
81 Reviews
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Cut! (2021)
This is the Cheesy Version of Spanish gay movie!
3 March 2024
When i started to watch this movie, it gave me a good vibe but once that minutes were passing by i immediately placed it as the worst movie i have ever seen from Spain and particularly from a gay point of view.

It does not have ANYTHING to compare with real beautiful movies from Almodovar crime thrillers and all, this is a version where pink cheesy and bad acting and mostly horrible views of the director who made this movie!

Even i watched all i really got very disappointed about it! They tried to make it look in a suspense way but bad acting and script was everywhere!

And also the movie itself does not have a real message , !
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Mascarpone (2021)
A great Italian movie!
20 February 2024
This movie reminds me of my youth where I also experienced something similar with my self-realization as a person and as a human being. Antonio, who is the main protagonist, had a sudden change when he went from economic and emotional stability to fully entering the gay sexual world of our times in which less and less stable and long-lasting relationships are sought but rather anonymous encounters and a loss of identity. Integrity as a person!

For those who took the time to describe that this film has no coherence and that it only shows repeated occasions of sexual liaisons with partners, I can say how wrong they are because this director always maintained a logical coherence from the beginning after Antonio's breakup with his partner, the search for a place to live and the introduction to a new world full of adventure and excitement as meeting multiple recreational couples with sex. Then The film brought some different point of view when Denis his new roommate ended up also losing his life after his impetuous superfluous life.

This movie rescues the personality of the gay individual essence and that is why it is one of my favorites! Good for it!
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Butterfly (1999)
Finally A Great Spanish Movie!
17 December 2023
It has been so long since I had not seen a movie with the quality and story so touching about the life of a cute child in Spain from the turbulent times back in 1930's. The teacher who used to mention the "freedom" so many times was referring to the freedom of the mind, the possibility to express themselves through freedom and the way he was teaching these children was remarkable.

A really truly fascinating story where at the end, this teacher ended up imprisoned precisely for teaching those ideas that went against the Tirane and dictatorial regimen that was emerging in that country!

Everything looked great for me, the picture, the scenario, the acting and the story where captured my attention since the real beginning of the film!
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Amphetamine (2010)
"Amphetamin" is a NOT What I thought it was...
20 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kafka, Oh Well , even the name brings drama to it but not in the right way that it supposed to engage the public. I really found this with a lack of sensuality even some scenes tried the best it did not work for me neither the story because it was intended to show Kafka\ downfalls and all he was suffering after his raping and all, but I think that this story could be taken from another perspective where everything could be. I think it was a good story but the way Director took about showing at the end was really cheesy! There is not story of love, story of recovery, story of reflection, nothing.. The pictures and the scenes on a high building was nice to enjoy though, but story -and acting- was not good enough!

Scenes and drama came from all over the place and that's not the way to present a story! The synchronization from one scene to another was annoying.. Romantic movie? No.

Interesting movie? Mmm no Shocking movie?... Mmm maybe... No connection..
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Life of Pi (2012)
Great Pictures and landscaping!
23 September 2022
Good Story and Picture is very colorful! Specially when Pi was stranded in the Ocean at night and the spectacle with the whales , the fish was fantastic! I was going to give a 10 rate but when I thought about The tiger being with a human for a long time and not attacking Pi, that event would very unlikely to happen so I did not buy that part of the story but yes I am agree Imagination is a part of the Creativity of this film! Well Done!

So i congratulate the Director for making a movie that was easy to understand and acting was not so bad at all either!

Hope I can see new films from this Director!
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Parasite (2019)
Great Movie, One of the best picture films of this Century!
21 August 2022
I agree with the Oscars this film is unique and very enticing and evolves you very quick with funny events where this poor family went through to get a job in the same house! At the beginning, I thought about giving a 9 because as many other here think it was out of reality to be hired by same family in a modern world where everyone is checked out before to get into a new job, but in this case I think there could be a probability that this family was more focused on recommendations and this could possibly happen! . Even the end finished kind of violent and unexpected behaviors happened, I still give a big applause to this Director! No wonder has great reviews in here!
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
What a parody!
20 August 2022
And What a big disappointment, it was not funny at all and terrible acting specially the mom and the "little cub" This is one of the movies I just played just to see how bad was! I do not have to say much about this film only that it was on Grammy Awards List and I am not surprised about the choice of this kind of film!

