Most Recently Rated
Gutter (2022)
Good Subject - Bad Film
The subject of the film and the premise were fine, but the acting was slightly below average. The story was not straight-forward, and the viewers were victims of a poorly scripted movie. Although I watched the entire film, I wanted to turn it off many times because I got lost in the confusion of the story. I could not recommend this film to anyone without warning them of its shortcomings; however, it will probably score a few points with younger hip hoppers who love the genre.
Resort to Love (2021)
Decent Film With Moral Boundaries
While this movie will not become an award-winning masterpiece, it is an entertaining move created to provide its audience an opportunity to experience a myriad of emotions. It is a cross between a typical Hallmark film and a blaxploitation comedy; however, it falls far short of slapstick. Though lighthearted, it provides the audience with a rare opportunity to see life from both sides of a relationship issue. This film included decency guardrails and a challenging set of circumstances. It contains no obvious villains and no definitive heroes, but it will satisfy one's desire to enjoy a good romantic comedy. The characters grow and change their perspectives as the viewers will if they stick it out.
Coming 2 America (2021)
I Enjoyed the Film!
I believe the film is hilarious; however, I understand why some felt let down. The last I heard, most of the cast make their living doing comedy, so why were people expecting a dramatic masterpiece? The answer is simple; they didn't expect a true-to-life drama, but they wanted to preserve the legacy of the original movie. Coming To America was a groundbreaking film with an enormous following. On their best day, it would be hard to match the success of the original film. I loved the premise of the son versus daughter dilemma for the king, and the strange circumstances of its occurrence. Sit back and enjoy the film, it's not a history lesson, but an entertainment product.
Qui sème l'amour... (2016)
Beautiful Film!
This is the best romance movie I've seen in quite some time. The beauty of this film is the teasing backstory of the neighbors and friends observing the budding romance between the two principal characters. That the viewer has to read the entire dialog forces them to pay closer attention to the details and watch the body language. Djibril is obviously a decent man with exceptional talent and impeccable integrity; however, he humbled himself for the good of those he loved.
A story of a person working illegally without a path to legal papers would be a mundane story without the mother's wisdom, determination, and intervention. Julie was lonely, miserable, frustrated, and hopeless, but she only realized it when Djibril showed her genuine love. Excellent historical context and realistic development. Do yourself a favor and watch this movie. It will warm your heart and provide medicine to your soul. This story is the ultimate romance movie.
He Heard My Cry (2011)
Excellent Christian Film
The direction of the movie surprised me. In some ways, the taglines undersell the value of this movie. The movie explores the relationships between several people who meet during critical points in their lives. The dialog and conversations were excellent. The message in the film is clear, but definitely more for adults. Although the film is Christian, it contains sanitized adult conversation. People must make sound decisions and live with the consequences; however, each person must live a life that's true to themselves. Good people decide based on principles, but many live out the insanity paradigm. Christianity is more than a single decision, it becomes a way of life. A magnificent film for all people in adult relationships.
Like It Was Yesterday (2018)
Dramatic Irony At Its Best
Lisa left Derek at the alter seven years before the day the movie follows. Derek has never healed from Lisa's decision to leave him at the alter. Despite his pain, Derek is three years into a marriage to Kim, but their marriage is in crisis due to their inability to have a child.
Derek serendipitously runs into Lisa at a book signing and she invites him to sit down and talk. Lisa apologizes for leaving him at the alter without providing details. This film uses flashbacks and the other characters to build the story. The viewers remain one step ahead of Derek as it pertains to why Lisa left him, but not enough to figure out the entire plot. Each character knows more than he or she has revealed to Derek until the movie reaches a pleasant conclusion. Watch this film if you love romance, suspense, and drama.
