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IMDb member since June 2006
The Hiding Place (1975)
Amazing "Impact" story!!
2 June 2006 - 29 out of 36 users found this review helpful.
My grandmother took me to see this movie when it was released. I was a child and had not studied the holocaust yet but, even though I only saw this movie one time, I have never forgotten it. It takes a very special movie/story to have such an impact-especially on a child. Over the years, I've thought of this story often but I haven't ever seen it anywhere (TV, video store, etc...). It's a shame this movie hasn't been kept "alive" through re-makes and/or re-runs--It certainly deserves to be given the same respect and attention as "The Diary of Anne Frank" and "Schindler's List"! I'd love to see it again--even though I'd need a much bigger box of tissues this time!
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