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The Story of Mankind in under 2 hours
7 August 2011
The technological development of the H-Bomb has caused the court of heaven to put mankind on trial.

Should man not be-allowed to proceed with his new invention or should he be allowed to blow himself to eternity? Somewhere in outer space (for it could hardly be held in heaven) the trial of the centuries takes place. Arguing for allowing man to blow himself up is Scratch (Vincent Price). Arguing for the goodness of mankind is The Spirit of Mankind (Ronald Coleman).

Scratch and Mankind then take the court (and the audience) on a tour throughout history showcasing some of the most interesting and important events and people that have shaped the world in which we live. The premise of the film is similar to a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where Picard and the Enterprise crew have to defend the obliteration of mankind from a high powerful being known as Q who has put mankind on trial.

It is a film that touches on philosophical and theological issues but is more interested in highlighting historical events so it doesn't become a deep spiritual film filled with profound thought and insight. It starts out with an interesting premise, but as it travels along through history, although still interesting, seems somewhat respective and begins to be a tad bit tedious and thus maybe a little bit boring.

Of the more interesting moments includes Groucho Marx as Peter Minuit who swindled Manhattan Island from the Indians and Harpo Marx as Isaac Newton. Chico Marx plays a monk advising Christopher Columbus about why sailing across the world would be a bad idea. How can you go wrong with the Marx Brothers.

Overall 'The Story of Mankind' is interesting enough to watch especially if it is in a history class. It could have kept the hosts and perhaps could have had more engaging portraits of history. It has a fun premise and some good dialogue between Scratch and Mankind. But as an intriguing and gripping film about history it would be better to go with 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure'.

What does the court decide in the end? At the very least they decide to end the film.
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Mr. Accident (2000)
Yahoo Destroys Many Things
27 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"The premise of all comedy is a man in trouble."-Jerry Lewis

With a title like 'Mr. Accident' coming from a film maker named Yahoo Serious, you can anticipate a film filled with one particular character (named Roger Crumpkin) banging and bumping into and destroying many things.

During the course of this celluloid homage to the slapstick genius of yesteryear, one is treated to a linty of well constructed, creative and interesting sight gags.

While trying to make simple toast Roger manages to set his apartment on fire, starts a flood, and creates a storm of feathers that blow around his apartment.

While at a bar trying to pick up girls, he manages to throw away a lit fag (cigarette) into some goth girls hair.

While out on a date with the girl of his dreams, Sunday Valentine (Helen Dallimore), he manages to destroy the calm restaurant scene where they are having dinner and manages to have a bowl of gravy land on a waiter's head. He also gets Sunday's nice dress doused with car oil.

While driving his wreck of a car, Roger's AC , which is broken, causes his car to become an rolling icebox where he can't see clearly out the window due to all the frost. He manages to drive himself and his roommate Lyndon (Grant Piro) off a cliff into some weird auto junk yard where he finds....

While in the fold out bed... can you guess?

Roger lives in what seems to be the top floor of a very high apartment building. So.... While putting out his garbage by his door, manages to knock it over, which knocks everyone else's garbage cans over all the way down to the bottom floor, causing an avalanche of garbage cans to come crashing out the front doors. He also manages to fall out the window in the process.

While driving his car, he manages to hit something creating a hole in the gas tank creating a trail of gasoline behind his car. He then manages to throw away a lit cigarette out he window.

While working at his job in the egg factory he manages to anger his psychopathic ax wielding boss and uncovers a sinister plan hatched by the tobacco company having to do with eggs.

While watching this film I was glad to see a comedian who was able to construct comedy out of timing and ordinary situations and didn't rely on fowl language and crass humor, although there is a sprinkling of it. He did get hit in the nuts at least once.

After having read this review to my wife she comments , "You didn't even tell what country this takes place in. (Australia). That's more interesting then where somebody got hit in a certain place. Come on"

'Mr. Accident is a homage to the style of comedy that creative, athletic, and highly talented filmmakers once made. Recommended to those who appreciate good slapstick. Yahoo can now rank up their as a master of disaster along with Laurel & Hardy, Harold Lloyd, Mr. Magoo, Jerry Lewis, and Mr. Bean.
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Serious Reckless Australian Cinema
26 July 2011
Yahoo Serious is Reckless Kelly

In the realm of modern comedy, this particular Yahoo is very series about being funny, even if this sentence is not. 1994's 'Reckless Kelly' comes in the middle of his carrier as one of Australia's most creative film makers. Right behind the popular 1988 'Young Einstein' and right before 2000's 'Mr. Accident. A movie for each decade. No more, no less. I think he is due for another one about this time.

Reckless Kelly is part of the infamous Kelly Gang of Australia. While his rather big family runs the Glenrowan Hotel and Video Rental on Reckless Island, located near a national park, Ned robs banks. He is an expert marksman who can shot a fly at point blank range and also holds the record as the most shot man in the world. He rides around on a makeshift bike that is fast but likely to fall apart at any minute. But unlike Republican bank robbers who steal money just for themselves, he is a Democrat bank robber who steals to redistribute the wealth amongst those who need it.

When Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving as Sir John) decides to sell the island to the Japanese, Ned takes to robbing banks for himself, but only in America where his conscience is free to steal. American bank robbing turns out to not be so lucrative, but a carrier as an actor in a low budget 'straight to video' movie studio does. Aided by his Shakespearean quoting actress girlfriend Robin Banks, he seeks to get the money to save his island, as 'The Christian Cowboy'.

Several visual gags with great shots of kangaroos and other Australian wildlife mixed with Yahoo's smiley and sunny personality make 'Reckless Kelly' a likable and potential comedy classic. The classic is taken out of the comedy with some characterization that is introduced and not used to it's funny potential and some gags that are lamely delivered. The climatic gun battle with Agent Smith and the armed bankers is fairly amusing and caps off the comedy to create smiles but not belly laughs.

If you want to take a good hard look at Serious Australian Cinema it's worth a look and some laughs. If your particular about your limited time on earth to watch extremely quality funny films it might be better to check out one of his other films or one of the old comedic masters or Mr. Bean. According to Wikepedia as of December 2008 he is working on his 4th feature, a war movie about the Kokoda Track campaign.