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Something did not worked out good..Acting maybe?
22 July 2022
I am always fascinated for the history from England specially from XV Century and Catholic Issues of that time! This movie did not deliver what i was expecting, specially the interaction between these 2 queens and most of all their acting was not enough for me to believe I was transported to that age of time.

Even dress costume and picture and landscape was not so bad, I am still believing this movie did not meet my expectations!
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Petunia (2012)
A Comedy Movie? Mmmm
13 July 2022
This movie was really something else. I felt like I was watching a bad comedy and Director was trying to mix up all the possible dramas involved in a dysfunctional family -and in some way was kind of funny- but too hard to believe that a family was having so much issues and all of them taking it so welcoming as there was nothing wrong with it. This is what it happens when so much going on is added to the script but with the intention to make the audience laugh or find interesting and in some way sarcastic.

It still was ok, I enjoyed the movie!
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7 Minutes (2020)
Dispersed pieces of a story...
12 July 2022
I am completely agree with all the reviewers, this story had a good set of actors and good pictures, good acting and everything made sense at the beginning, BUT at the end it did NOT delivered any message at all, actually story could be expressed in a suspense point of view implementing that in 7 minutes these drug dealers could come over and set up this fake suicide of these 2 guys.

And that is exactly what I do not understand about Directors Points of View to show either limited scenes or not to express all the content they initially wanted and they got lost with the message of the movie!
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An Incomplete Story
21 May 2022
This film started slow but inserted in an interesting place as Morocco. I understand is a biographical story, but for me I felt It needed more information about how this teenager moved with a Swiss Man and ended up in a relationship and all those scenes came up from out of nowhere not giving a lot of info to the audience.

Acting at the end was not believable and the story got twisted by this guy ended up in a Salvation Army needing for some shelter , hence the title of the movie that, honestly confuses to the one who is watching at the beginning wondering why the title came up but not until the end of the movie!

It lacked a logical firm and emotional story, and not to mention the originality of it. I think the author of this story could save it if he would have continued giving more importance to narrate what really happened to this teenager after he stranded all alone in a strange city and could give more interest to all he had to be through to get to Europe...
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That Is All (2019)
Good Story But revolved Scenes!!
21 April 2022
I Started to watch this movie and in the next 15 minutes Nothing really was happening except for a story of a straight group of friends having normal activities , but something that started to catch my attention was that time elapsed between scenes were abrupt and rapidly changing to another place and subject of that specific episode!

Regarding the story I can not complain because it is a real story about a gay guy who had an affair with a straight guy along with his current relationship and honestly that line story was the only interesting scene to watch where drama came back to both of them but the end once again was abrupt and living the audience thinking.. what really happened in the last minute of the film?
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The Hours (2002)
Enticing And Interesting Movie To Watch!
17 April 2022
This film really blew off my mind. I loved what director showed regarding 3 different times in a Woman's Life throughout XX Century all away from the start to the end! The attire -by the way properly well done to the specific time- and the background including pictures and scenarios were flawless. I really enjoyed going to each decade and the way Director was inserting one through another was not making sense for the first minutes of the movie but later I started to understand what was the implication of these 3 decades: The Existence and Non-Existence At The beginning, I was hesitating giving a 10 because this story could have more drama scenes specially with Richard but in general , this movie talks about the downfall of 3 different women who live in different worlds but with a common problem: Deal with life thinking about the inevitable which is dead and this Director knew how to ling these 3 stories pretty good!
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What A Big Disappointment
23 February 2022
I mean the Graphic Art is nice , the intention of the Director of doing something "different' from a real story into a cartoon movie made no big difference to me.

