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Despite the loads of Critics, Audiences, and peers, several people including the current US President think she is one of the most overrated actresses in Hollywood.
Does she really deserves all the praise she gets?
Embrace the Darkness 3 (2002)
Downfall to hell
This is a great end for a softporn trilogy of vampires.
In the first one sweet Jennifer turned into a vampire. In the seccond now as a vampire Jennifer rise. And to conclude we discouver that our heroine could end as the bloody thirsty Queen of vampires, or Return into human again.
So Jennifer should choose between the love of a powerful vampire or a human reporter (Glenn Meadows).
In the first 2 films the main villain are women. In this end are Men and Jennifer herself are jerks, who has no doubt to kill her only vampire friend in the first 10 minutes. The only trully kind character as long with an elderly librarian.
The sex scenes are few and our last Jennifer actress (Chelsea Blue, the seccond pornographic actress for the heroine) isnt good enough, as isnt good enough the main vampire. BLUE Had luck of charisma and her sex scenes are bleh!
. Fortunately most of secundary cast is great, and is a pitty that Mia Zattoli hasnt the main rol (she has only a brief sex scene and short amount of time). The reporters has lot chemestry together, and not only had the best sex scene, but also they trully deliver good performanceand character development In no sex parts.
The end a kind of predicaba but its ok for ending this trilogy.
Embrace the Darkness II (2002)
Madisson Clark was replaced by a porn actress
Catalina Larrañaga is the only highlight from this movie. The worst by far of the trilogy.
Jennifer is back. Now a vampire she needs the help of a couple of vampire in order to survive and success in her New afterlife.
Rene Rea a software and hardcore star replace Maddison Clark. And dont get me wrong she makes a fine work (much better tham the third Jennifer), just fail in comparison.
In fact all is worse. All is cheppear, the sex scenes are more more graphic but also raunchy without good taste. The plot is more or less the same but with a less attractive cast.
The main exception is Catalina Larrañaga who makes a great villain.
Embrace the Darkness (1999)
Great film from the genre
The VHS, DVD rents and sales and the cable gave a seccond life to the software films in the 90s.
From the late 80s to the late 90s former TV and even film stars had a revivan in this genre. The most succesful were Shannon Tweed (Mrs Gene Simmons) and Tanya Roberts. In the late 90s they become in their 40s and both retired in order to have a succesful career in realities and sitcom.
And a seccond generación of unknown New starlets from Penthouse, Playboy and even hardcore started.
Unfortunately the budget was usually much lower and the script was worse. So the genre died in the begining of the new millenium. This movie is from that age.
So I was pleasent surprise of the budget, the good script and the very good performance specially of the leading Lady. Unlike other starlet her career started in big budget film of respected directors (ok as a pole dancer, but in Verhoveen, Tarantino and Rodriguez films). So clearly she makes a difference. She is beautiful, charismatic, sexy, sweet, excellent dancer and can act. Making a tour the force change from a ingenue to a vamp.
Its a pitty that after this work the lead actress retired from films. The movie was so succesful that had 2 sequels unfortunately with other actresses.
The Diary 4 (2000)
The worst of the saga
Dont get me wrong this isn't a bad movie for the genre but this is by faar the worst movie of "The Diary " films and the worst film of Nicolas Webber.
The Diary that was about the sexual awaking of a repressive english heiress named Anna (Lila Bauman) was excelent despite the seccond half copies english novels of that time like Lady Chartley Lovers. The seccond despite not being as
good, reinventado itself with the addition of the París Burlesque.
The third only had Anna of the first 2 movies, and the amoral villian of the seccond movie, now turned as good regenerated and moralist guy (there are no more reference for the husband or the school Sweetheart or someone else from the previous films). Despite I have the sensation that this should ended with the seccond movie. Its reinvented again with lot of humor and italian luxury places.
In this fourth and final film most of the cast from the third film reapeted but unfortunately lacks imagination of the previous 3 films. Lila ends falling in love partner of the married mafia boss, and main villian of the third film. And this sucks.i hope that the producers wanted more films of the diary and the failure of the last film ended the saga. Because Anna deserved a much better end with someone New, or her school sweatheart or the photographer of the third film or even with her husband or even with the amoral guy turn director. But not definitive with the boss married man (divorce was forbidden in Italy until the 70s) who is completely dumb and a jerk.
Total Romance: Dangerous Liaisons (2002)
Excelent a pitty that the director hadnt made more movies
The unknown Nicolas weber directed 6 films (all erotic) at the beginning of the new millennium. 4 belonging to The Diary that told the story of Anna (Lila Baumann) a young English woman who went from England in the 930s to Postwar Italy. In this, she stands out from the North American productions with delicate and well-formed actresses who looked like haute couture models and natural bodies (not silicone busts) with angelic but lustful faces. That is to say, Baumann and the cast seemed to come out of a Just Jeaking, David Hamilton or Zelman King movie and not from Playboy. He also had a good script for the genre that combined history, eroticism, dramatic moments, and other comics. It also had excellent photography and excellent costumes, which was rare at that time (we are dealing with a genre in which women undress).
The last film in the saga surely did not achieve the expected success, so his next films were French for a channel that showed erotic films, several of them starring people of the genre.
For the two films called Total Romance, as in the newspaper, 90% of the cast was repeated and it was about rich people. The difference was that it was in modern times and the actors played different roles. Except for the male lead, the Swedish super model Alex Lundqvist (everything seems to indicate that it is indeed him) who is a co-star in the first film has a supporting role in the second and vice versa.
This second and last film by Nicolas Webber (at least with that name) is his best film and is an adaptation of Dangerous Liaisons and more precisely Cruel Intentions but in Paris and in greater detail in the original work. In other words, it brings out the best of both worlds. The humor of Cruel Intentions but with a more elegant and less crude proposal. And its great. Is about fancy young people and not about highschool (thanks god!!!)