Even though he shoots flies dead in the picture, the end credits lets us know that 'No fly was harmed during the making of this motion picture.'
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Don't be Reluctant about 'The Reluctant Saint'
22 July 2011
St. Joseph of Cupertino could easily be the patron saint of slapstick comedians. This young man resembles the kind of character you might find in a Jerry Lewis, Laurel & Hardy or Mr. Bean picture. He's not that bright, is scorned at by the well to do, and seems to destroy expensive and valuable items in his vicinity. But in the end he comes out on top as an inspiring figure who has beat the odds and has achieved remarkable success in some way or other. It is a compelling religious drama with lots of humorous touches, but could easily have been a great slapstick comedy (or even a musical) having great sight gags and physical comedy (and great musical numbers) and still retain its Christian themes and tone. The great thing about his film however is that it is based on a real person and real events and not a character created by a talented comedian.

'The Reluctant Saint' (could easily have been 'The Unlikely Saint) paints a picture of what God can do with a humble soul who desires nothing but to serve Him despite anything negative that might happen in their lives. This makes the picture worth watching coupled with the overall artistic quality of the film. The No. 1 virtue of The Reluctant Saint is humility. Humility naturally pushes Ego out the door of the soul, thus it doesn't get in the way of the Holy Spirit, who can then perform the impossible. And that is what he does in JOC's (Maximilian Schell) life. Despite his clumsy bumbling (including destroying a vineyard and a 200 statue of the virgin Mary), mistreatment by others, (including his own loving Italian mama, the youths of the village, and fellow brother monks), and poor academic skills, he manages to make friends with important people of serious rank and authority. Which leads to the impossible.

Although not being too bright he gets enough theology to explain the Trinity to Bishop Durso (Akim Tamiroff), the vicar-general of the Franciscan order visiting the Franciscan monastery where JOC is at. " One blanket and one, two, three folds. Three folds in one blanket - three persons in one God, like the Trinity." This lesson of truth and his tender delivery and care of two baby lambs earns him the respect and friendship of the good bishop who then basically makes him a priest despite his poor academic studies. His favorite bible passage Luke 15 about the lost sheep, comes in handy on his rather short road to the ordained life.

By making friends with the virgin Mary and offering her respect he ends up with the ability of levitation (or flight). When you know the right people in high places, the things you can do. These special gifts never inflate his ego, he would still rather sleep in the barn with the animals instead of the nice comfortable cell that he gets.

Despite displays of holiness, humility and sanctity, some of this brother monks still dislike JOC as if he was a piece of foot fungus they wanted to get rid off. Chief members of the anti JOC fan club include the hunchbacked stable hand Gobbo (Carlo Croccolo) and one of the head monks Don Raspi (Ricardo Montalban). They create an antagonistic atmosphere around JOC, enabling him to transcend their smug pride by hovering above it.

'You shouldn't be reluctant to rent, buy or watch The Reluctant Saint'. It is a reminder that the unlikely and reluctant are the very ones that God wishes to use as an example of who he is looking for to join the ranks of the inspiring men and women we call saints. The film is also a reminder that great inspiring Christian films do actually exist.

St. Joseph of Cupertino pray for us.
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Can't (Remember the Night)
21 July 2011
'Remember the Night' is a better film then I give it credit for. It has an overall sentimental atmosphere in an otherwise very slow paced film. Too slow paced to stand out in my mind long after the film is over. It is more dramatic then the comedic promise from the synopsis. I wanted lots of yucks and I got more drama, which is fine if your watching a dramatic picture. A pretty shoplifter named Lee Leander (Barbara Stanwyck) is caught shoplifting around the Christmas season. Assistant District Attorney John Sargeant (Fred 'Absent Minded' MacMurry (my mother's favorite actor) gets the trial postponed till after Christmas.

On his way home for the holidays to Indiana he takes her along for the ride so she can visit her estranged parents. The family reunion doesn't go along so well and so she goes to spend the holidays with the lawyer who is going to have to prosecute her once they return from the Christmas holidays. Slowly and surely the fall in love. That's basically the jest of the film. He brings her to Canada where she has the chance to run off and not go back to court. Does she go back? Does John prosecute her? Ohh the mystery?

The film slowly gets better as it chugs along. It still never reaches the level of something rather memorable in the StoryBlazer cinematic film history. One of the better funny gags in the film has the couple getting lost driving in the dead of night only to crash a fence and end up in a country field. In the morning they awake to a cow sticking his head in the car window mooing loudly. They decide to milk the cow for all it's worth. (Ok that wasn't funny) I wish there were more clever and funny gags to brag about then stupid cows but hey Cows are funny.

More random musings about the film. One of the musical moments of the picture inspired my wife to dance with me. Who says movies are not influential. It was also fun to see Sterling 'Winnie the Pooh' Holloway in a supporting role.

Not a bad film. Not a Great Film. A kinna interesting dull film that is again better then I am giving it credit for. Once they kissed at Niagara in Canada and declared their love for one another, my wife declared, 'They fall in love, what more is there to watch. It's time to play Rummikub."
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Odd Couple indeed. Ives the Genie and Randall the middle class working guy.
15 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie serves as a warning to all that one should be careful when opening antique Arabian brass bottles. You could accidentally let lose a ghost, weird monasteries beetles or a genie trapped inside for centuries. No doubt if a genie is trapped in a bottle there must be a good reason for it. Harold Ventimore (Tony Randall) is a prime example of a life ruined by letting lose a jinn. Having a grateful being with power to grant your every whim and wish sounds pretty sweet, especially if your a cruel greedy dictator, but not if your a humble easy going, get up and go to work kind of guy.

After being cooped up for thousands of years Fakrash the Genie (Burl Ives) wants to shower grateful and lavish gifts upon his rescuer (Harold) . The trouble is he wants to do it Ancient Arabian Style. This approach to wish fulfillment doesn't fit with the 20th century way of doing things especially with the moral and ethical mindset of Harold. Fakrash wants to kill Harold's enemies, furnish him with gold and provide him with lots of sexy women to be his wife. Nowadays murder is wrong, only the government can issue money and Harold only wants one wife, his fiancé Sylvia Kenton (Barbara Eden).