God Friended Me (2018)
Great Show
Although I am disappointed CBS cancelled the show, I believe it ran its course. Unlike some shows that can string the audience along for several seasons, d Friended Me moved at a faster pace. The show tackled some sensitive social issues, some not necessarily suitable for the entire family. The romance, heartbreak, and disappointing twists fueled its true-to-life feel. I wish the show could have gone another season, but I don't feel cheated by its finale. I highly recommend binge watching this program.
The Undershepherd (2012)
This Movie Nailed It!
It hurts to hear the truth, but this movie is like a backstage pass at a rock concert. Big egos, weak social climbers, and an entertainment media willing to exploit the circumstances correctly portray the politics of the business of the ministry. Religion is a commodity. Similar to healthcare, supermarkets, and restaurants, each church congregation has to fight for market share. People need religion, God, and a place to fellowship with other believers. A large percentage of people will seek a church home and people choose their church homes like they choose any other entertainment venue. Family ties, traditions, and brand loyalty play a role. Ministers and full-time ministry workers are employees in a workplace. They need upward mobility, job security, and a chance to become the best in their field. The competition in the ministry is as competitive as in any other business. The social dynamics of adultery, bribery, lying, and manipulating for personal gain are the same in any industry. People will be people. This movie does as well as any other similar film. The only reason I didn't give it a higher rating is that there were unexplained gaps in the development of some of the storytelling. I highly recommend this film for its entertainment value, but not for a realistic look at what happens behind the church doors. The scenes depicted in this movie happens in all businesses, regardless of race, ethnicity, and national origin.
A Mermaid for Christmas (2019)
A Nice Feel Good Movie
This movie is the perfect affirmation for those who believe that hope is worth the effort, even though fairy tales are just fictional. The struggles of life are stressful, especially when one adds grief to the equation. Losing a loved one is tragic for anyone, but the lingering feelings of pain and loneliness can bring a person to an awful place. This movie is more allegorical, than a tale of fanciful imagination. It appeals to the romance, optimism, and enduring liberty every heart yearns to thrive. No one in the cast will win an Academy Award for the picture, but they score big when it pertains to delivering a wholesome performance for the entire family.
Pierre Jackson (2018)
True to the Genre
The movie is good and entertaining for those who understand Brian Hooks and his brand of humor. Highly recommend the movie for Brian Hooks fans, but do not encourage people to watch this movie if they are looking for a serious film worthy of critical acclaim. I am a big Brian Hooks fan and he practically steals the movie from the headliners, in typical Brian Hooks fashion.
Black Panther (2018)
As Good as Most Super Hero Pictures
Black Panther is a great movie with an excellent storyline. Each is entitled to their own opinion, but I am curious regarding the real agenda of those who are rating it with low scores. The movie is no more political or controversial than any other movie shown in a theater over the last half century. The dialog is often thought provoking and may generate some discussion because it acknowledges some of the world's social issues. It is action-packed and mostly family friendly. The fight scenes are typical for super hero films and the CGI is pretty good. Women and many other minorities have significant screen time and major roles in the development of the plot. The lead actors stars give the supporting cast room to share the spotlight. I highly recommend all DC and Marvel fans to see this movie and incorporate it into the debates and discussions about super heroes and villains. I expect many of these stars to show up again on the silver screen soon.
The Help (2011)
"The Help" is one for the Ages
I enjoyed the movie because it followed a logical sequence that captured the genuine vernacular of the period. The attitudes of the characters in the movie are not fictitious; they represent the real attitudes of an oppressing group. The condescending stereotypes and attitudes did not die with the end of the era, some of the accompanying lifestyles did. Some of the families who employed house cleaners and other domestic help were not rich or even middle class people. They under paid their help with sub-minimum wages and expected much more return than investment. They enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle at the expense of the black domestic workers who served for little pay. The most important aspect of "The Help" is the moral implications of how domestic workers affected the lives of the children they raised, befriended, and loved. Despite the mistreatment they often endured, many of the workers attached themselves emotionally and the families rarely reciprocated. Some of the young children identified with the domestic service providers more than they could relate to their own biological parents. The maids often instilled a strong sense of self-esteem and a proud, but healthy, confidence into the children they raised for white people while they struggled to do the same at home. The dichotomy between their surrogate roles within white homes and their reality often produced major psychological torture and emotional turmoil. The same superior attitude that demands special privilege and entitlement prevails today, but the issue is no longer just black and white nor is it confined to the South. "The Help" dares to scratch the surface that illustrates a mild realization of the actual degradation imposed upon an innocent cross section of American society. I highly recommend this movie to every American who likes history, especially in light of our society's preoccupation and fascination with many aspects of the lifestyles of the rich and famous. This movie will serve as moral tonic and a dose of reality for families and school aged children old enough to understand.