I don't understand why Alex Lundqvist would accept to debut as a leading man in softporn movies made for television, but he complies diligently with his role as Valmont here called Andy Demetrius, very elegantly and immaculately dressed and looked, worthy of a top model. He looks extremely young for being around 30 years old.
But are the actresses that stand out, all of them beautiful and the female leads look like top European models, specially the one that portray Christina. Most of them didn't do anything else before or after this movie. Therefore, except perhaps for some tertiary actor or actress, none of them came from porn or prostitution.
The first Total Romance the Initiation (about hackers) was good, Ultimate Games is not so easy to get online (I got it in French). But it exceeds and by far the previous one in everything.
Specially in the sex scenes some are quite imaginative. And all have good taste and are sexy!!!
Unfortunately Nicolas Webber apparently hadnt made another movie. And its a pitty that the director and almost all the cast except Lundqvist dissapeared after this realese (at least from.iMDb page). Because they were all very good here.
El Cid (2020)
This is just the first season
Is El Cid good? In some aspect exceed expectations. In other is lame.
Para hablar de esta serie tenemos que partir de dos puntos de vistas. El primero sin saber nada de la historia de Rodrigo Díaz y la segunda es sabiendo más o menos la leyenda, leído alguno de sus libros, o verlo en teatro o cine, siendo el Cid de Charlton Heston de dónde provengan todas las odiosas comparaciones.
Sin saber nada de la historia del Cid lo mejor son las batallas y lo dinámico de la historia. Más allá de que alguna parte no se entienda por desconocer el contexto histórico y la inverosímil lucha del Campeador contra una tortuga ninja.
Ahora conociendo en algo la historia. El hombre vivió hace casi 1000 años y si bien existen muchos textos documentados casi todo lo que se conoce es por leyendas posteriores de tradición oral y posteriormente escrita ya que en el siglo XI y siguientes poca gente sabía leer.
El mito del Cid ha servido para la unidad de España y ha Sido utilizado por todos los gobiernos españoles
La única gran película hecha hasta la fecha es El Cid de 1961 dirigida por Anthony Mann y protagonizada x Heston , Sophia Loren y Genievive Page entre otros.
Para hacer el Cid se consultó en ese momento con los más prestigiosos historiadores españoles que posteriormente fueron acusados de franquistas, y en cierta medida estos críticos tenían cierta razón.
El Cid fue utilizado x Franco, que como siempre este no agregó nada a la historia sino que se limitó a resaltar lo que a él le convenía.
En la película de Mann los musulmanes (moros) son malvados, cuando muchos y por mucho tiempo fueron aliados del Cid. Lo cual muchos la tildaran hoy de islamifoba. Pero en realidad la culpa no fue ni de los historiadores, ni de Franco, ni de Hollywood. Simplemente había que condensar 50 años de historia en 180 minutos y además darle color y la magnificencia que el cine espectaculo de aquella época exigía. Incluso es bastante más cercana a la historia que otras películas de su epóca.-
espectacularidad. Tiempo de colores puede que por ello el film quedó más suntuoso, imponente y rico de lo que fue la historia real, con alguna decoración i vestuario fuera de época.Pero eran todavía los años del technicolor y los 70mm es decir el cine espectáculo en colores brillantes.
El guión era una sintaxis de cantares de gesta y obra de teatro.
En esta versión se quita toda regia suntuosidad y nos vamos al otro extremo, de la espectacularidad de la Corte Leonesa de Mann a una corte fea, sucia y pobre. Mucho más pobre e iletrada de lo que fue en realidad.
Todas las referencias relativamente sutiles de Mann se vuelven en escenas escatológicas literales que nada aportan a la trama y arruinan la historia de España con el fin de hundir a la actual monarquía.
Ver a Doña Urraca cagando suma algo!? Ver a los reyes desnudos y barrigones casi cincuentones teniendo sexo lo único que da es pena.
Podrían decirse que hay tradición del cine y las series españole de poner a los reyes y nobles en escenas escatólogica, pero estos al menos fisicamente eran más agradables y todas esas películas pasaron de moda por su guarrería.
Sacando esos elementos de reyes, príncipes y altos nobles que quedan todos malparados. Es interesante ver a Ruy (no es Rodrigo todavía x que su abuelo que se llama igual aún vive) hablar con los pájaros así como la dulzura y nobleza de Doña Jimena, y los compañeros de armas del Cid, aspectos que muchas veces han Sido omitidos, así como ver a los moros vasallos.
Así como los interiores son muy malos por lo pobremente adornados que están. Los escenarios naturales están muy bien fotografiados y señalan una belleza muy turística de que no ser por los disparates históricos quedarían muy bien.
Las escenas de justas y batallas es otro aspecto que sobresale y que nada tiene que envidiar a series de mayor presupuesto como GOT pues la sangre y el polvo se palpan en la piel del televidente.
En definitiva se pueden observar los puntos positivos de está serie por lo que sus aspectos negativos se pueden superar en ulteriores temporadas.
En cuanto a los aspectos históricos, yo no voy a juzgar si tenía que estar o no la tizona y sobre la espada que usó Ruy .
Una serie no es historia y menos en la de un ser legendario en una época legendaria. Tampoco sobre el feminismo, ya que en el siglo XI en toda España las mujeres tuvieron mucho más poder en el derecho y en los hechos que en el resto de Europa y probablemente del mundo.
Pero si que si se hubieran fijado en los documentos existentes la historia estaría mucho mejor. Se perdió la oportunidad de describir los usos y costumbres de la edad media.-
El Horror es tratar de reescribir la historia e imaginar con cabeza del siglo XXI lo que ellos creen que debería haber pasado 1000 años antes afean mucho el resultado.
