
2 Reviews
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Unsold pilot
31 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched it, despite it being appalling. I was at least waiting to see they they resolved everything and managed to return to the surface.

Then the film ended. All still unresolved and underground.

Apparently it was a feature length pilot so they were just setting the scene for a series to follow.

Needless to say no-one bought it and the series was never made.

It was bad. They spent about £1.25 on the musical score, most of that was rental on a bad synthesiser on which they pressed the dramatic sci-fi chords button.

The acting wasn't terrible, and the yeti character looked quite convincing.

But the special effects were feeble. But the worst aspects of the film are the plot and the script. Truly abysmal!
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Creepozoids (1987)
The best bad movie I've ever seen!
25 April 2001
Now I've seen a lot a terrible horror films, but this is about the worst. It was so bad that when we watched it the first time on video, we just had to keep rewinding and playing the 'worst' scenes over and over again, until we could take it no more.

It was absolutely hilarious!! The giant rats could not be any less animated, although having said that, the actors were worse!! Their attempts at terrified screams were worthy of Oscar nominations in the comedy category.

Watch this film when you a feeling miserable!! It cannot fail to make you laugh!!!
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