Before he meet Fakrash he had had a beautiful relationship with his fiancé and a good flowing job. But Fakrash's over-bearing wrong century approach to service has lost him both plus his sanity. Interestingly his fiancé doesn't believe him when the following year she would become a genie herself in the comedy series 'I Dream of Jeannie'. Hypocrite.

Should you rub 'The Brass Bottle' and let the comedic genie out of it? It is a lighthearted fantasy comedy with nothing too offensive that would make it unsuitable for family viewing. Their are some dancing girls dressed somewhat sexy, but it is still more modest then MTV or going to the beach. It is the style of Ancient Arabian Times. Harold even wants to get the genie dressed all sexy some modest attire to wear. Awww the innocent days of film comedy.

The comedy remains situational and never runs into silly mayhem or slapstick (not there is anything wrong with that providing it is done right.) The film doesn't depend on CGI and only uses pretty basic effects sparingly when it has to. It relies mostly on the relationship between Harold and Fakrash and the various other characters whom them meet to build the story on.

So rub the bottle if you want a decent, amusing, somewhat funny, comedic fantasy with some decent moral lessons you can watch with the kids. Afterwards you can then always read the original book by Frank Anstey (which can be found online). Remember hard work can never replace the instant gratification of an out of touch genie.
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Join the Jolly Jaunty Jalopies Jetting and Jesting along the comedic road of yesteryear.
6 July 2011
The great thing about cinema is that it takes you to times and places that you normally wouldn't travel to without the aid of this modern marvel of storytelling. Instead of watching auto racing in modern slick cars whizzing around a track very fast in a dizzying circle, you get to travel through the 1920's European countryside in antique cars which zoom and clunk its to Monte Carlo.

Watching Nascar you may see an interview with a rather normal guy with commercial logos everywhere on his and his car's being. In 'Jaunty Jalopies' you get to meet not so normal eccentric folk who today might be on some type of medication.

There's Chester Schofield (Tony Curtis) a hip roaring 20's American car manufacture who owns half a car manufacturing plant that he won in a card game. The other half is owned by Sir Cuthbert Ware-Armitage (Terry-Thomas) the son of Sir Percy Ware-Armitage (Terry-Thomas). His father was the big louse of a villain who tried to scheme and cheat his way to victory during the 1910 Airplane race which can be seen in 'Jaunty Jalopies' predecessor 'Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 hours 11 minutes (1965).

Sir Cuthbert doesn't want Yank innovation spoiling British ingenuity and uses the Monte Carlo Rally as a chance to place a bet with Chester where winner takes all of the car plant. The bet is on. The Race is On. The nastiness is on as Sir Cuthbert pleads and plots dastardly plans to make sure Chester doesn't win the race.

The other characters who race along the road of comedy include

Perkins (Eric Sykes): Cuthbert's un-loyal side kick who is forced into helping Cuthbert's nasty schemes due to his being blackmailed.

Betty (Susan Hampshire): A woman who went looking for her horse and instead became Chester's race car companion.

Major Dawlish (Peter Cook): a proud British inventor and his loyal sidekick Lt. Barrington (Dudley More): Their innovations to their auto mobile sometimes work great and other times not so great. These two provide the biggest laughs in film and thus the most smiles.

Willy (Gert Frobe): A highly recommended getaway driver sprung from prison to smuggle stolen Jewels for a bunch of German crooks. He is accompanied by his companion on the journey Count Levinovitch (Jack Hawkins). There is a great scene where the Count breaks Willy out of prison. After that these two are only mildly amusing throughout the rest of the picture except when shown in rivalry with Dawlish and Barrington.

Then there are the other major throw-away characters which include two cops Marcello (Lando Buzzanca) and Angelo ( Walter Chiari). One is somewhat normal and the other is overly horny. He practically assaults won of the other female drivers by dragging her into his hotel room.

Which brings us to the trio of french female drivers (Mireille Darc, Marie Dubois and Nicoletta Macchiavelli) A female doctor and her patawon's.

If you want a good car comedy race movie with interesting characters, great action gags, and some amusing chuckles watch 'Jaunty Jalopies'. If you want a great film of the same genre, watch Tony Curtis in the superior 'The Great Race', which probably has the best pie fight put on film since Laurel and Hardy. No pie fight in JJ. Some amusing sights, including a chase through a ski slope and Jimmy Durante singing the opening song, but again no pie fight. I remember watching pie fights with the three stooges and also on the Brady Bunch and thought' It would be fun to get into a pie fight.' In college I shoved an apple pie in a friend's face to see what would happen. I learned that pie's in the face is very uncomfortable and annoying. And if you want a terrible car comedy race movie watch 'The Cannonball Run 2) but I would stick with the Tony Curtis racing films.
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Gosh Darn It
12 October 2008
As I re-watched TDC, I was planning on giving it a recommendation for inclusion in a family library. That was because it has such a talented and wonderful cast and because this film is considered a Disney classic. They even made a remake for Pete's sake.

I was only mildly amused in the beginning and somewhere part way through something clicked in the film for me. I noticed all the chases and characters running here and there and everywhere and then realized that 'Hey, this really is worth writing home about.

I was busy reading a book on Bob Hope when I was watching it, so I didn't pay as much attention as I should have given the film. Gosh if I'm going to review films I should give them the attention they deserve gosh DARN it.

But I have seen it before and should see it again. But despite the non-descriptive review, I can say it is another Disney film that is worth putting in your library because it is a fun harmless picture that little ones can watch without cause to worry.
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90 Min of Don Knots being a Nervous Ninny with his Chuck Norris Karatee Chops
12 October 2008
When I was young, this film played a lot on TV. I think I liked it way back when. It has a few things going for it. It takes place in a Haunted house. There is something interesting about spending the night in a house where a gruesome murder took place. I would be spooked out if it was me who was in the house alone. YIKES!

Bob Hope, Abbot and Costello, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, Martin and Lewis, Harold Lloyd, perhaps Buster Keaton and others have all been cast in wacky haunted house comedies. And this time it fell to the likes of Comedy legend Don Knots. Besides the premise the audience gets to witness 90 minutes of Don Knott's frighten facial expressions and him running around as a nervous ninny. He constantly brags about his Chuck Norris Karate skills and how his whole body as a weapon. I believe he uses this shtick in many a film.