Una pena por qué las intrigas palaciegas entre 1062 y 1065 eran mucho más interesante que las bobadas que se inventaron para dar origen a la trama. Básicamente quieren suplantar al rey por su mujer. Cuando en realidad los problemas sucesorios entre hermanos se originaron con la muerte de Sancha y no con la de Fernando. Y Urraca y Alfonso fueron aparentemente más queridos que Sancho.-
Afortunadamente la historia del Cid trasciende a sus escritores y si quisieron hacer a un Cid progre , les salió lo contrario un héroe aún más inmaculado y cursi que el de Heston.
Jaime Lorente, pese a no ser un actor alto y fuerte que intimide como seguramente fue el Cid, cumple aceptable mente con su papel, de servir a varios señores.
Cómo dato anecdótico este joven actor con discurso de izquierda se ha descubierto que su primo es uno de los lideres pertenece al principal de derecha el PP. Habiendo el actor y su madre participado en diversos mítines de orden cultural del PP.
Lorente como el Cid tiene muchos señores pero un solo rey Fernando López Miras.
En fin ni es GOT ni una porquería, ni siquiera que quedó a mitad de camino pues se necesita aún ver una segunda temporada.
Después de todo GOT fue bastante barata y malita en su primera temporada. más cerca de Xena Princesa Guerrera que del Señor de los Anillos. Luego el guión y el preupuesto mejoró y se volvió en la serie de la decada.-
En síntesis puntos fuertes la agilidad de la trama, la panorámicas y las batallas, así como resaltar aspectos míticos como hablar con los pájaros, y todo lo relativo a lo estrictamente militar.
Puntos débiles. El origen de la trama, diálogos carentes de sutilezas, la invención de hechos que palidecen con la historia real, desarrollo de la mayoría de los personajes secundarios y el diseño de interiores pobremente decorados.
El Cid: El camino del odio (2021)
While the seccond season is 1, the last episode is a 10
Let's see, the seccond season of El Cid, is pretty lame. If we thought that season number one was a little lame, but things could be fixed on season 2. We were all wrong.
Episode 1 is a Soap Opera, Episode 2 Urraca kills her mother, Episode 3 is like TV Series Elite, a homosexual affair between Nuño (Elite Polo's Alvaro Rico and. García the young King of Galicia) and an incestous relationship between Urraca and Alfonso, well like Polo, Nuño is killed by the mob. Episode 4 El Cid kills his granpa. So I guess SWJ El Cid was one of the most expensive and worst shows of all time, specially when the Spanish history is too rich.
Fortunately then there is episode 10, that 's the best by faar in all the series.
King Sancho conquered Leon and Galicia, and now is the king of All Spain.
He forgive the Leon nobles that they swear loyalty, and he wants to executated his brother Alfonso, however he is saved by Bishop Bernardo, if he takes the habit.
But all was a lie, a plot between Bernardo, Urraca and Amina, a former Cid Lover who wants revenge. Alfonso scape to Toledo. While his sister resist in Zamora.
Urraca defeated King Sancho and El Cid first attemp to conquer the fortaleze City. So Sancho has not trouble to wait the rendition of his sister in order to cut off her head.
However he order Ruy and Orduño to make the arrengdment of surrender.
Urraca wants to surrender, but the people of Zamora including her favourite Vellido Belfos, don't want, so they resist till the end.
Rodrigo/Ruy/El Cid try to convinced his friend King Sancho to leave the site, that so many lives cost, after all he is the king of everything except the City of Zamora, But Sancho the Brave, doesn't agree and expelled him from his side.
Rodrigo leaves and blames the king, and here the episode end.
So what's next, or a third season or at least a large Streaming movie, of the death of Sancho by Vellido Delfos and the entronization of King Alphonsus VI.-
The Santa Gadea Judment and the marriage between El Cid and Jimena, before he will be expelled by the king orders.-
Aguaespejo granadino (1955)
A Documentary for all the senses.
This is a very short documentary, 18 minutes, about Granada, from the past and from the present, a lively testimony of Southern Spain History.
In Praise of Older Women (1978)
A guilty pleasure, a cheesy classic
In Praise of Older Women is based of an almost autobiagraphical novel of Stephen Vizinczey. Born in Hungary in 1933.-
It's the story of a young man who have sex with elder women, because he has no luck with women of his age.-
This version was directed by George Kaczender and the cinematography of Miklós Lente.-
There is another version of this book called En brazos de una mujer mayor in 1997. An Spanish version with Faye Dunnaway as the Countess, Juan Diego Botto as the main hero and Joanna Pacula as the hero first love.-
This is only the first half of this movie and is a complete mess. For example the novel and this movie is about a guy who scapes from communist Hungary, while the Spanish version is a communist who scapes from Franco, Not only but also the first half of the spanish remake is this movie first 5 minutes.-
I guess is important to give this introduction, because many people who criticed this, haven't seen the other awful version.
I haven't read the book, so probably intellectual elements were removed (as someone post before) in search of the the cheesy dialogue, funny situations, the softporn scenes. But this is definitive superior in almost every element than the Spanish Remake.-
A kid named Andras (Ian Tracey) is an hungarian refugee has sex with a Countess (Monique Lepage) in 1945, however he had no more sex in the next six year. Now 18 in 1951 Andras (Tom Berenger) tried to had sex with Julika a girl around his age, but he failed in their first encounter, after that he fell in love and have sex with his tutor and neighboard Maya (sexy Oscar Nominee Karen Black), and finally learn about sex. Maya in her late 30s had an open marriage, then he had sex with Maya's best friend, then he try to seduce another girl of his age. A sexy cabaret singer (Nikita's Alberta Watson), however she wants to remain virgin until marriage, so frustated Andras try to recovered Maya but she refuses his advances.
