
6 Reviews
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Going Ape! (1981)
Wasn't all that bad
25 February 2005
Wow. It seems like if you see this movie, you will either absolutely hate it, or absolutely love it! The movie had an interesting dynamic. It was hard to determine exactly what category this movie was meant for. It seemed to be targeted more towards kids with all of the high-jinks and buffoonery, but then there was far too much swearing in it to let kids watch.

I let my 10 and 8 year old brother and sister watch it, and they loved it! I watched it for Tony Danza, who was still very green at the time, but still managed to pull it off. Danny DeVito was brilliant, like always, and I would recommend you keep an open mind if you plan on watching this movie.
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A HIGHLY recommended feel good movie
17 August 2002
The entire movie was superb. But, then why do so many people think it sucks? I'll tell you why.

All people who saw this movie immediately compared it to the first one. And you can't do that, because although the movies were practically identical in plot, they were nothing alike. "2000" was like a RE-MAKE of the first movie, only aimed at a different audience. The problem was, the audience of the first movie saw it and was expecting it to be like a continuation of the original. That simply wasn't the case. The original movie was reflection of the late 70's, and all those who fell for the Blues Brothers when they were actually performing live absolutely loved the cult classic.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the first movie, but it has that certain feel that you just don't get in the second movie.

You could tell that "2000" was more or less going for the whole "family film" feel (thus "the kid", a younger member of the cast with whom younger children could identify with). You know, kinda like "Honey I Shrunk the Kids"? My two younger siblings prefer the second movie to the first one, just because of the kid.

Over all, when taking the movie for what it is, it's very good. The acting, writing, and especially the music are well worth it. If you haven't seen the first movie yet, rent them both at the same time, watch this one first (with the kids), then send the kids to bed and watch the original, but don't expect them to be anything alike.

I also found it interesting that it took three whole people to make up for all of the aspects found in the late, great, John Belushi.

Rating : A+
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Simply cannot be rated
30 June 2002
I've found that most ratings are based on comparing the movie they've watched to a different movie. Well, Nothing But Trouble can't be compared to any other movie on the face of the earth. You can't say it wasn't good, because in it's own little world, I'm sure it was an excellent movie. I, however was afraid to put my feet on the floor while watching it. It wasn't scary, just disturbing. As for the acting, it was phenominal. Everyone was very convincing as far as their characters went. When watching this movie, just keep in mind that it's an Aykroyd Brothers Creation, so brace yourself for weird and expect the unexpected. If you're into reality programming, this is NOT the movie for you! Other than that, it was pretty good.
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Neighbors (1981)
In a word... Strange...
17 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(May contain spoilers)

I don't even think I can begin to describe this movie. It was totally illogical and none of the events connected in any way, shape, form, or fashion. I'm not saying it was bad, in fact, I did a good amount of laughing, but as was stated before, they were more "where the hell did that come from?" laughs. Once or twice, I think I tried to figure it out, and I think I hurt myself in the process. The performances were great on the part of Belushi and Aykroyd, they were very convincing and probably made the movie a little more logical than it could've been (if that's even possible). Its the kind of movie that leaves one speechless at the end. It was incredibly realistic and predictable in parts, and then, in the next moment, became totally unrealistic and surprising. I thought the movie ended three times, and it just kept going. Belushi's character did show a couple of signs of stupidity when he kept entertaining the notions of his wacky neighbors, and kept getting burned by them. One of the parts that confused me the most was when Belushi's character locked Aykroyd's character and his wife in the basement, and all of a sudden you hear a chain saw and screams coming from the cellar. The line that got Belishi's character to open the door was, "How do you know he's not an escaped vivsectionist?" I recommend you see this movie, but only out of morbid curiosity. Don't say I didn't warn you!!!
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Light of Day (1987)
Am I the only person who liked this film?
19 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
*May contain Spoilers* I thought this film was awesome! Joan Jett was fine and very convincing as far as her character was concerned. Michael J Fox was phenomenal as usual, although if a person would rather see him in a comedic role, I wouldn't stick this film at the top of the list. It seems odd to me that some people would find his bad-ass-rocker role a hard one to believe. After all, he was in a couple of garage bands, and he does really play the guitar (will his talents ever cease?).

The movie showed how one person can be exposed to two very different worlds, and not have to reject one to be a part of the other. Joe (Fox) did this well, where as Patti (Jett) came around at the end. Going from jam-packed, smoke filled bars to the very plain, stereotypically 80's parents house isn't always an easy transaction, but the actors pulled it off beautifully.

The dying scene with Patti and her mother was touching, as well as the closeness of the two siblings. Neither one did seem to be able to hold a grudge against anyone. Everyone was very level headed and forgetful of the past.

Over all, I'd say that people should definitely read into the fact that it's a DRAMA, and I'd almost have to say that this movie could be labeled under "chick flick", and not very many "chicks " are into this kind of movie. This is why (I'm guessing!!) this movie isn't all to popular. I LOVED IT!
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Noises Off... (1992)
The best movie I've seen in months!
3 July 2001
Screamingly funny with an outrageous cast! The movie was somewhat unpredictable in a sence that it was just about impossible to guess what happens next. It was realistic in the way that not everything goes perfect with putting on a play, and when you have dramatic events going on behind the scenes as well, it can only add to the hilariouty! I defenatly recommend!
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