What a waste of this beautiful story turned into a cartoon story, Seriously, instead f having the chance to show an artist with beautiful REAL NATURAL landscapes and showing a significant story in the REAL WORLD, And I prefer to say no more . Just simply...Disappointed.
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The Help (2011)
What a Refreshing Movie! One of The Best American movies So Far!
29 January 2022
This movies entitles everything at once: Good Story, good direction, Great Picture and Bring us to exactly the time living in that decade. The dressing, make op, hair style made me feel I was back in that time frame. Also, a great sense of humor and well expressed what the real meaning of this fascinating movie: To real get to know how African-American suffered in that time of racism and Ignorance this country was experiencing in that particular area!

Also even the movie was centered in this incredible beautiful places, the story showed The American lifestyle of the 60's and I truly enjoyed it!

Actually it is one of the best American Stories I ever watched lately!
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Poppy Field (2020)
It Did Not Work For me
9 January 2022
When I started to watch this film I was intrigued actually that was going to be some drama in this relationship or honestly other kind of story that would bring some deep constructed message, but I really got lost when this guy who used to work on the forces of his own country and they developed the story actually in a movie theater with his colleagues and the story was completely lost.

Not to much to say Acting was ok but i think the general message was lost and this Director did not know how to give more interest to a subject related with Ignorance about Homosexuality and The Real Education!
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Annoying, Worst French Movie EVER!
1 October 2021
Noisy, Annoying, Clueless, I really even feel bad after watching this non-sense film about Revolution . Juts a waste of time and This Director wanted to show ...Oops ...What did he want to show ? I am completely confused the story was horrible, the acting completely subjective to a state of mind of craziness of these people showing up naked and claiming justice on their own.

I really do not want to continue with this it makes me feel bad because the objective of any Director should be clear and objective ,completely different from this French film that, by the way is the WORST I have ever watched ever!
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Compulsion (2016)
A Story That.. I did not buy at all!
26 August 2021
Simply When I started to see this film I started to give few minutes to try to understand the story, but I did not need more than 10 minutes to notice it did not have any substantial story, acting was terrible and the change of scenes so abruptly really overwhelmed my capacity to understand what this director wanted to show.. Lust? Cult? Gee according my perspective it this movie was all over the place and I did not buy the story!!

Somebody here gave it 9 stars saying this: . "Hopefully people can open their minds and remove the stigma attached to erotica thrillers with horror elements, it's a great genre" And yes I am agree is great genre but buddy, it needs to have a good story and believe acting! Is not about stigma, is about what can you learn from the story or simply make a story that is believable !
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Well Done! A Great Love Spanish Story to Watch!
18 August 2021
This TV Series captivated me since the beginning and as the episodes were running, The drama was increasing and making the story more interesting but actually what it brought more color to the scenes were those magnificent palaces and beautiful landscapes/gardens where Castamar was placed making the series more enigmatic, Back to real past from 1700's so Director made a great job making this series very real, easy to understand and to be able to learn from this King of Spain in those turbulent times!] In General,it was very refreshing, acting was great and also the idea of bringing the story of a man of color into the Royal Family was a good one to bring more suspense to the story! Congratulations! Antena 3 From Spain is getting better with these Series!
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Los hombres de Paco (2005–2021)
Last Season The Best Ever Seen In Spain!
9 August 2021
If I would rate this TV Spanish Show Series By Seasons, These would be my rating: a)Seasons 1 To 3 : 8/10 When I started to watch it It brought my attention because it started as a fresh show , Paco incorporated a new sensitive show with a nice Spanish normal family with some kind of sense of humor (Not the best) but it was ok. All the scenes were believable and stories came with new interesting action-dynamic episodes!

B)Seasons 4 to 8 : 7/10 Episodes were going down in stories, credibility and humor. Trying to incorporate that Spanish sordid humor was not good into a Criminal-Under The law episodes mixing stories that in some way passion, love and family were good subjects the TV series in those episodes were no the greatest but not the worse either!

