
3 Reviews
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Toy Boy (2019–2021)
They should kill Triana's character
7 April 2020
The actress that portrays the role doesnt perform well. She has the same miserable character all the time. Its so unfortunate for me that i have to watch her on all three series, elite, money heist and toy boy.

She gives this problematic, sad and lifeless character all the time and it drags the life of the series. Its a fun, action and suspense filled series but all she give is this low energy vibes. If you watch the series shes in, you'll get it.
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Almost perfect.
6 July 2019
Samuel Jackson is just a poor choice. He makes everything low class sounding. 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

But its a must watch!
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get a better, fun and charming host
1 April 2019
Its a fun and good show. its the host of season 4 was so boring. the bar was set high from the previous hosts and he followed it with such a low level energy. jokes arent funny and no good banter with the bakers. jesse i think is the best. please get a good budget for the host.
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