5 years later in 1956 he have another relationship with a 12 year older woman Bobbie, she is even more sophistical woman, and encourage in his philosophy studies, both are against the communist regime, and at the end help him to scape from Hungary. He flew to Canada.
Now in 1959, with 26 (more like Berenger age) he had another relationship with an older woman named Paula (Alexandra Stewart, with the best naked body), she is french, and he learns about the 69. He has an open relationship with her, so he had no trouble in trying to seduce another woman in her 30s . With luck with elder women, Ann MacDonald (Helen Shaver who in real life was younger than Berenger), who is seduced but refuse to have sex with him, because she still faithfull to her idiot husband. 4 years laterm Ann tries to seduce Andras, they go to bed, but she refuse to have sex at the last seccond.
Andras had a concies crisis after it. Because he is 30, and a women in her 30s refused him, but in the elevator he met the love of his life, the girl (also in her 30s) who would be married and the movie end here.
The author met his wife in 1963 Gloria, who was divorcee and 6 year older, they married and were happily married until her deceaced in 2020.-
This is a funny commedy, with lot of sex scenes, several full frontal nudes ones. And having then respected actresses like Karen Black or Susan Strasberg doing this, I guess was a kind of kinky and controversial.-
The movie was a hit during the Toronto Film festival, for the sex scenes, that are many, steamy and realistic. Today with political correction is impossible to make a movie like this.-
The movie is a delight commedy with cheese quotes, but I guess they came from the book.
Tom Berenger, who was in his last 20s, was too old and Zero Innocent for the first 3/4 of the movie. It's started his scenes at 18 and end at 30. Someone who was younger and had a more innocent face should be a better option.
However after he arrived to Canada he is suitable for the role, and his last acting scenes are great, he is a seductor, and he become a sex symbol in the 80s. His chemestry with MacDonald is great.-
However are Karen Black and Susan Strasberg the ones who really shines here. There were still A stars at the late 70s, and their roles are more juicy than big budget disaster films. The actresses knew this and stick their teeth on the film.
It's awkward that the awarded actresses in the Canadian Film Award were Shaver, Watson and Lightstone. That don't get me wrong, these three specially Shaver were great who won in leading despite the fact she appears less than ten minutes in the screen. So I guess that Black and Strasberg were omitted for being American and Hollywood actress.-
A pitty because these women were incredible here, and (except Black from Robert Altman Films)never had more opportunities to share their talent, and were reduced for B or C movies.-
Una moglie molto infedele (1988)
A classic Scene
Lilli Carati (1956-2014) was a very famous italian model and starlet in the 70s. She was finalist sof Miss Italy, after it, she had a relative succesful acting career in erotic commedies. She was more famous than her movies, some flop, but then become classic with the time.-
With the decline of italian film industry, Carati need money, and was a drug adict, so she made a very succesful transsition from the softporn to the hardporn.-
However she didn't like the hardporn, and retired after a few films.
After recouvering from drugs, 20 years later, she return to do conventional films and TV with great reviews, but unfortunately was diagnosed with brain tumour, and finally died in 2014.-
Una Moglie molto infedele is a film about Maria a lady who carries out constant betrayals against her husband, who, suspiciously, hires a private detective, Mister Kappa, in order to investigate the escapades of the bored and depraved wife.
Famous is the scene at the medical's office. She goes with her husband to the gynecologist. She asks if Doctor Giorgio Borrelli can vaccinate her, and tells her husband to withdraw because he can be impressed. Doctor Borrelli is no other than a very young Rocco Siffredi.-
Inside the medical office: the doctor at the request of the patient is already naked under the white coat and with the penis erect .
That scene is worth seing.
Total Romance (2002)
A Good French TV Movie
During the new millenium there were lot of several french porn soft movies. These usually had a better script than the american ones, despite a lower budget .
Usually because of the smarter plot were sexier.-
This is the exception, this isnn't the typical M6 production because the productions values aren't cheap, in fact was directed by Nicholas Webber remembered by the Diary flicks. Unlike the the Dariy who has the lovely and gorgeous in lead Linda Baumann, this time a guy is the leading character-
Maybe it's expensier than usual, maybe because it's the screen debut of Alex Lundqvist, apparently a famous swedish male supermodel from the 90s. Why a supermodel want to be on a Softporn French TV ? I don't know, maybe the salaries for male models were lower than femele ones.
After he made it, he made another Total Romance film with the same director and cast, but with other characters and plot Dangerous Liasons, fortunately for him he semiretired from acting after that, and he continue a more redituable and decent top model career.-
Any way, he is more than OK in this film, but the main standout is Irene Tellier who has a resamble of Ludivine Sagnier.
The plot is simple Philip (Lundqvist) a horny boy but still innocent computer whiz hacker but offers his service to a rich and powerful and ruthless Jack ( FrenchSoft-core TV usual star Benoit Clerc), to spy his adversary. Because he recently had break up with his naive girlfriend Lili (Alexandra Lewis), he uses another girl (Tellier) to pretend being his with, after 30 minutes, finally Phillip has sex.
After it hacking corruption and seduction are his new weapons. Philip is so successful as to leave Jack behind. His ultimate mistake is to seduce Jack's wife Natasha (Nathalie Raynal). When he betray her with another women, the couple wanted a revange. So only the innocent Lily can help him to not to go to jail.
Even if she could get perversed in the proccess.
The film is hot, the sex scenes are even hotter.-
The gorgeous and sexy actresses unfortunately are most unknown, and never acted again on TV or Films, at least with these names
Bacanal (1980)
Another Pornochanchada film
Well during the 70s and yearly 80s the erotic Pornochanchada films we're very succesful in Brazil.
