
3 Reviews
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Rampart (2011)
omg 5.9
21 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As I've said before the tits that rate this film under 6 are something else they must be Arnold schrawzenegger fans or art house i know better then everyone else freaks.

I don't like spoiling films but woody harelson is amazing in this film the cast is well put together period sigourney weaver is great as harelsons defending DA who becomes More disillusioned the more she hears from harelson and harelsons speech to ice cubes characters about Africans going back to Africa is ironic and funny and the whole point of instiulistoned racism and corruption amongst the force in the late 90s in los Angeles is well constructed I promise anyone who watches this film will love the demise of harelsons character and will love the way the 2 weak ex girlfriends get revenge and his two daughters who are amazing actresses help towards this
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i think there's to many film buffs on here
21 October 2012
All i can say imagine this first time director with a big Hollywood budget then you will see the true beauty of this film. I felt at times that i could feel David finchers atmospheric cinematography riding through this film and with the menacing soundtrack i think this film deserves much more of a user review score for a first time director.

The story is a child grows into a hit-man finds love thats it but inbetween there is so much more and i thought the ending was pleasing.

This isn't a popcorn flick and though the fight scenes and action sequences are good it is a slow paced melodrama but the script is good which in my opinion makes the film worth watching
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IMDb ratings
21 October 2012
I'm sorry but I've had enough of people who review films on here 6.2 for this film is a total injustice for what is a original script highlights important social issues and for me is a great mixture of comedy and spectacle.

i don't even want to say anything about the film because if i do i would spoil it but all i can say is DO WATCH IT and get taken on a whimsical ride of love friendship and guilt with real blood splattering moments real belly laugh moments and an ending that will have you in tears not many films mix genres together good but this one does for me its a must see
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