
8 Reviews
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Back in Time for Dinner (II) (2018–2020)
Contrived rubbish
20 May 2024
Why this has such I high rating is beyond my understanding.

The show is paraded as a view back in time on the food that Australians consumed in the past, but instead the show is preachy. Telling us in every episode how the wives and females of the family were mistreated. Please remind us one more time how women did all the work.

While trying to give us the impression that this is some sort of reality show, it is clearly scripted. Scripted but with poor acting on the part of the family that was selected for this drivel.

This is neither entertaining or educational. And to think my tax paying dollars contributed to this being made by ABC Australia, please put my money to better use in future.
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freddy's flawed movie
15 November 2023
I got sucked in by the title. It took a couple of seconds to realise I wasn't watching Five Nights at Freddy's but a low budget rip off.

Where to start with this steam pile of dog do do... the acting is sub par, the script is terrible, even the lighting is bad. The 'monsters' looked cheap.

I found nothing enjoyable in this movie.

I was in agony watching this and turned it off after twenty minutes. I wonder where the budget for this trash comes from.

Don't even watch this with friends as a laugh.

The people who gave this a ten are obviously involved with this blight on humanity parading as a movie.

Please stay away, I beg you, for your own good.
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The Wheel (2019)
Had potential but falls short
24 October 2019
It appears that David Arquette is now a B-movie actor. I got the feeling he didn't even want to be on set for this film. It is the worst acting I've seen him ever do.

The story, set in the not to distant future, is about the use/miss-use of nanotechnology to create super humans. There little more to the story which seemed purely a vehicle for the fight scenes.

The only person who seemed to be putting in any effort was the lead actor Jackson Gallagher. I think he has real potential and could be a future martial arts star given the right opportunities. The fight scenes where the only saving grace.

If you're bored, got nothing better to do and like some well done martial arts action then watch. If you're after a decent story and reasonable acting give this a wide birth.
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More 'fake' real TV
27 May 2017
It is really disappointing that another fake real life show has been made. I wonder if Bear Grylls and the producers of this show take the general public for idiots.

The people on the show are under no real threat of their lives. There are professionals there with them to help in any given situation. The most annoying part of this show is the manufactured tension.

Just do a google search on 'The island Bear Grylls fake' and you will have answers on how the show is really done.

It gets 2 stars instead of 1 because some of the things I viewed were so stupid it made me laugh. 2 stars for the laugh.

Bear Grylls has a history of doing fake TV and this show has not helped him one bit.

Hang your head in shame Mr Grylls.
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If you like B grade haunting movies this might be for you
1 August 2012
I enjoyed the introduction to this movie, although it had me thinking it was going to be a horror, comedy at first.

Other reviews have complained about the acting. OK, some of it was bad but I have seen much worse on higher budget films.

While watching I had to remind myself that they only had a budget of a little over $100,000 to make this. I think they did a reasonable job considering this.

The most annoying part of this film was when the characters reacted in ways you surely would not under the circumstances they faced.

The ending made the movie worth the effort to watch in my opinion.

I like B horror movies and found this mildly entertaining. I had two friends watching it who don't like B horrors and they clearly did not enjoy themselves.
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Worst Zombie movie I have ever seen
22 March 2012
Some low budget movies can been good, this is not. There are some many things wrong with this 'movie' (for want of a better word to describe this steaming pile of dog turd) that it is difficult to know where to begin. Acting - terrible, wooden at best. Camera work - sometimes out of focus, poor shots. Editing - shocking, I could do better with Windows Movie Maker. Script - Appalling. Special Effect - child like. Audio - sound levels constantly changing.

I've seen low budget pornos that beat this 'movie' in every way. You won't even get a laugh out of this 'movie'. It looks like a bunch of friends made this as a joke that nobody gets.
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Scientology....need I say more
9 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a Scientology 'documentary'. It is a completely one sided affair. If you attend the 'church' of Scientology you may enjoy this fear spreading story. Scientology is about making money, not telling the truth. It is difficult to believe anything they say in this movie because the followers of this 'church' have been proved time and time again to lie or completely distort facts. I have had personal experiences with Scientology and found that the South Park episode on it to be amazingly close to what I heard and saw there. I suggest doing your own research into Psychiatric drugs before watching this pile of evil filth. This film is just dead wrong.
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#1 Cheerleader Camp (2010 Video)
Starts good, then very predictable
28 July 2010
If you are an 12-16 year old boy you will love this. The movie starts with a good stream of jokes but then focuses to much on the story line. When I say focuses on the story is not good, it is because the plot is extremely predictable to the point where you know the end about 10 minutes into the movie.

There is some very well done cheerleading, but I can't see any female cheerleaders wanting to watch this movie. You start thinking 'get over the cheerleading and get back to the tits and arse I came to watch'.

On the plus side, the actors are putting in a good effort. Seth Cassell is great as Andy. I enjoy low brow humor and this is full of it (plenty of gay and masturbation jokes). And there are hot chicks showing heaps of tits and arse and getting it on with each other.

This movie is not for the wife or girlfriend, it is for sitting and watching with your mates while drinking beer. This is not a thinking mans movie.
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