C)Seasons 9 to 10. 5/10 Not Good Not Good and Not Good, Episodes were from kidnappings and based organizations that honestly including the son of the devil as the target ? Really??? WOW That's was so cheesy not to mention the acting and the story involved at the end of the Season 10!! I thought the creator had to try this but the views were decreasing for such story with low quality that i watched but wanted the episodes to end!

BUT..... d)Season 11 9/10: Paco came back in a better, remodeled and funny sarcastic way where I really enjoy the funny phrases and acting in a real digital world where the story makes sense in perfect way and acting is great! GOOD FOR THAT!!!
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Fathers (I) (2016)
Another Asian Movie that melt my heart!
16 July 2021
Real Unconditional love in a gay Relationship is hard to mantain and keep through the years but parenting still is a tough challenge in this world full of prejudice, ignorance and fear.

This Movie showed me that countries as Thailand have so much unconditional love for each other. At the end, that love is the one who will conquer us all but if we do not practice it with good and honest actions we will never experience it!

The Act of love this couple showed in this film was touching, reflective, inspiring for all those couples that are not sure to give all the love they have for someone in need and if they really know as this couple in this movie they never gave up insisting in this true unconditional love!

I think this movie is all about that and for that it deserves my 10 rating!
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Lazy Eye (2016)
I Loved The Photography Picture Of Joshua Tree!
26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At The Beginning When i started to watch this movie, it captured my attention but minutes later started to be slow and boring and the idea of bringing the ex-boyfriend to the scene was well made and I enjoyed the development of the film so when least expected, the story turned out to be great and more interesting again, specially when bringing some drama at the end made it happen to me!

I Think Direction was very good and also acting was great and the story was even much better! Sometimes that is what we need to understand what true love is , so lots of congratulations to the Director for a nice movie!
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Brotherly Love (II) (2017)
Another Movie "I Did Not Believe In love Again"
4 April 2021
I think one of the biggest talents (And responsibilities also) of a Good Director is to make his film look real and not fake. Well i think this movie goes away outside of these parameters. The acting made me feel I was watching an amateur movie with funny reactions specially from the main cast.

The definition of true unconditional love? Nah, I did not see that in this movie? The definition of a real catholic religion on these guys? Nah, it was all over the place , no more comments..
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It Gave me the Creeps About How false is Acting!
25 February 2021
If I have to rate this by acting, I would rate with maybe 1 or 2, Now the musical touching was so badly expressed in this movie that I di not even wanted to see the end! But I saw it anyways, because I needed to see how was the structure of the whole movie and what it took the Director to do this La La land Movie inserted in a Gay Love Story that I did not believe not even when Benjamin And Tim were engaging a relationship at the beginning... The acting when Benjamin goes to try to rescue Jace's Heart at the plane blew out my mind, like I did not believe not even one line of that "Romantic" Episode and hats when it comes the bad work of a Director where he believes that is a great love story to express in a movie.. Music and the songs were not so bad but still this movie needed a little bit of more effort to make it last. Sorry guys, it did not work for me!
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Retablo (2017)
Very Nice Film From The Andes!
23 February 2021
This film not only has a demonstration of the beauty and color of a culture that has existed for centuries in the confines of the Andes. The story between Noe, a craftsman retablista who begins to train his son to dedicate himself to the same thing, brought a lot of interest in knowing how this plot was going to develop. And if it is true as they say in the previous reviews, sometimes the film begins to take a slow and not very expressive path, but in my opinion what rescued was the exclusive relationship between a father who, knowing himself bisexual and feeling attracted to other men, was quite difficult to accept in a community as closed as this country, especially in these hidden places where ignorance and poverty are the greatest stigmas. However, Segundo (son of Noe) at first felt a little angry and frustrated when discovering the "immoral" acts of his father, his heart dictated him stay with him to protect him and take care of him despite his father's depression when he did not want to get ahead for the "sin" committed. In reality, the story is very particular and worthy of understanding and applying for those who do not end up accepting and being compassionate with others. The love that Segundo felt for his father was greater than everything else and that is worthy of admiration!
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