As I've said before the tits that rate this film under 6 are something else they must be Arnold schrawzenegger fans or art house i know better then everyone else freaks.
I don't like spoiling films but woody harelson is amazing in this film the cast is well put together period sigourney weaver is great as harelsons defending DA who becomes More disillusioned the more she hears from harelson and harelsons speech to ice cubes characters about Africans going back to Africa is ironic and funny and the whole point of instiulistoned racism and corruption amongst the force in the late 90s in los Angeles is well constructed I promise anyone who watches this film will love the demise of harelsons character and will love the way the 2 weak ex girlfriends get revenge and his two daughters who are amazing actresses help towards this
I don't like spoiling films but woody harelson is amazing in this film the cast is well put together period sigourney weaver is great as harelsons defending DA who becomes More disillusioned the more she hears from harelson and harelsons speech to ice cubes characters about Africans going back to Africa is ironic and funny and the whole point of instiulistoned racism and corruption amongst the force in the late 90s in los Angeles is well constructed I promise anyone who watches this film will love the demise of harelsons character and will love the way the 2 weak ex girlfriends get revenge and his two daughters who are amazing actresses help towards this
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