In these movie there are 2 couples in a van. One the "older" little more sofisticated and the other more shy. The first convinced the seccond yo he swinger. Then they met 3 girls that practicanted nudism.
Then there are kidnapped by robbers. Every one rape one of the girls, except one that is a voyeur that decides that the. Young guy Will have sex, first with his wife., The with his wife and his femele friend and finally with the 4 kidnapped women un an orgy.
The fifth an asian-brazilian girl with the help of an old retires militar save the day.
Forbidden Love (1982)
An old Tv movie romance
Well it's all in the synopsis. Yvette Mimmieux
the 60s starletshiness in one of her last roles, as a rich woman who has a romance with a much younger doctor. Andrew Stevens when he still was a teen Idol and Many years before he started to produce, stars and directs erotic thrillers.
Nice movie, maybe "controversial" for TV at the time, but very Disney Chanel right now.
El Cid (2020)
This is just the first season
Is El Cid good? In some aspect exceed expectations. In other is lame.
Para hablar de esta serie tenemos que partir de dos puntos de vistas. El primero sin saber nada de la historia de Rodrigo Díaz y la segunda es sabiendo más o menos la leyenda, leído alguno de sus libros, o verlo en teatro o cine, siendo el Cid de Charlton Heston de dónde provengan todas las odiosas comparaciones.
Sin saber nada de la historia del Cid lo mejor son las batallas y lo dinámico de la historia. Más allá de que alguna parte no se entienda por desconocer el contexto histórico y la inverosímil lucha del Campeador contra una tortuga ninja.
Ahora conociendo en algo la historia. El hombre vivió hace casi 1000 años y si bien existen muchos textos documentados casi todo lo que se conoce es por leyendas posteriores de tradición oral y posteriormente escrita ya que en el siglo XI y siguientes poca gente sabía leer.
El mito del Cid ha servido para la unidad de España y ha Sido utilizado por todos los gobiernos españoles
La única gran película hecha hasta la fecha es El Cid de 1961 dirigida por Anthony Mann y protagonizada x Heston , Sophia Loren y Genievive Page entre otros.
Para hacer el Cid se consultó en ese momento con los más prestigiosos historiadores españoles que posteriormente fueron acusados de franquistas, y en cierta medida estos críticos tenían cierta razón.
El Cid fue utilizado x Franco, que como siempre este no agregó nada a la historia sino que se limitó a resaltar lo que a él le convenía.
En la película de Mann los musulmanes (moros) son malvados, cuando muchos y por mucho tiempo fueron aliados del Cid. Lo cual muchos la tildaran hoy de islamifoba. Pero en realidad la culpa no fue ni de los historiadores, ni de Franco, ni de Hollywood. Simplemente había que condensar 50 años de historia en 180 minutos y además darle color y la magnificencia que el cine espectaculo de aquella época exigía. Incluso es bastante más cercana a la historia que otras películas de su epóca.-
espectacularidad. Tiempo de colores puede que por ello el film quedó más suntuoso, imponente y rico de lo que fue la historia real, con alguna decoración i vestuario fuera de época.Pero eran todavía los años del technicolor y los 70mm es decir el cine espectáculo en colores brillantes.
El guión era una sintaxis de cantares de gesta y obra de teatro.
En esta versión se quita toda regia suntuosidad y nos vamos al otro extremo, de la espectacularidad de la Corte Leonesa de Mann a una corte fea, sucia y pobre. Mucho más pobre e iletrada de lo que fue en realidad.
Todas las referencias relativamente sutiles de Mann se vuelven en escenas escatológicas literales que nada aportan a la trama y arruinan la historia de España con el fin de hundir a la actual monarquía.
Ver a Doña Urraca cagando suma algo!? Ver a los reyes desnudos y barrigones casi cincuentones teniendo sexo lo único que da es pena.
Podrían decirse que hay tradición del cine y las series españole de poner a los reyes y nobles en escenas escatólogica, pero estos al menos fisicamente eran más agradables y todas esas películas pasaron de moda por su guarrería.
Sacando esos elementos de reyes, príncipes y altos nobles que quedan todos malparados. Es interesante ver a Ruy (no es Rodrigo todavía x que su abuelo que se llama igual aún vive) hablar con los pájaros así como la dulzura y nobleza de Doña Jimena, y los compañeros de armas del Cid, aspectos que muchas veces han Sido omitidos, así como ver a los moros vasallos.
Así como los interiores son muy malos por lo pobremente adornados que están. Los escenarios naturales están muy bien fotografiados y señalan una belleza muy turística de que no ser por los disparates históricos quedarían muy bien.
Las escenas de justas y batallas es otro aspecto que sobresale y que nada tiene que envidiar a series de mayor presupuesto como GOT pues la sangre y el polvo se palpan en la piel del televidente.
En definitiva se pueden observar los puntos positivos de está serie por lo que sus aspectos negativos se pueden superar en ulteriores temporadas.
En cuanto a los aspectos históricos, yo no voy a juzgar si tenía que estar o no la tizona y sobre la espada que usó Ruy .
Una serie no es historia y menos en la de un ser legendario en una época legendaria. Tampoco sobre el feminismo, ya que en el siglo XI en toda España las mujeres tuvieron mucho más poder en el derecho y en los hechos que en el resto de Europa y probablemente del mundo.
Pero si que si se hubieran fijado en los documentos existentes la historia estaría mucho mejor. Se perdió la oportunidad de describir los usos y costumbres de la edad media.-
El Horror es tratar de reescribir la historia e imaginar con cabeza del siglo XXI lo que ellos creen que debería haber pasado 1000 años antes afean mucho el resultado.
