
4 Reviews
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Soooo Overrated
23 August 2022
I'd rather go to a descent airshow than pay to see this rubbish.

The opening 20 mins, Ejecting at Mach 10 lols.

Storyline is ridiculous , why didnt they use Stealth bombers.
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Nice scenery
11 February 2022
Old, mostly very unfit and overweight males walking ( stumbling) across an Arizona desert. A lot of sitting around a bar having some "beverages" sounding like graduating from middle school was a challenge. Digging a few holes making local critters happy that they don't have to do such mindless tasks. End of story.
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must be bad
2 June 2021
As soon as you see 10/10 from the first 5 reviews and each of them has only reviewed this film you know its going to be bad.
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Vivarium (2019)
First 10 min 5/10 the rest was -5/10
16 May 2020
Go paint your wall and watch it dry; cut the grass, go to the dentist, walk for 2 hours anything other than putting this on the tv.
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