be easily moved around but need to be easily recognisable (helmets, flags or colour or coloured figures plus arrows). Alternatively, wargames terrain with models which would show the different types and numbers of divisions. Better still a Digital advertising display with touch screen control. At the very least the presenters could point out locations on the ground while icons move on an illustrated map to one side of the frame. There are also plenty of reenactors who would be willing to show their kit and take up various positions. D Hughes retired teacher.
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