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Chosen (2022)
Danish teenage serie
Simple story but enjoyable. I watched it in 1 day. Some teenagers are grouping together to find out what happened when a meteor crashed somewhere in a small town in Denmark. Ad a little love & drama and it becomes chewable...
De slag om de Schelde (2020)
Incredible dutch coproduction
I was impressed with the quality of camerawork, acting and action. Three storylines coming together in an impressive story about the battle of Zeeland of the Canadians, that was so important for the taking of the harbour of Antwerpen.
Kamp Waes (2019)
Good camera work and imprrssive stages of the process of training. I enjoyed the series from the start to the last minutes...
Artemis Fowl (2020)
Forget the books, this movie is a worthy fantasy tale
I find it completely unfair that people compare this movie with the original books and therefore valueing it with a 1...
I enjoyed watching it, loved the visuals and special effects, particularly the elve's world.
If you like dreaming away in a fantasy disney movie, you will enjoy Artemis Fowl...