
1 Review
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Polle Fiction (2002)
Embarassing awkward humour
11 July 2002
This may possibly be one of the top 3 worst films I've ever seen...

Based on the commercials from Danish TV, and sponsored by Sonofon - how could it be any different...?

The movie is awkard, racist, sexist, degrading foreigners, and the humour is just so much out of line and last but not least it is nowhere near being funny.

I mean, I am a comedy loving man, myself, and I really like dumbass, childish comedies, but this one is just not good enough, even for my standards. Try "Dumb and Dumber" or "Austin Powers" instead - then you can rest assure that you are in for a good laugh! But not with this one, baby... that is a no-no.

The characters' lines could have been written by any 8 year old kid, it is

just one long, arduous embarrasment of stupid, mindless comments, based on a plot with so little real world appeal that one could wonder how on earth that man, Søren Fauli, who directed this movie, ever was allowed a handful of money and total freedom to do whatever.... and that is just what he did, whatever, just like my final reaction ended up being. The cast is made up of the people from the tv commercials, and then there has been added a few more just for flavour, but it just doesn't do any good. People in this movie act like they take part in a prolonged commercial that is just dragging on and on and on.

Only positive thing about this movie is that it isn't very long, only about 1 1/2 hours, and even this seems too long...

So my advice to you mr. Fauli is stick to the television commercials which "Polle from Snave" was originally based on, I guess that you have proved that a 20 second plot is just about all you can handle, my good man!
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