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IMDb member since June 2008
Scout toujours... (1985)
Great movie - except for a couple of parts -
11 June 2008 - 7 out of 10 users found this review helpful.
This movie illustrates well what a scoutmaster goes through during a scout camp. His efforts are rarely seen and appreciated enough by the community, or the scouts themselves. This work is an appreciation to those who volunteer and dedicate part of their time/life to raise better generations, and make the world a better place.
It is so deep and authentic that I can tell the producer has been a Scout at some point of his life... It reminds me a bit of the Police Academy Series, but in a cuter, unique style. The movie's original language is French, I'm not sure if an English version is available.
Salute to all Scoutmasters all over the world! :)
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