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IMDb member since April 2019
Sargasso (2019)
Good movie!
20 September 2020 - 0 out of 13 users found this review helpful.
I really enjoyed this film! Well written, suspenseful and emotional.
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When the Starlight Ends (2016)
Interesting movie!
20 September 2020 - 1 out of 3 users found this review helpful.
Jacob (Sam Heughan) is an aspiring writer and he always writes about the woman he loves, but she repeatedly let's him know she does not appreciate that, she doesn't not want to live in the public eye. This is a story of love and heartbreak. Great dialogue and good writing for an indie film! Some of the other reviews I've read are very critical. Watch the movie with an open mind and I promise you'll enjoy it!
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