Oh Yeah (2020)
All Style - Little Substance
This small short is about orgasms
it's mostly Style with little substance.
I Quite liked the cinematography, the director was trying to go to for a vintage look (square aspect ration,pastel colors)
i see a lot of potential for the director, although they might need to learn add a little substance
Konstgjorda Svensson (1929)
More than watchable
Following a full-restoration from an Internegative along with the sound discs in 2011,this part talkie
was released on Netflix in 2021
For some reason,the film's silent portion is 100% silent,no accompianing music, making it a hard watch. The only parts that kept interested to keep watching were the sound bits, which were a talkie prologue and several songs.
What i have to praise is the restoration. For something that is 90 years old,it's in mint condition,and if the film had not been as good looking as it is,i would've watched just the sound portions. There's some good jokes sprinkled in throughout the silent parts.
it would be a 7 if it had the accompianing music.