Una pena por qué las intrigas palaciegas entre 1062 y 1065 eran mucho más interesante que las bobadas que se inventaron para dar origen a la trama. Básicamente quieren suplantar al rey por su mujer. Cuando en realidad los problemas sucesorios entre hermanos se originaron con la muerte de Sancha y no con la de Fernando. Y Urraca y Alfonso fueron aparentemente más queridos que Sancho.-
Afortunadamente la historia del Cid trasciende a sus escritores y si quisieron hacer a un Cid progre , les salió lo contrario un héroe aún más inmaculado y cursi que el de Heston.
Jaime Lorente, pese a no ser un actor alto y fuerte que intimide como seguramente fue el Cid, cumple aceptable mente con su papel, de servir a varios señores.
Cómo dato anecdótico este joven actor con discurso de izquierda se ha descubierto que su primo es uno de los lideres pertenece al principal de derecha el PP. Habiendo el actor y su madre participado en diversos mítines de orden cultural del PP.
Lorente como el Cid tiene muchos señores pero un solo rey Fernando López Miras.
En fin ni es GOT ni una porquería, ni siquiera que quedó a mitad de camino pues se necesita aún ver una segunda temporada.
Después de todo GOT fue bastante barata y malita en su primera temporada. más cerca de Xena Princesa Guerrera que del Señor de los Anillos. Luego el guión y el preupuesto mejoró y se volvió en la serie de la decada.-
En síntesis puntos fuertes la agilidad de la trama, la panorámicas y las batallas, así como resaltar aspectos míticos como hablar con los pájaros, y todo lo relativo a lo estrictamente militar.
Puntos débiles. El origen de la trama, diálogos carentes de sutilezas, la invención de hechos que palidecen con la historia real, desarrollo de la mayoría de los personajes secundarios y el diseño de interiores pobremente decorados.
Sex Files: Erotic Possessions (2000)
Shauna O'Brien has sex with all the cast
This anthogy mix between xfiles and skinmax usual films, is in fact an adaptation of several films including Maxie with Glenn Close. Just this time Griffin Drew isn't an amicable Ghost.
Shauna is Claire aspirational actress with his husband Micheal (Jarod Carey) Rent a house of a dead Star of the 40s Valerie Parks (Drew). After having sex the Ghost appears and podés the guests specially Claire. Who has sex with everybody.
O'Brien has sex first in a film with an actor, then with her husband, then the Ghost appears and have sex with a 40s movie Star, then with Valerie, then with her husband Best friend, a director, her Best Friend and finally a psychist.
O'Brien was one of the youngest and more beautiful softporn starlets of the 90's, with a resamble of Demi Moore, specially her Ghost hair cut. Se had everything she ver started in the indie classic Go with Katie Holmes and Sarah Polley, she could carry a movie un her breast, I mean her shoulders.
What ver happened to her, like most of the softporn stars her career ended around 2003
Le cri du désir (1977)
A mesmering romantic film based on a Greek Myth
I don't like like hardcore films. At first I thought It was a french version ir Italian commedy like Malizia. I mean a cougar that shows her boobies and maybe an integral nude.
Maybe because was french, had a Emmanuelle or David Hamilton touch, and even a french twist.
My surprise was at first, was a drama, and in seccond place was a hardcore film.-
The plot is simple, based on Phaedra, the Melina Mercury -Anthony Perkins film, but un like other erotic porn film this was made with love, the photography, locations and score are excelent for the the kind of Eurotrash movie, and the performance are touching and sensitive, in dime aspecto superior to the Jules Dassin film
the plot has a lot of melodrama, a kind of soap, but a good soap, not different than other europeans and latinamericans dramas with sex, just this time has hardcore sex.
In fact the performance were so good, that I thought that this was at first a softporn or drama flick, that they latter added hardcore scenes on post production, like many films of the time. I don't know, I will search, I promise.
The film is in french without subtitles, my french isn't that for that, so maybe I lost in translation in some aparts.-
The film started in the countrside in a rich family The Beauchamps. There is the father Raoul (André Chazel) who looks like his 50s in a wheel chair, his lovely seccond wife Françoise (Michèle Perello) in his mid-late 30s and his son in his early-mid 20s Christian (Richard Darbois). After a conversation, the wife and his step son play tennis, after that they have an oniric sequence of having sex in the tennis court. But this was just a fantasy, after that they return to their life, she with her husband, he with his girlfriend.
Any way, after that both have fantasies of having sex between each other.
I guess she has at least 10 years marriage, and knows the boy, since he was a child, or in his earlier teens. She isn't old enough to be his mother, so I guess the age gap is between 10 to 16 years.-
They continue to have fantasies to each other, until in a boat trip around a lake in the countryside, Christian confess his love, and have sex, after that they continue to have sex for a while, then both have some guilt, and they tried to forget the affair, But they can't and as a jelous lover he followed her to her appartment in the city, he thought she had a lover, but Françoise hasn't. So they have sex again.
Then in the house is butler (Henri Czarniak ), who suspects, he tried to tell the husband, in every opportunity, despite the fact of being catched they continue to have sex, their passion and love is beyond them, destroy any sense of guilt and inhibition .
Finally they have sex on the woman house in the city, a telephone call, by the butler and the husband, probably gotched them (my french isn't that good). Maybe he could leave and try to not recognized the affair, maybe both they can leave, but their passion is stronger and decide to continue having sex there.
And then is where the movie end.
It's a kind of open end, because the butler drive the car with the husband as passanger, the husband apparently know the affair (after all a husband knows his wife, as a father his son) from the begining, and try to not go ther, they fight, maybe they crash the car, maybe both dies. Maybe they continue to the house, and then the husband is forced by the butler to kill both, or the butler kills because he desire Françoise as well.