There is a somewhat amusing gag with a elevator that can't seem to stop all the way aliened with the right floor. There is some unseen heckler who always shouts out "That a Boy_______" That is where the amusement ends. The movie minus what I was mention is as dull as watching paint dry. "The Incredible Mr. Limit is an example of a great Don Knots film. Despite this being a comedy classic that somehow missed the AFI top 100. If you love Don Knots and are a movie buff it might be worth a rental, but it would be worth it more to watch the other film I mentioned. I know others will disagree with me on this film, but ….. someone has to be brave enough to avoid the ghosts and print the truth. Don Knots would have.
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The Love Bug (1997 TV Movie)
It Could have Been GREAT
12 October 2008
Between the last feature length Herbie Film 'Herbie Goes Bananas' and the re-launch of the series 'Herbie: Fully Loaded' with Linsey Lohan, there was the short lived TV series 'Herbie the Love Bug'. This does not exist anywhere on video. I cannot view it so I cannot review it. I mention it to let the reader know the many lives of the beloved Love Bug. More importantly for the sake of this review is the fact that existing between these two films is 'The Love Bug'. This film is sort of a remake. Many similar story lines that were used in the first are used again here in the remake, but the film despite the same title is actually sequel. It is another film in the franchise. Doug Jones even appears in the film as Jim Douglas.

The film is only available on VHS. Interestingly enough there are Disney movies advertised on the VHS for certain movies that have either been released or will be released on VHS and DVD. So why was this never released on DVD if it has ads for films on DVD? Is it worth it? Lets See!

The acting minus the villain (John Hannah from the Mummy films) and the actors from the previous movie really are not that great. Even Bruce Campbell , though a good actor in other films, is not here. The acting brings the movie down several notches. I mean it looks like a TV movie, which it is. The film even has Mickey from The Monkees.

Despite several acting flaws the movie asks the right question. How can Herbie do the things he does? A car can't do wheelies? This question drives the action of the characters. That is good. The question results in finding the original maker of the car. We learn how Herbie got life. That is also good. We learn that Herbie adjusts to the person who owns him. His role in people's lives is explained and understood. That is also good. The name 'The Love Bug' is given to an article the main female character writes about Herbie. Jim Douglas hears this comment as an idea he has never heard before but finds interesting and satisfactory. We see Herbie's evil brother Horrace. Evil Brother? The maker of the car was found so he can make a car for the villain. He ends up making an anti-Herbie. An evil Herbie. This Herbie is named Horace as I said before. This evil Herbie ends up killing the good Herbie. But with help from Herbie's maker and a special guest appearance from Jim Douglas, he comes back to life. After Herbie is brought back to life, Doug Jones cameo is over and he says 'I'm not needed anymore' and walks off in the distance. What an interesting way to write someone off.

In order to control the Horace, the Irish villain puts a Wheel Lock on the steering wheel. I thought that was an interesting little bit. He then challenges Good Herbie to race Evil Herbie. Winner takes all. It is then interesting to watch Horace race Herbie. But it is not just a race , but a battle between good and evil.

As they race , Horace has been installed with all types of tricks he uses to cheat in the race. What happens in the race you'll have to fine a local library to view a copy. Or you can buy it at Amazon. The plot line and the concepts of this movie would make this worth adding to your library but only after getting all the other Herbie's first. Maybe this is a step above 'Fully Loaded'. I haven't yet re-watched the older ones but am sure they are excellent. They were when I watched them last, but I might have more sense now.

If the new 'Love Bug', had better acting and took more TLC into the production, it would be an outstanding film and would be on DVD. But alas they allowed the poor acting and underdeveloped script to proceed without taking more time to develop their really interesting premise. But the premise is enough to keep the film interesting enough and keeps the film from completely sucking. But what it could have been. It's a better made for TV sequel then 'The Parent Trap II' proving that not all made for TV sequels are not all bad.

One last thing. The villain utters the line in the end, "I'll get you and your little bug too.
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This movie will always be Irish and full of Alligators
12 October 2008
"In the tradition of Mary Poppins". That is the tag line on the DVD cover that Disney put on the cover of 'The Happy Millionaire' to try and entice potential viewers. What's wrong with that?

I got this film from the library expecting a regular normal comedy. But instead I got a musical. I like musicals but was surprised because I wasn't expecting it. What's wrong with that? It is not a musical classic and a minor Disney classic if it is at all. It has the same type off charm that 'High School Musical' has. The songs aren't all that memorable but the characters have such fun singing them, that it is at least fun to watch. What's wrong with that?

The dancing is fun to watch to. There is something always fun about watching people break out into song when they could just as easily said what they wanted to say without singing. It is so unlike real life where boring people just talk to one another with out music coming from nowhere to liven up their lives. This is the type of picture that if you watched often enough you would grow to really like it. It's likable as it is, but maybe not enough to watch it again.

The film has some fun things in it, such as Fred MacMurray. He is amusing as a 'happy millionaire', the founder of Biddle Boxing and Bible School, who owns of all things, pet alligators. Doesn't everyone want one? The new maid at one point leaves the window open during the wintertime, freezing all the alligators in their tubs of water. When they de-thaw they aren't dead and crawl around the mansion scaring the new maid half to death. That's fun. He also likes to challenge various visitors to put on the boxing gloves. For an old guy he is quite good. Who would have thought? What is also fun is watching Fred run his Bibble Bible class. That is his name by the way, Mr. Bibble. It is a spiritual work out of body, mind, and soul. It is Exercise while learning about the good book. That is Fortuosity. That's me bi word.

An Irishman (John Lawless) played by Tommy Steele, a popular singer. He has a fun time singing a song about how he will always be Irish even if he becomes an American. He then has a fun little short number dancing while holding the alligator on a leash. Another great moment in the film., in her film debut), At one point as he is talking to the audience, Fred comes over to ask what who he is talking to. He says no one. He replies 'Well you know what they say about those who talk to themselves.' A fun little gag.

There is also Fred's beautiful daughter, Cordy played by Lesley Ann Warren in her film debut. Man is she gorgeous. I was thinking before I wrote this review that this is at least a rental, but I have enjoyed it more the second time I put it in after taking a break from it. So I'll see what my opinion is by the end of the film. At this point the 2nd part of the film has just started.

