This adaptation encapsulates much of the comedy of the novel about the eccentric world of the aristocratic Radlett family at Alconleigh. Andrew Scott steals the show - a fabulous performance of bohemian neighbour Merlin. This is such a treat.
15 Reviews
Spoilers ahead!***
30 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Suburbicon has a talented cast. The style and the premise is interesting, however nothing makes a great deal sense of to be believable. We don't know why he wants his wife dead, and even if we go with it, I think it is completely insane that he wants his kid dead. You might like it, but It simply didn't work for me.
The Snowman
Interesting cinematography
27 September 2019
Michael Fassbender is one of the most talented and reliable actors of his generation. It's mad how much hate The Snowman has garnered. There is nothing wrong with it. It is beautiful cinematically and it gripped me throughout.
Victoria & Abdul
2 September 2019
With Judi Dench how can you go wrong? She was born to play this part. I have never seen this lady give a bad performance. A very endearing true story of how a queen discovers joy from a lowly Indian servant I certainly enjoyed the movie. Top-notch!
Prepare for an emotional rush!
15 August 2019
Mrs. Brown's Boys D'Movie
A man in drag gets his tights stuck in an escalator!
15 August 2019
Prepare for an emotional rush!
15 August 2019
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