I guess the message, that at the end the passion and love, is above all. And both were madly consumed by passion and love, that they don't care any more about the consequences.-
So at the ends in romance in it's purist form, like I haven't seen in a long time, and it's unbeliavable that I find it in on a hardcore film.
The direction is good, and most the director adn the actors had a very large career, doing any kind of films, not just this hardcore. So I guess that this is the trully happy ending, un like the Greek tragedy
Noce i dnie (1975)
This could be me last review
I've seen this movie several times in Uruguay, that was very popular on TV Channel 10, in Spanish, during the 80s.
I thought that was a miniseries and just know that is a 6 hours film, that was an Oscar nominated. I cannot understand why have only one review. If the movie was translated to Spanish, must be translated to English in the 80s too.
Wonderful cinematography and with a great and charming performance by Jadwiga Baranska, the night, Jerzy Binczycki was more the day. Wonderful ending at the beginning of WWI.-
Why this great and classic films are totally forgotten here?
I cannot understand this!!!
Private Lessons: Another Story (1994)
Cliché but hot
The whole plot is stupid and Cliché but still sexy.-
A Separated and repressed woman (Mariana Morgan) who is also rich and a model photographer find lust in her Cuban limo driver Raul (Ray Garaza).
After a couple of sexy encounters, passion wins and they finally have sex.
But then the cheating husband appears, with the help of Morgan fake friend.
Still the flesh is stronger and Lauren and Raul have sex again.- At the end love triumph. There are several sex scenes, Morgan has a sexy body, and can act.
It's a pity that she has very few movie/film credits.
The Dressmaker (2015)
What a Horrible movie!!!
I haven't read the Novel, and after seeing the film I'm not interested in read it.
Kate Winslet is awful in automatic pilot, while Hugo Weaving, Judy Davis and Liam Hemsworth (Yep Mr. Miley Cyrus) are fortunately much better!!!
And that's the main reason I give 2 stars to this awful movie.
The story focus on Winslet bad luck and her sadistic revenge-
This suppose to be a romantic comedy, but instead is a very black one, with more deceases than Game of Thrones!!!
Unforgettable for all the wrong reasons!!!
El pecado de Julia (1946)
Mario Soffici a director that should be revisited
An Italian immigrant in Argentina, Soffici was a prolific actor and director, a play lover, his films were particularly brilliant in a time where Argentinian's films weren't very good.
This movie is loosely based on August Strindberg famous play Froken Julie AKA Miss Julie, with too many liberties, that explain brilliantly the complexity of the authors mind.
There are several particularly good scenes, two about Julia's nightmares, first she descending from heaven, then she met the fairies, The Saint John's festivities her disgrace and finally a big scene between her and her male servant Juan where they roles are changed.-
Beyond that Soffici is a great Prima Donna's directors.
The legendary Amelia Bence, who still beautiful and active at almost 100, is magnetic as Julia aristocratic Protestant Anglo-Irish Snipster in the Catholic Ireland who at first had no mercy to her dog Diana, then succumbs to love and finally dementia descend to hell.- Her male counterpart Spanish Actor Alberto Closas (soon to be Bence's real life husband) is equally good as Juan the male servant.
The character of Christine is divided between the tragic young cook Cristina (Aida Luz)who loves Juan, and the middle age religious housekeeper Karen (Milagros de la Vega) and both actresses excels in their roles.-
Finally this movie, apparently inspired the more famous and expensive 1951 Alf Sjöberg and even the great Ingman Bergman.-
It's on youtube and deserves a look.-
12 Years a Slave (2013)
Slavery is bad
Long time ago, in the romantic and wonderful south of Scarlett O'Hara, where black people were slaves, woman remain virgins until marriage, children obey their parents, there were no l Jews were in America, and the only gay human being was Orson Welles, who was living in an ugly and dirty place called London.
A free black man called Solomon Northup was confused with a slave. So he served as a slave for 12 years, for different jerks who thoughts they were preachers. And blame their black people for all the bad things.
We all know that God is catholic and the rest is just people that thoughts that they are Christian, when in real life we know that are just pagans who adored the devil.
The worst by far is Edwin Epps who had an ugly wife and is attracted to an even uglier young black slave, Patsy, who deservedly is punished for have his master so bad taste in women.
Not all black people were bad threaded . For example there is Dominique Deveroux mother who teach ed her daughter that there is no more bitch girl, than a black bitch.-
Finally Northup received the help of Matt Fincher superhero Brad Pitt who rescued him from Slavary.
The he changed his name to Chiwitel Ejiofor, and become and actor and gain an Oscar nomination, just to loose his deserved Oscar to the bastard idiotic son of Edwin Epps Matthew McConaughey.
That jerk thanked his father in the speech and then gives one of Epps typical sermons-
For the rest of characters Patsy was rescued by Angelina Jolie. Today is one of her 250 adopted daughters.
The Epps divorced, and now Mrs Epps makes threesomes with Ellen Degeneres and Rosie O'Donell, while Edwin lost everything, and past his last days of future past as the slave of the terrible slavery Jennifer Lawrence.
Brad Pitt had an even worse faith, he dated a couple of years Gwynneth Paltrow.-
Well that's the story and my review of 12 years of Slave. Slavery is bad, but dating Gwyneth is even a worse experience.-
Maleficent (2014)
The only Dreaming Beauty is Jolie
.-Or as I called, why Women are still searching for a blood princes, when they could have sex toys.-
After 12 years of Slave my second Review
Once upon a time there was a good and friendly fairy called Jennifer Malefiston. But one day she was betrayed by an ugly and UN charming Brad Pitt, who also cut her wings, dump her, married a more suitable wife and had a daughter.
So Malefiston, decide to take revenge, first makes a sex toy from a crow, and the curse Ugly Pitt newborn daughter Aurora.
