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IMDb member since September 2019
Yilbasi Gecesi (2022)
Warm Movie with Perfect Cast
9 January 2023 - 10 out of 21 users found this review helpful.
Haters are gonna hate...
Gulse Birsel has a different path when compared with the other writers, she is a good observer and knows how to reflect Turkish streotypes to the movie. Yilbasi Gecesi (New Year's Eve) is perfect example which contains different characters from different cultures in Turkey.
I laughed a lot and additonally I felt a lot. Please ignore the haters and trolls. Even If you do not have sense of humour, the movie is still worth watching. Conflicts, dialoges, metamorphosis... All is awesome, I love this movie a lot like all other Gulse's works. If you like this movie, you can also love aile arasinda as well.
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