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Christmas slay, and the blood did spray.
31 December 2024
Frank Jakeman does a tremendous job portraying the bloodthirsty and vicious killer Santa in this low budget yet entertaining Santa-slasher. There is definitely some silly writing and marginal acting throughout this film, but if you enjoy watching killer Santas and don't mind a little economical movie making, then you should like this offering. I personally don't need a film to be a perfect Hollywood blockbuster to appreciate it. I like seeing underexposed actors and I value the imperfections, as well as the efforts, of certain movies, and this is one of them. It is worth watching for Frank Jakeman's wild, unhinged performance alone, but we are also treated with a highly enjoyable scene with actress Natalie Bailey-Trist as well. Frenzied stabbing, blood spurting, and unrestrained axe swinging all abound in this picture that, for me, is now part of my annual Christmas horror viewing during the holidays.
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Jurassic Disaster
10 November 2024
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So bizarre! Three brain dead ladies break into a jail believing they will be helping mistreated animals, only to discover that they have entered "dinosaur prison"...The concept makes very little sense, and the location (a prison) does not look like a state of the art, high tech, government facility used to conduct dinosaur experiments, but instead looks like a grimy, run down jail that was closed many years ago. The prison operator, perhaps one of the strangest/stupidest on screen characters I've ever witnessed, is inexplicably dressed in a cheap, party city Willy Wonka outfit for the entire film. Why? Why!? Adding more layers of idiocy to this production is the fact that the filmmakers clearly couldn't afford many actors, so there just isn't nearly enough guard type characters to make the film believable; a giant, government funded jail that's breeding and experimenting on dinosaurs should be absolutely crawling with different personnel. In one of the dumbest scenes, after the dinosaurs escape their cells, a special forces team consisting of two (yes, TWO whole people!) is sent in to try to neutralize the prehistoric beasts. After shooting some raptors, a guy with a flaming sword does battle with a large dinosaur, eventually chopping off its head in probably the worst fight scene ever captured on film. There was some effort put into the obviously computer-generated imagery, but for the most part it looks pretty awful. Bad acting, foul writing and an overall miserable idea. Now, despite my criticism, I'm still glad people make movies like this. They're stupid, laughable, and immensely enjoyable to poke fun at, so if you're like me, and enjoy watching cinematic train wrecks, check out "Dinosaur Prison"...For some though, a sentence of twenty years to life might be easier to endure.
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Santa Claws (1996)
Santa Claws is Coming to Town!
3 December 2023
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John A. Russo's 1996 low budget holiday horror flick "Santa Claws" is the gift that keeps on giving. Sexy, fun and entertaining throughout, it's a perfect watch for any Santa-slasher fan. Grant Kramer stars as Wayne, a mentally disturbed fan of "scream queen" actress Raven Quinn (played by Debbie Rochon). Wayne has a troubled past, as a young boy he murdered his mother and her lover on Christmas Eve, and now that he's all grown up, his propensity for violence hasn't diminished. Raven, who is experiencing difficulties in her marriage, relies on Wayne for help and friendship during the hard times, little does she know, Wayne is systematically stalking and killing the people around her with a metal claw. He is determined to win her affections but how far can the madness continue before the entire situation completely comes crashing down? "Night of the Living Dead" writer John Russo does not disappoint as the film's director while Grant Kramer and Debbie Rochon are both exceptional on screen. Salacious, lively and just plain cool, "Santa Claws" turns merry and bright into scary and fright!
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The world's most dangerous documentary
25 June 2023
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This is an awesome documentary about legendary MMA fighter, professional wrestler and actor Ken Shamrock. Filmmakers follow the aging former UFC champion as he steps back into the cage again and again despite being in the twilight years of his career. Ken also offers elucidating and thoughtful words throughout the film regarding his troubled childhood, his life in the spotlight and his unyielding faith in Jesus Christ.

MMA fighters Mike "The Rhino" Bourke, Pedro Rizzo, Jonathan Ivey, and Ricco Rodriguez are also featured as well as iconic mixed martial arts referee "Big" John McCarthy. Ken's career in Japan's MMA promotion Pancrase is covered but unfortunately no footage from his storied tenure in UFC is included, likely due to legal reasons.
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The Great North: Sexi Moose Adventure (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not so great North
2 May 2023
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Suffered through the first episode...aside from the father, all the other characters are thoroughly unlikeable. Is this comedy once everything that could possibly be construed as offensive is sucked out? Unfortunately, it seems so... I really tried with this episode, but damn, it was just so stale and uninspired with absolutely no edge whatsoever. At one point in the episode they reference "The Gilmore Girls" which was quite appropriate given that both programs seem to share the same insufferable, soulless style of "humour". I shudder to think of the mindless, inoffensive, left wing McNugget factory that vomited out this dismally bland garbage. The Great North? Nothing great about it at all.
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Watchable but mediocre
22 April 2023
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An unwitting family becomes prey to an evil force when the powerful "Book of the Dead" is discovered in an abandoned bank vault. The film is not terrible, but I just feel that the first two Evil Dead movies had so much more going on in terms of overall creativity. Viewers will definitely be creeped out at times, but for my money, it mostly felt like just another possession story, one that didn't quite match up to films like "The Conjuring" or "The Exorcist". Another thing to take note of would be that although Bruce Campbell didn't appear in the movie, he did serve as an executive producer, while Lee Cronin (The Hole in the Ground, 50 States of Fright) wrote and directed. Alyssa Sutherland (Vikings, The Mist) is also quite good as the possessed mother Ellie.