The 2nd half has an amusing dance number in a beer hall that turns into an amusing brawl. The Irishman is in the middle of the whole thing and never once gets hit. Yeah for the Irish!

After watching this film, I have concluded that this movie has many amusing and fun bits. But as a whole it's only kina so so. So it is at least worth a rental. If some of the scenes were edited down to a few parts it would be worth keeping. What's wrong with that ?

Interesting little fact. This was the last live-action feature film that Walt Disney saw completed before his death in December 1966. He never saw the film released to the public.
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Minutemen (2008 TV Movie)
Minutemen to the Rescue
5 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When a friend of mine saw my movie selection, he vowed that he would never under any circumstances watch this film. Somehow he did end up watching it and liked it. I guess I did too. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it did end up being a charming and fun film to watch. It was free at the library so I though 'What's to lose but two hours of my life.'

It reminded me of similar but better films. 1985's 'Explorers' with a young Ethan Hawke and River Phoenix is one such film, along with 'Back to the Future' (also 1985), which they make reference to in the film, and 'Clockstoppers'. If the film was made more seriously like those films it would probably stand as a great sci-fi classic. But alas it was made with a Disney Chanel quality to it. It is a sci-fi scenario processed through a pre-teen comedy lens. But remember I said I liked it.

It has enough charm and fun moments to make it a satisfying viewing experience. Like any good sci-fi story it has some good food for thought. Three high schoolers become heroes who travel back in time to save nerds from embarrassment. The time vortex they use for time travel is a whirlwind of light they use a diving board to jump into. Is saving nerds from embarrassment a good thing? Once the nerds are saved they shed their humble and peaceful personas and develop cockiness and pride. Some people have never learned that suffering and embarrassment are sometimes vehicles that strengthen a person's character and keep them humble and good.

Overall not a bad little picture. Wouldn't be bad to own in your library and is at least worth a rental.
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High School Musical 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Lighting strikes twice.
5 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just an excuse to have the cast sing and dance again. It's a lot like Jurassic Park in this regard. JP3 had a lame premise but once they got on the island and ran away from dinosaurs it moved along smoothly and was a lot of fun. HSM 2 is does not have a lame premise but just a standard typical plot that mirrors the first one.

But heck, it is still fun. Not as good as the first, but still good. The dancing, the choreography and the cast bring so much charm to the film that it is hard not to like. Not all the songs are really memorable but they do such a good job dancing and singing the songs that it doesn't matter what the song their singing is. The film even critiques certain weak plot elements within its own script. How cool is that.

The film actually almost made me cry towards the end. It's always touching to watch a self-centered character realize their jerk and then change their self-centered ways and become a decent person.

Some of the highlights include a guy playing the piano in a pool, dancing in the hallways of the school as the summer vacation season starts and having a dance number on a baseball field. It's also fun to watch the whole cast dance and sing together. The songs are better when that happens.

If you have the first one in your library, add the second. I'll actually go and see the 3rd one in the theater. I do hope they stop making them though, before the novelty wears off.
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Jump in! (2007 TV Movie)
Fun to watch others do what I could never do.
5 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It's fun to watch the Jump Roping scenes. It's amazing to watch these kids do what I could only dream of doing. I'm too old to be jumping like that now. I don't know what would have happen way back when. Corbin Bleu is very talented and is the reason why the film works so well.

The story is your standard sports inspirational film. It's filled with touching moments and reconciliation between arch rivals. There is some romance and the typical father who wants his son to be just like him but understands when he wants to change his interests in life.

Not a bad film. Wouldn't add it to my library but it might be worth a rental. After you watch both 'High School Musicals' of course. If you don't want to sit through the whole film, go to the bonus features and watch the music videos with some 'Jump In' Highlights.
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High School Musical (2006 TV Movie)
A problem-free Teen movie with lots of Smiles
5 October 2008
After all the hype, after all the rave reviews, I decided that I should be culturally aware and view this phenomenon called 'High School Musical'. And I was actually quite impressed with it. It was fun and care free. It was light weight escapism that put a smile on your face. Sometimes music in musicals seems to just come out of now where. In many places in this film, the music seem to happen in a more natural way and not just because people want to break out in song, although that does happen.

I can imagine if John Hughes made this same film or one of the other filmmakers who make Teen Films these days. The film would have someone singing about losing their virginity or perhaps how wonderful it is to get high or drunk. Even though these are real life teen occurrences it doesn't have to be plastered in every teen oriented story. I didn't deal with drugs, alcohol or sexual promiscuity when I was in high school.

The best thing about the Musical is the well choreographed dance scenes. Some of the songs are OK too. It's actually worth putting in your Family library and I can understand why so many pre-teens like it so much. So watch it and then be brave enough to admit in public that you like it.
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Thought Provoking Disney
5 October 2008
This film reminds me of a later Disney picture, "The Black Hole". Both explore the uncharted areas of our universe. The former under the sea and the later outer space. Both have men who want to exclude themselves from society and think their reasons for destruction are justified and reasonable. Both are good in their own ways, but 20,000 has a classic feel to it that the later doesn't have.

The first great thing about 20,000 is the portrayal of Captain Nemo by James Mason. A great movie villain or anit-hero if you prefer. Captain Nemo does admit that he is not a civilized man and it really shows. Even though he is un-civilized, he has a sense of Justice. NEMO JUSTICE. He hates slavery and the men who enslave them. He hates violent men and their kegs of gun powder that kill other men. His great solution to this injustice is to blow up those ships with his super-duper submarine. He doesn't give a whale's fin who he kills along the way.

The 2nd great thing about 20,000 is Kirk Douglass. He sings, gets into fights, and gives some witty lines. The third great thing is the seal. Animals always rule in Disney films. Monkeys, Seals, and Dogs are usually a winner. The 4th is the Giant Squid. This bad boy is not to be underestimated. The Fifth is the The Nautilus. Imagine if modern submarines were this cool. Crimson Tide would be a different film if they had been on board the Nautilus instead of that cramped submarine.

The final great thing I will mention is that the film is not a typical good vs. evil adventure story. It is a compelling Sci-Fi story filled with ethical and moral questions that engage one's brain. It also has a lot of great adventure. Disney films are not all cutesy. It's not all tame. The violence may be scaled down but it's there. Someday I'll actually read the book and compare the two.