She is adopted to defy the course, by 3 fairies who looks more like the dumb 3 Stygian witches from Clash of the Titans, than Perrault Saviour fairy.
The fairies aren't respected on films. In Disney's Cinderella (1950) and Sleeping Beauty (1959), as Peu d'Ane (1970) and The Slipper and the Rose (1976) are goofy, but in this adaptation the stupidity is in a new level.
In fact is Maleficent who is the one that raised the girl. Finally Maleficent regrets her curse, but still kills the King. And Aurora receive an important lesson, her husband should be a hot but dumb sex toy, without any ambitions.-
Angelina Jolie as Maleficent, isn't credible when she tries to portray the good fairy, but excellent, magnetic and scene stealer when she is doing villainies.-
Jolie also benefited of the study of all Pitt Exes, she has the cold evil bitchiness of Paltrow, the weirdness of Lewis, the slutty of Robin Givens and the big horns of Jen Aniston.
Also add that autobiographical elements like in the first draw of the story, Stephen was her half brother, Maleficent practices Zoofilia and lesbianism and her guilty pleasure are chains. Also she looks hot in leather. To sum up the camera just loves her and rocks in the role.
With Jolie, also steal scenes as her zoophytic sex toy, Sam Riley. The rest unfortunately not good. Coplay is just too Grey and unattractive Elle Fanning dumb and lesser attractive than Martha Bush in Neglige.-
All the time I questioned about why she was cast as Aurora and not a more beauty and hot actress like Margot Robbie or Emily Browning, or even Juno Temple is a better option for Aurora.-
And then I realized that Angelina Jolie is the producer. She even order to change her younger version (India Eisley x Ella Prunell) for being too attractive.-
Because in this film the only dreaming beauty here is Jolie, the rest snore
La seconda moglie (1998)
A sexy Cuccinota
After Il Postino la Cucinota made other important movie El Día de la Bestia. But after it, except for a brief role in a James Bond Flick, she hadn't had the luck of past beauties like Cardinale, Loren, Lollo, Lissi or Vitti. She even was overshadowed in the media by Monica Belluci.-
Still I prefer la Cuccinota to la Belluci.-
The subject of this film, isn't new on the Italian cinema. A young second wife have sex with his husband young son.
So I suppose that was the reason that this film isn't famous.
Unlike other Italian beauties, la Cuccinota is full dressed in all the movies. Still she her voluptuous figure and talent makes this film erotic.
She looks sexy in very long nightdresses.-
The movies benefited also by a beautiful cinematography, beautiful places and strong performances specially of Lazar Litovski as the husband.-
Tirante el Blanco (2006)
Aranda do it again!!!
Tirant le Blanc was the popular "novel" of Joanot Martorell (1413- 1468), started a couple of years after Constantinople downfall in 1460, and published after his death in 1490. Martorell was on the service of the Kingdom of Aragon, and he traveled around England, Naples and Portugal.- The novel is on a parallel world, where Constantinople still Christian, and is vaguely based on the life of Roger de Flor (1267-1305)a German gentleman of obscures origins, at the service of the Aragon Crown and Catalonian Company, that stopped Muslim advance over Constantinople for 150 years.-
The novel is satirical and influence later the much more famous Don Quixote de la Mancha.-
Concerns more about the sexual advances of Tirant and his friends over Byzantium Empire High noble ladies, specially Princess Carmasina, the Emperor's daughter and object of affection of Tirant.
After the death of the male princes, the Constantinople Emperor (Giancarlo Giannini) accept foreign warriors (Tirant and his friends) for the defense of the Byzantium Empire. He also receives the marriage proposal of the Great Turk, of marrying the sultan with the emperor's only daughter Carmesina (Esther Nubiola).
But the Empire is in decadence ruled by anachronism laws and by two ladies the Placid Widow (a fantastic Victoria Abril) who supports Carmesina marriage with the Turk and Pleasure (Leonor Watling in her finest role) that support instead Carmesina with Tirant marriage.
Poor and virtuoso Princess Carmesina suffer the intrigue of pleasure and guilty of these two ladies.
But Tirant isn't as sex god, and failed in every sex assault, suffering more injuries in love than in battle, unlike his friends Diafebus (Charlie Cox) with lady Estefania (a wonderful Ingrid Rubio) and the even younger Hipolito (Sid Mitchell) with the Empress herself (a still sexy Jane Asher).-
So the story centers more in bedtime stories than in battles. Aranda shows again a lot of sensual flesh, and sumptuous dresses, the movie is funny and have sensual and erotic's scenes, while the ladies are great like most of the Aranda's film but unfortunately failed miserably in the battles and specially in the leading man the totally unknown Casper Zafer. Gianinni is also underused-
The movie itself was a big flop in Spain. The money came from a co-fund with England. Because of that half of the cast is English and the other Spanish.
Should be a better and more successful if the movie had at least Viggo Mortenssen in the leading role. Or at least a more charismatic and more household English actor. Even Charlie Cox, could be a more interesting Tirant
Borgia (2011)
Much better than Showtime
Jeremy Irons has the talent and the voice, but he is not Alexander VI. He doesn't look like Rodrigo Borja.- Showtime has success in the suntous technical aspects, the Jordan direction, and a great Cesar Borgia by Francois Arnaud.-
This one has a much better script, more historically accurate (even there some huge historical mistakes) and better actors in the supporting roles.-
Specially great are the ladies Vanossa, Julia and Lucrezia
I love all the intrigues between the cardinals, and the roman families.- People complain about the languages. but real life Rodrigo Borgia probably sound exactly like Pope Francis, speaking an intelligible Italian.
Any way all the actors looks much more the historical figures, than in the show time miniseries. And this is another point in favor.
There are good reasons why this TV was renewed and the Irons was canceled.-