All About You (2001)
Positive Love Story
This movie is as good a romance movie as anything since the days of Humphrey Bogart and Katherine Hepburn. It has humor, a clear distinction between the good and bad characters and enough romance to make a strong person weep. The movie was obviously a low-budget project with less than grandiose expectations. The Soundtrack was marvelous, as others have so eloquently stated before. Terron Brooks may have won a Grammy for his singing had this soundtrack been marketed through mainstream channels. All the characters, even the not so likable ones, did a great job in the picture. Were the lighting, filming and color always perfect? No! That's exactly why I changed my vote from a "9" to a "10." The Director, Producer and actors for this film should all be applauded for a job well done. They did what they had to do with what they had to work with and that is why I watch movies in the first place. Please, please, please put Lisaraye, Terron, Renee, Tico, Bobby, Chris, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Lou Myers, Debbie Allen and all these characters back on the screen for another go round. Every time I play the title song "All About You," my guests want a copy of the recording, but its hard to find. If Terron comes to my town to give a concert, with or without Renee Goldsberry, I will be the first in line at the box office.
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Great Film!
This movie is good from start to finish and every aspect is nearly perfect. The acting, plot, premise, genre and character development are text book superb. This movie explores the good cop versus bad cop game and the viewer is sometimes not sure which is which. I highly recommend this movie for anyone who likes suspense, comedy, drama, adventure and a little cynical satire. Past history and police corruption are the main areas of exploration for this film. The heroes are not saints and the bad guys are not total devils, but the viewers will have an opinion in the end. Humor and serious drama are blended well and the characters skillfully and deliberately exploit that intent.
Restraining Order (2006)
Characters too Shallow
The movie is listed as a drama but it is more like a psycho-thriller. It is a very sad movie with a very sad ending and the hero character is not a hero at all. Reggie Gaskins designed this picture for him to look heroic, but it was poorly done. Six stars is a bit generous but some of the isolated scenes were good enough to redeem this film. All the actors are good actors with obvious talent, but the script was worse than terrible. The tragedy of the movie is the fact that the viewer is in total darkness the entire movie. The movie has no hero, just a comedy of misunderstandings with jumped conclusions. If the movie had ended differently the movie could have been saved. The victim never found out the truth about what was really happening to him. There is nothing entertaining about this movie.
Superman Returns (2006)
What were they thinking?
The real shortcoming of this film is the ridiculous idea of Lois Lane moving on to a new relationship almost immediately after Superman's disappearance. Since Superman didn't leave any information about where he was going or why, it should have been assumed that he was dead. Her reaction should have been more grief than anger, unless the movie forgot to tell us about a missing piece. The fact that the son is five years old and Superman had only been gone between five and six years distorts the time line. When did she meet Richard? How soon after their meeting did they become an item? Did she carry the child for nine months? The time line is troublesome. The film has a reference to an article written by Lois Lane about spending the night with Superman. I am incensed by such a reference. The entire storyline makes Superman seem like an irresponsible mortal. The comic Lois Lane would never have cheapened the reputation of Superman with such a revealing article, even if it had happened. Lex Luthor finding the Fortress of Solitude is ludicrous and stupid. Superman was always careful about the security of the Fortress. Luthor's easy access to the Fortress is troubling. If a sequel is made to tie up the loose ends within a year the writers may redeem themselves, otherwise, I will stick with reruns of the other Superman series of the past.