This is one of those films that would fit well into a family library.
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A very Good 'OK' Movie
5 October 2008
'The Monkey's Uncle' is the sequel to 'The Misadventures of Merlin Jones'. I have not yet re-watched this classic Disney comedy. Have I ever seen it? 'The Monkey's Uncle' is only available on VHS. The only place you can rent VHS nowadays is at the local library. If you're persistent enough you can find many VHS only movies at the local library. The first film is available on DVD and on Netflix but I couldn't find it at my local library and I don't yet have Netflix. So I watched the 2nd one first.

It's a very good and decent OK film. There is nothing outstandingly funny and memorable but there is nothing outstandingly bad worth mentioning either. The monkey in the title does play a central role in the movie but not as central as the title may suggest.

After opening up with the Annette Funicello (who just goes by Annette in the credits) and the Beach Boys, the film centers on Genius boy Merlin Jones. After becoming the Monkey's Uncle in a court hearing he then uses the chimp for scientific experiments. He plays records while the chimp is sleeping and when he wakes up, he thus is able to do what was instructed to him while he slept. Merlin uses this method for some football players to learn English while they sleep so they can pass the big English Test. It is an honest way to cheat.

The 2nd half of the film focuses on Merlin trying to invent a man-made flying machine. If he does his school will get a generous donation from some guy for 10 million dollars. Through the picture is a rivalry between two members of the college faculty which figures very significantly into both plots. One wants to abolish football because he was once rejected from the team and the other wants to keep it, thus relying on Merlin to always save the day.

There are some funny moments and gags. The ending is actually very good compared to the whole movie. It raises the film up a notch. It's an amusing film. Not worth avoiding and worth seeing if you're a Disney enthusiast. It's not on VHS (I think). Is it worth being on DVD? Well there are other Disney films that aren't great that are on DVD and for the sake of completion perhaps it should be. Put Merlin on the job to figure out how.
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Freaky Friday (2003)
Which Friday is Freaker?
29 September 2008
FREAKY Friday REMAKE Which Freaky Friday is better?

The original one with Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris or the remake with Linsey Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis?

Or perhaps the 1995 with Gaby Hoffmann and Shelly Long ? Who has heard of this version? They decided not to release it on DVD or VHS so lets not even consider it but it is good to acknowledge it exists.

OK so which version is better? The 1976 version or the 2003 version. That all depends on what type of movie you're looking for. If you want lots of laughs stemming from silly slapstick moments with lots of charm, the original delivers. The plot exists to serve the comedic moments of the film, and there are plenty cleaver gags constructed for that purpose. There the types of gags that one might find in a Buster Keaton or Abbot & Costello comedy. Thus the original is a fun picture.

If you want a film that is more witty and in-depth the remake delivers. There are hardly any slapstick moments in this film, but what it lacks in comic hijacks is made up for with an actual story to tell instead of a series of comedy sketches stringed together to form a story. Plus it has the charming Linsey Lohan when she was not in trouble with the law.

The original film has better constructed gags and is funnier.

The remake has a better written script and thus tells a more understandable and believable story.

Both are well made and worthwhile films to add to your library.

Which Friday you find freakier will depend on your individual movie tastes.
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The Love Bug (1969)
Takes a while to realize Herbie is alive
29 September 2008
'The Love Bug', stars Herbie (the ''1963 VW bug) in his big motion picture debut. He goes on to have a lucrative but somewhat stereotyped role in motion pictures. All the movies which follow this one have him playing the same role. It's sad when non-living things get typecast. I know this bothered R2D2 quite a bit as profiled in the documentary 'Behind the Dome' (if I got the title right). Herbie goes on to star in 4 sequels, a re-made for TV movie and a short lived TV series.

The title of the film seems to indicate that the main crux of the plot involves Herbie playing cupid to Dean Jones and Michelle Lee. Although the little bug does try to play matchmaker it's much more about Herbie being a race car, kinda like the Mach 5 in 'Speed Racer', accept that this car is alive. But actually the film is more than just a race car movie with silly Disney Moments; it's about the complex relationship between the driver and his car.

The main comic hijinks steam from the story line that this VW bug is alive with a mind of its own. The car is alive in the same way the cars in 'Cars', are alive accept that Herbie doesn't have big eyes in his windshield and a mouth in its front bumper. An amazing little bonus feature, presents a old Disney cartoon with a 'Cars' looking car entitled by 'Susie, the Little Blue Coupe' narrated by Winnie the Pooh. Herbie looks more alive in the way the Knight 2000 looks alive accept that it is not due to artificial intelligence. Maybe it's possessed like 'Christine', or has the spirit of some person like in 'My Mother the Car'. Who knows? The movie never delves too deeply into why the car is alive, but it doesn't need to. The characters in the film and the audience are caught up in the reality of the situation and the reality takes root into their hearts and minds and questions about a car being alive is naturally accepted. The film also never gives questions it doesn't answer. It's a comedy and not an in-depth science fiction film and it treats the story as such.

Unlike other Disney films it takes awhile for the characters to slowly believe that the car is actually alive. Certain incredible things are sometimes processed slowly. Christian faith can be like that to someone who comes to believe in it after believing in some other philosophy (such as atheism) for some time. Thus the story line proceeds at a natural pace. The comedy springs up from the characters and the situations that they are in as opposed to having wacky things happen just to get a cheap laugh.

The whole cast, Dean Jones (lots of Disney films), Michelle Lee, Buddy Hacket, David Tomlinson (Mary Poppins), Joe Flynn (Macale's Navy) and Herbie (Herbie Fully Loaded) himself are delightful folks to hang out with for a couple hours. This is a film that defiantly deserves a place in the family library, right next to 'Cars'.
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Lighting does strike twice in the same place
26 September 2008
The original 'Parent Trap' is a classic wonderful delightful film. Why on earth did Disney decide to remake it? Wouldn't it be better to take a bad movie of theirs and remake it into a good movie? Why mess with perfection? Despite having said all that, I enjoyed the remake. Les Miserables is the only Broadway musical I ever saw and I saw it in Boston. If I went to London and saw the same show, it would more or less be the same show, but with the personal touch that each cast brings to the performance. That is how it was with the remake of the Parent Trap.

