
12 Reviews
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Are You Garbage (2020 Podcast Series)
There's Norm Macdonald, then There's Kj n the big man!
7 June 2023
I Don't need to say anything more then this......You know how Norm was the greatest ever and died (I didn't even know he was sick btw), Well These two have legitimately taken over the mantle....... These are the only guys you can go down the YouTube rabbit hole with and lose a good 10 hours!

The gimmick of the show is absolutely fantastic, However when they start going off the rails it doesn't get better then that. The episodes with the big comedians and celebrities are AWESOME but the TRUE BRILLIANCE are with the lesser known guys, Like Mike Cannon, Joe List, Tom Thakkar and if you want to put your life on the line cause you may die laughing, Watch the Ian Fidance episodes! BLESS U KIPPY, BIG MAN, TOBY, AND NGL, You guys are the best there is!
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The Gray Man (2022)
What were you people expecting? Casablanca?
31 July 2022
This is basically a throw back 90's action movie......It's got bad ass action and a ton of creative kills, Gosling and Evans kill it!!! If you love 90's classic action u will love this!!!
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R.i.p. To the greatest comic voice ever.....
30 May 2022
Norms not the greatest stand up ever......Howeverhe is a top 20, He is however the best panel guest ever and his norm macdonald live show was the best ever......Norm's full comedic body of (Especially his book) work solidifies him as one of the most prolific and greatest comedians ever, EVER.....This special was just average for him, Considering there is no Audience, You can kind of tell he's laboring at times, And knowing what we kno now, Some of the jokes make u sad rather than Laugh...........Watch this as a memorial for the GOAT and listen to Chappelle, Sandler, Conan, Molly Shannon Letterman and Spade tell stories about Norm and Regale the people with how brilliant Norm truly was.
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Chris Distefano: Speshy Weshy (2022 TV Special)
Chris is a fantastic comedian but this wasn't his best
9 May 2022
Chris is an excellent, hilarious stand-up......He is a master on any panel and his podcasts are absolutely fantastic......He along with Sal Vulcano, Mark Normand, Sam Morril, Gillis, List, And a few others are a group of young mid 30's coming up, really doing their thing......Size 38 waist was better but Chris is polished and is def one of the heads of the pack in the new generation of stand ups.....This is definitely worth watching and it will certainly make you LOL......Can't wait for his next special......Although unless Netflix gave Chris a boatload, He probably woulda been better off releasing on youtube.....The Super chats alone would of netted em huge $$
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Home Team (2022)
Honestly this is a excellent movie to watch with the kids.......
3 February 2022
Great movie to watch with your kids........Not a stupid goof ball movie with a ton of simple humor.....I always liked Kevin James, he has thrown up a few duds recently, but I'm happy to say this movie was awesome......But you gotta go into it with the right frame of mind, it's a fun family movie, And my little guys are starting to get into football and baseball and I read enjoyed this with them!!!
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Well done
1 June 2021
All you need to know is this is a Fan Film made for 40k n it is HEAD AND SHOULDERS better then the two feature studio backed films that tried to use the Black Christmas IP......If you are a fan of the original you will like this......Obviously the budget led to a short run time, that's unfortunate this had A LOT going for it......
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The Hustler (2021)
Very good show!
29 January 2021
This is actually the kind of show I'd like to be on! I'm pretty sure I can hustle the rest of the players if I was the hustler
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I'm Sorry (2017–2019)
This is a really good show.........
17 January 2021
This show is extremely good, Gets absolutely no recognition.....You can actually compare this pretty favorably with Curb your enthusiasm!
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Very good movie.....
18 December 2020
The movie wasn't great it was Very good.......Frankly scrolling through the reviews it seems a lot of the written reviews are coming from the same person using different accounts......That's sad
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Never Hike in the Snow (2020 Video)
Pretty Good
14 November 2020
This movie was pretty good.......However it was a bit disappointing coming off Never Hike Alone, which to me was a far superior Film.......Much credit to DeSanti and crew for doing so much with so little, Hopefully the third chapter is the best chapter
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Impractical Jokers (2011– )
Best show currently on television........
9 June 2020
This show is laugh out loud funny.....Almost every episode leaves you with a new quote or line that will undoubtedly stay with you.......It's extremely funny watching the people's reactions to the guys antics, however even more hilarious watching the guys themselves react. Each Joker brings his own brand of humor, Joe is an unbelievable physical comedian with a fearless heir about him. Sal is hilarious because he just can't help but laugh during his turns. Murray is the straight guy who they all rip on but he takes it in stride, and Q is hilarious as a unkempt, nihilistic type of guy who is not above cheating to win a challenge. If you aren't watching this you are missing out!
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Awesome as expected
22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers

First of all I was shocked to see Jason Vorhees as one of Paula's bodyguards.......Then about 3 seconds of Will Ferrell just eating in the background all........ Now on to the movie. The Jokers absolutely killed it as usual. There were a bunch of scenes that had the entire theater laughing our asses off. Each Joker had their time to shine. The gags were awesome and the way they interchanged the movie from story to challenges was pretty good. They could of done better with the punishment but all in all this is a 10 outta 10 Long live the Jokers!
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