Washington Heights (2002)
Nice Movie With Real People
This movie explores a side life that few movies even try to show. Carlos is a complicated, sensitive and confused young man who has great talent and loyalties to family. He is blessed with a wonderful God-given talent as a cartoonist. He harbors a bit of anger towards his father, whom he believes mistreated, his dearly departed mother. Despite the resentment, he still loves his dad and honors him. Romance, drama and adventure are skillfully woven to produce a heart- warming tale of triumph and reality. The movie explores the marginal difference between poverty and dreams of business success. The thin line between the legitimate hard working businessman and the under-the-table life of opportunistic predators is well documented in this production. Carlos is the good guy everyone loves and wants to see succeed, but he has his own demons to face. Carlos craves validation and affirmation from those closest to him but it seems like he can only find that type of appreciation from strangers. Many will see the silver lining of a dark cloud, while others will totally miss the point because they are far too removed from the premise of the film.
Abby (2003)
A good show that may have been a little before its time
This program was originally billed as a sitcom, but it slowly evolved into a cross between "Battle of the Sexes" and a kiss and tell reality show like "Love Connection." Every episode contained sexual tension between the ex-lovers who continued to share the same apartment. Although the relationship was supposed to be history, jealousy and envy were the constant emotional darts hurled at one another. Each one secretly still loved the other and desired to resume the relationship but neither was willing to swallow their pride. Each episode involved one or the other trying to establish a new relationship with another party, only to experience passive interference from the ex-lover. Will was a sexy and handsome ladies man with nearly intolerable arrogance. Abby was a tall and beautiful woman, but almost "too sweet and innocent" to have thrived in a relationship with Will for the number of years they spent together. She was a bit whiny and played the victim card quite often. Will, however, was so stuck on himself that he was nauseating and too self-absorbed to notice her plight. His leap from Dwayne Wayne on "A Different World" to Will on "Abby" was challenging for his "good guy" image. The chemistry between the two main characters was so perfect that the show should have succeeded. Both lead characters are very talented and attractive actors who appeal to the opposite sex.
The Freshman (1990)
Good Movie with a nice twist
This movie is a good film. but it does send a mixed message at the beginning. The viewer is led to believe that the movie is a serious "Godfather-like" clone, but one realizes after about 30 minutes that the movie is really a comedy-suspense spoof, with a touch of whodunit. The line is not clear about who the good guys and bad guys are until the end of the movie. Marlon Brando is superb, as are Matthew Broderick and Penelope Ann Miller. Most people will laugh through a third of this movie and sit on the edge of their seat for another third. Clark, the Broderick character, is just trying to earn some extra money for school and his ambition and naiveté combine to make him the perfect "stooge" for a bigger plan. Tina, the Penelope Miller character, plays the perfect seductress who gains Clark's trust. The film also contains a decent romantic element. I highly recommend this movie.
Devil's Food (1996)
Pretty Good Entertainment
The movie accomplished it's goal and that is to entertain the viewers and to add a little "preachy moral lesson" to the story. The movie was originally released as a "made-for-TV" movie featuring Suzanne Somers and I have only heard of it on late night cable once since 1996. The movie adhered to all the old school rules of TV and did it with taste. Bad guys can't win, evil and greedy people must get what they deserve in the end, and the hero of the story lives happily ever after. Classic old school television movie. The Devil disguises himself as a nice old man and tricks Suzanne Somers into an irrevocable deal. She thought she could live with it because it provided her with everything she always wanted. She felt that the only thing that kept her career from going to the top of the news industry was her battle to keep her weight down. The Devil promised to keep her weight steady in exchange for her soul, but she was amused by the offer because she didn't believe in God or a Devil. Her "eat all you want diet" gave her wealth, fame and more misery than she could have imagined. In fact, she becomes a monster as she rises to the top and others are hurt, repulsed and ruined by her irresponsible manipulation of the situation. Her love life and her morals, that she never knew she had, led her to ask to be released from the deal. It is a nice story that may have been a big hit if it had a bigger budget and a more ambitious goal than filling in a prime time spot during re-run time on a network.