The original is not better because it is the first version I saw, but because it has more charm overall because of the delightful Hayley Milles. It also has Hayley Milles beating up herself. The remake has Linsey Lohan having a sword fight with herself which she pulls off nicely and little Linsey is so cute and adorable. The first movie had a nicely flowing story pace while the remake had a more logically revealing storyline. You learn a little bit more about what caused the Parent's breakup in the first place. The people's reactions in the first film are more realistic and natural then in the remake, except for that of the nurse maid on the Father's side. She cries up a storm when she finds out the true identity of the girl she hasn't seen since she was one years old. The new version also has Dennis Quaid which is usually a good idea for any casting director.

What worked to make the story a success the first time around, they included this time around. They structure the story differently but just as effectively. The ending of the first one worked really well and the ending of this Parent Trap ends equally well but in a different way. They could not have fit the new ending in the older version for technological reasons. But the new ending makes more sense story wise then the former all the former is quite good as well.

The Remake of the Parent Trap deserves a place next to the Original Parent Trap in your family library. It might even be fun to watch the two and then compare them. The movies together and by themselves make for an evening of in-depth discussion and entertainment. If your brave you can then watch Parent Trap 2 and then realize how much better the other two films really are. If they remake Parent Trap 2, lets hope it's better then the original.
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Love Your Enemies even if their gonna hang ya!
26 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The Great Locomotive Chase

While watching "TGLC" with my mother, she informed me that her father was a brakeman for the railroad. "A brakeman is a train board rail transport worker in the U.S. Historically, the brakeman was the person who would walk the length of a train atop the cars while the train is in motion and turn the brake wheel on each car to apply the train's brakes" from Wicipeda. A movie like this conjors up several different thoughts of wonder. What was it like to despise your fellow countrymen? What was it like to live in a country where you had no instant means of communication and travel? The movie paints an interesting historical picture that highlights the animosity between the North and the South during the civil war. It also presents us with the first recipients of the Congressianl Medal of Honor. Did I get that right? TGLC does have some impressive chase sequences that ended rather disappointedly for the Northerns. I guess I really thought they were going to get away with stealing a train. They would have gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for that rotten train conductor William Campbell (Jeffrey Hunter) and his mangy dog. It's also fun to see Jeff York (Mike Fink) and Fess Parker (Davy Crockett) on hand to lend personality to this Civil War light family drama.

My mother enjoyed it more than I did. This is one of those movies I can appreciate but don't necessarily like. It just didn't draw me in to the train ride. It didn't roll me down the tracks. I was busy writing another movie review at the time, so maybe the distraction derailed me a tad bit. I would perhaps watch it again sometime and give it more of a fair chance. I did like at the end how the Fess Parker Character (James Andrews) even though he was going to hang for stealing a confederate train, wanted to make peace with the man whose train he stole, William A Fuller. (Jeffrey Hunter). He knew the war would end and that both sides would have to shake hands in peace and that he wanted to do it now because he wouldn't be alive to do it later. He didn't beg for his life, didn't insult his enemy, wasn't hoping to not be hanged, but just wanted to make peace with his enemy thus making peace with his God. This powerful scene of redemption and forgiveness makes up for any boring element I may have found in the picture.

A good film that deserves a rental for those interested in learning about history in a fun way.
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That's funny... 'cause they're monkeys!"
26 September 2008
When I was born, The Disney Company released 'The Barefoot Executive'. The BE does a fairly good job managing the TV station. For starters it has employed a young Kurt Russell. What a delight to witness the early career of so great an actor who has given us great movie treasure's such a 'Big Trouble in Little China' and 'Executive Decision'. He may have gotten older and fatter but is still a class act.

Along for the viewing experience is John Ritter who makes his acting debut. Interestingly when I was young I was not allowed to watch 'Three's Company'. Harry Morgan from M.A.S.H. is on hand to deliver yucks as the grumpy TV president, alongside with McHale's Navy's Joe Flynn. The film has some other talented actors and also stars a Chimp named Raffles. : "That's funny... 'cause they're monkeys!" Homer Simpson The movie centers on Raffles uncanny ability to pick out what TV shows the public will like and which they will not. Raffles informs Kurt Russell's character Steven Post of this inside information which he uses to raise himself to the top of the TV executive world. "Forget about such schlock as 'Cavemen', 'Emeril' the sitcom, and the latest reincarnation of 'The Bachelor' and concentrate on 'Heroes', 'Lost', and 'The Office'. Steven Post even has ideas of his own. One of his show ideas is a TV program entitled "Abe Lincoln's Doctor's Dog.' This was an actual episode on 'Screen Director's Playhouse in 1955.

Most fake TV shows in movies tend to be so badly produced it seems very unrealistic and unlikely that anyone in the real world would ever want to watch them. It is possible however that someone would actually green light such horrid programming. For this very reason it was probably a wise idea to keep the story focused on the people who were in charge of the programming and not the programming itself, although the few clips one sees of the TV shows talked about are standard looking TV show clips and promotion for such Disney classics as the 'The Shaggy Dog'.

The movie has very many funny and wacky moments and makes it worth a movie rental and maybe even a place in the family library. But there are a few glitches in the TV screen. When Kurt Russell's girlfriend catches him with her kidnapped chimp, he gives her a sweet apology and explains the real good (for himself) that came out of the deceit he has pulled on everyone around him. For the sake of moving the plot along, she seizes from being majorly being cheesed off at him and accepts his weak apology with a smile. For some reason I thought there was to be a great slapstick chase at the end of this film and for that reason I was a tad bit disappointed in the ending. Although the greedy TV executives get what they deserve in the end, I thought the ending deserved a little something more.

Although not perfect, 'The Barefoot Executive', is worth turning on. It was remade as a TV movie in 1995. This version has not been deemed worthy to be released on either VHS or DVD. But you have the original one to watch and enjoy.
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Freaky Friday (1976)
15 September 2008
I'm not sure why, but when 'Freaky Friday' first came out (or was it a rerelease) I saw the film instead of going to a birthday party where bowling was the fun activity of choice. Miles away in California, my future friend Marshall was aching to see the film, only to be dragged to a free presentation of 'The Donna Shore Show', with his parents. This scared him deeply. I helped to heal this scar by letting him finally watch the film he avoided for so many years because of Donna Shore. After he finally he got to watch just a little of it, he concluded that he really didn't miss all that much.

