Hadashi no Gen (1983)
Made me homesick
I just watched this film for the first time yesterday. I signed up for a free 1 month trial DVD delivery, and filled my queue with Anime. There is so much more than Robots and Vampires. Robots and Vampires have their place and in Anime they can often have deep meaningful stories.
This film is definitely one I will add to my collection. The subject is very important. We usually Hiroshima from an American point of view. It is important to see it from a Japanese view. the movie actually doesn't seem to make a point to say that the US was bad. I don't think an American film would be so non-judgemental.
Watch this film for it's real (and sometimes over the top) emotions.
The home life of the family and the interactions between the parents and children reminded me so much of parts of my life in South Korea for the past 12 years. though differences exist between Japan and Korea, some basics are similar. Nowadays the common life shown in the film is fading. I think it will be a good reminder of how things were.
Watch this and 'Barefoot Gen 2'.