The Gospel (2005)
Decent Film
The soundtrack for this film is enough to keep most church going people entertained, but the plot is strong by itself. Viewers are given a sneak peek into the other side of church. Ministers, musicians and members are cast as regular people with lives burdened with common problems that cause inner turmoil, grief and conflict. Young viewers can enjoy this film, but it is geared more for an adult audience. I highly recommend this film to people who enjoy the black church experience. The only slight shortcoming is the underdevelopment of a few key characters. This film is somewhat inspirational and has a subtle preachy tone. Most of the worship scenes are a little overplayed and not what most of us see in our local congregations.
Ray (2004)
Very Well Done, but...
I gave the movie an overall 10 but it left plenty room for the critics. It is a very well done movie but it dabbles in some areas that may disturb conservatives and people with religious roots. There is one stretch when the movie lingers about 15 to 20 minutes too long on absolutely nothing productive. The movie has moments of brilliance, but the women in the movie seem a bit exaggerated whiny and shallow. The soundtrack is the best in years and Jamie Foxx just crossed over from a "B" actor to the big time. The movie is a bit graphic with the drug scenes but it needs to drive the point home. Heroin has destroyed many families and affected the lives of millions. The movie makes a moral and social statement, but briefly hints at spiritualism with flashbacks and/or figments of the title character's imagination. A great movie for parents to use as a springboard to a nice conversation about peer pressure, personal responsibility and triumph.
Mystic River (2003)
Classic Eastwood
This movie is a good study in human nature and fate. Eastwood has always tried to haze the line between a good guy and the things a person does to define him as such. His good guys do so much bad and his bad guys do so much good that we are often left pondering what we see in his movies. Mystic River will take your imagination and patience to the limit. Mystery, intrigue and suspense are superbly blended for a home run.
Antwone Fisher (2002)
Superb and worthwhile!
This movie is not just a good movie; it's a great study in human nature. It goes where very few writers or producers have gone before. A male or female, who has psychological scars from neglect or abuse, would do well to see this film. Many victims of abuse internalize the words and actions of the attackers to the point that they feel they somehow deserved, welcomed or instigated the ordeal. Many ask themselves questions like "what did I do to cause this person to act this way?" or "why should I ruin this person now?" Guilt and fear are major emotional issues for survivors of long-term abuse. Some worry about the collateral embarrassment of close loved ones who may not know and others feel ashamed that they were not equipped with the physical or emotional strength to stop it or confront it when it happened. Some have a genuine fear that exposing or confronting an abuser will alienate their dearest loved ones and lead others to see the perpetrator as the victim and them as the new villain. It brings to mind movies like "Ordinary People" and "Prince of Tides" because it teaches important life lessons. The real beauty of this film may be the irony of how the troubled victim's response to treatment affected the lives of others around him. Seeing this movie may provide someone a prescription for peace.
Barbershop (2002)
Good Entertainment
This movie is not a masterpiece of theater, and was never meant to be. It captured an inner-city neighborhood flavor that people outside of urban America will struggle to understand. Cliches dominate the picture, but they are foundational types of what is real in the city. The playboy, the pimp/gangster/loan shark/crook, and the selfish main character that learns the value of life. Uncomplicated, funny and even insulting to some, but the same people that are offended by this movie's liberties will watch Def Comedy Jam all night long. Most hard humor is at someone's expense. If I were Rosa Parks or Jesse Jackson I would not only laugh at the script, I would use it to gain a platform for community dialog. This production was not trying to deliver a moral lesson, just a few laughs. Thumbs up for a good movie!