Is my friend right? I want to point out a few of the flaws of the film and compare them to the 2003 remake as best as I can remember it. There was also a 1995 remake with Shelly Long I never saw and will leave alone. First there is the way in which the Freaky Friday switch happens. In the remake, there is some magic charm from some fortune teller that causes mother and daughter to switch places. In the original it happens because the script says it does. Fantasy Phenomenon does not always need an explanation especially when the film is more or less a parable, but the film makes more sense in the remake.

The second thing is there is no real interaction on screen between the mother and the daughter. You would think if something weird happened like switching bodies with someone you would want to talk about it with other person, but this never happens. It does happen in the remake which is very logical and believable. I always have a hard time accepting the actors in a body switching movie. I usually can't buy a adult playing a kid and vice versa. 13 going on 30 seemed to be the most successful attempt I have seen at it. I also usually feel this way when men try to discuses themselves as women. As funny as it is, it is still Dustin Hoffman and Robin Williams in drag and I can tell. Charlie Chaplin actually did make a very convincing woman.

This brings me to the last major flaw which is the believability of some of the action. I find it hard to believe that a 13 year old wouldn't know how to run a washer and that a grown women wouldn't' know how to run an electric typewriter especially when other adults know how to do the same thing. The lack of believability usually kills a film but not this one. There is a logical explanation for every action in the film. Every thing that happens in the film happens simply for yucks. And by some stroke of Disney magic it works.

Towards the end of the film, one character remarks, "Your whole family is a bunch of comedians." That seems to ring through in this film. The wacky silliness works much the same way a Marx Bros. film works. The crazy things that happen are so odd, unusual, and well timed that their funny. A funny scene has the daughter at home in the mom's body thinking she will just watch TV and eat snacks, only to have every Tom, Dick, and Harriot come to the house for some reason or other. Rugs, Groceries, House Cleaning est. The ending chase scene would make Buster Keaton proud. It's also neat to see how 70's everything is.

If you want even a half way decent thinking comic fantasy, this is not your film. There are plenty of other films with the same fantasy element that covers that category. If you want a nice family friendly no brainer wacky comedy that will entertain the kids this is your film. It's worth a place in the family library right along side your Marx Bros. comedies. In reality this does not compare to the genius of their work, but it's fun to watch and so are the Marx's and you should introduce your kids to them at some point like my did to me.
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Bon Voyage! (1962)
Bon Voyage 'Bon Voyage ( and don't come back)
15 September 2008
Bon Voyage Let's See. On board for 'Bon voyage' is my mother's favorite actor 'Fred MacMurray'. There is actress and Ronald Regan's ex 'Jane Wyman'. Disney maverick's 'Tommy Kirk' and 'Kevin Anthony "Moochie" Corcoran' are on board as well. And then there is Deborah Walley, who I never heard of before, but she seems like she's a good actress.

OK, there is the wholesome Disney atmosphere, some wacky situations, one involving Fred getting lost in the sewers of Paris and other wacky things including Fred almost getting arrested from causing a scene at a restaurant. He has some other wacky conversations with some relatives who have never meet him, but think it's horrible that Jane Whyman's character has marred of all things 'A plumber'. He slyly reveals that he is the plumber much to their shocked snobbery surprise. Overall there is the interesting sitcom concept and premise of a family taking a vacation in Europe.

This concept was used in 'National Lampoon's European Vacation' and produced a rather funny film. The concept used in this film produced a rather dull and boring movie. Despite the cleaner friendly film, it isn't a Disney film worth adding to your collection and I would have to say it isn't worth renting either. NLEV is crude in parts and is not worth letting your kids watch unless you find a way to severely edit out all the inappropriate parts.

But 'Bon Voyage' is not the better equivalent. With Fred MacMurray you expect better work. His character is annoying. When a man hits on his wife instead of hitting him, he guzzles down booze and gets upset at his wife because a guy is flirting with her. He does finally sock the guy, so justice wins out in the end, even though you have to wait for it to happen while enduring his whining about it. The melodrama that bubbles up from this film is also annoying and leaves you wondering about the deeper storyline that they never reveal. Even if they did you probably wouldn't care anyway.

The Disney magic does not flow upon everything that it does. This is not the worst film ever made or the worst film Disney ever made, it's just a rather boring dull film. So I say Bon Voyage 'Bon Voyage ( and don't come back)
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The Kitty From Disney Space
15 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I remember loving this movie when I was a young lad. I mean it had a 'Cat from Outer Space'. A guy got beer spit into his face. The main character what's his name (Ken Berry) was your typical Disney Nerd who did all types of wacky things that a kid of around 7 would find funny. He didn't even get hit in the nuts to make kids laugh. If it was remade today that would happen I'm sure. Looking at his movie 30 years later, it is still an amusing and entertaining Disney film, although perhaps not as fun as when I was young, as I have matured as a film viewer. But still there is some magic in this film.

The sci-fi concept is interesting. Cats have developed their brains to the capacity that they can move and manipulate the world around them. Man in his primitive state has to use boring old tools. My roommate laughed as the little kitty walked out of the spaceship. You don't expect a cat to come from a UFO, so that is funny. And there are occasional yucks throughout the picture. What could have been a 5 minute skit on Saturday Night Live was stretched to 98 minutes of wholesome family fun. This won't make the AFI 100 laughs list, but its still a film to watch with a smile.

The film isn't without its problems. Too many people are to willing to believe without any form of skepticism that a cat from another planet needs to fix his spaceship. The big chase scene at the end isn't great but isn't enough to get it mocked on Mystery Science Theater.

But on the plus the film also shows how sometimes to help others out you must sacrifice your own dreams and desires. The sacrifice made by one of the characters in this film is quite profound for a silly little Disney comedy, but raises it above your average Disney comedy. Extra added reasons the film is fun is because of Mash's Harry Morgan, Sandy Duncan and Planet of the Apes actor Roddy McDowell.

This would be worth having in your video library (if you're a person who does that sort of thing) simply because it is family friendly film that you could show your kids without being embarrassed. It's more entertaining then Disney's 'Moon Pilot' and is worth checking out for a care free night of lite comedic sci-fi.
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