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A flick that swings for the fences
18 April 2023
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High and outside is an entertaining and moody baseball drama about a minor leaguer who is struggling with the inevitable end of his career. Noteworthy also in that it is the last movie that talented actor Geoffrey Lewis (High Plains Drifter, Dillinger, Salem's Lot, The Lawnmower Man) would appear in before his death in 2015. Big timers Ernie Hudson (Ghostbusters, Oz) and David Proval (Sopranos, Mean Streets) also make entertaining appearances in the film. Gritty yet touching, I recommend it to anyone, but especially baseball fans. One of the most memorable scenes has to be when Geoffrey Lewis, who plays the main character's aging, cantankerous father, sings "Take me out to the ballgame" to himself in a moment that is both sad and haunting. So cover your bases cause this flick about a man down to his last out is definitely a heavy hitter.
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The story of the Subway Sicko
13 March 2023
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Typical low reviews on IMDb for a very well produced documentary series. The episodes do feature quite a bit of Rochelle Herman, but I feel that it's fairly justified given that she went undercover for years, secretly taping her conversations with Jared Fogle, in a very courageous effort to bring the Subway spokesman to justice. The series also contains many scenes from the over 300 Subway commercials that Jared filmed as well as footage from his many public/media appearances leading up to his eventual arrest and conviction. Sensitive or vulnerable viewers may want to avoid watching however as the episodes go into horrific detail about the exact nature of Jared Fogle's hideous, repulsive and evil crimes. A must watch for those interested in true crime stories.
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The Gringo Papi (2022 TV Special)
Groundbreakingly bad
10 February 2023
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There seriously needs to be a Netflix documentary made about how terrible a comedian Brendan Shaub is, I think it would be a fascinating study. Brendan's jokes are about as funny as getting you're colon punctured during a colonoscopy, which may actually be less painful than enduring this show. It's smelly, it's cheap and every joke seems to revolve around the fact that his woman is Mexican. The idea that this guy has a net worth of 4 million dollars not only confirms that society is completely collapsing, but that I should probably go ahead and blow what's left of my brains out with an elephant gun.
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A worthwhile documentary
27 January 2023
Way too many haters on here, this documentary was outstanding from start to finish and left me wanting more. The film absolutely depicts how everyone overlooked the warning signs regarding Kai and I think viewers are more subconsciously upset with the media back in 2013 that got everyone behind this guy, perhaps even more upset with themselves for being part of the duped movement that jumped on his bandwagon. I also understand that many people feel that Kai has received punishment unjustly for the murder and that his victim was killed in self defence. I understand this thinking, he is a likeable personality, but for me it's just hard to get passed certain details - like Kai getting caught on camera hugging the guy AFTER the night he claims that the rape took place, as well as the extremely excessive damage that the old man sustained to his head. What more can be said? The disdain for this film seems like another example of how stubborn and group-thinking the masses have become, the people criticizing this movie are likely not Rhodes Scholars (although neither am I) and are probably better suited to be watching less troubling material like Ginny and Georgia or Toopy and Binoo. Get off your dang high horses and try creating your own art before running your mouths, because this documentary has it all. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, I just think it's a bit of a shame. I guess it would be most prudent to remember the words of Kai himself: "you're worthwhile" and so is this documentary. For me, it's a Smash, smash, Suh-mash!
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Words of wisdom from Rich Piana
31 December 2022
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Basically just some great bonus interviews/footage of a real life Incredible Hulk named Rich Piana who sadly passed away in 2017. Always entertaining and likeable, Rich offers advice to any aspiring bodybuilders before the film transitions to a montage of the former Mr. California training like a beast. A fun little watch for any hardcore Rich Piana fans. Directed by Alex Ardenti who also produced/directed "Dexter Jackson: Unbreakable" and "It Wasn't Released in Canada". Richard Eugene Piana was not only a world famous bodybuilder, but also a successful businessman, and prolific YouTuber. He won the National Physique Committee (NPC) Mr. Teen California title in 1989, NPC Mr. California in 1998, and National Physique Committee (NPC) competitions in 2003 and 2009. He also acted on the hit television shows "Malcolm in the Middle" and "Scrubs".
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Silent Night, Deadly Night meets The Terminator
14 December 2022
I really don't understand how this film could receive any negative reviews, because if you love Santa-slashers and holiday horror, then "Christmas Bloody Christmas" should be right up your chimney. The kills are brutal, the acting is great, the cinematography is fantastic and the soundtrack is awesome, what more could a person ask for? Abraham Benrubi is perfect as the unstoppable killer Robo-Claus, while Riley Dandy does a fine job as the film's lead protagonist, and I just couldn't help being pleasantly reminded of the iconic killer robot Santa from television's popular animated series "Futurama" as I enjoyed this movie. So reprogram your minds and have fun watching this murderous machine rampage and destroy - just try not to push his buttons...who knows, maybe... He'll be back...
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Bigorexia (2020)
Massively interesting
12 November 2022
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This documentary is a truly compelling and fascinating look into the world of muscle dysmorphia - a form of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). The film follows the stories of several well known body builders who suffer from this condition and the physical and mental ramifications their activities have on them. Some of the more interesting individuals featured are the late Brazilian bodybuilder Valdir Segato and Russian muscle man Kirill Tereshin - as both had become internationally infamous for their excessive use of the highly dangerous and controversial Synthol - a substance used by body builders as a temporary implant which is injected deeply into the muscle.
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Love it, Kill it
12 November 2022
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Under appreciated documentary following iconic bodybuilder Rich Piana before he passed away in 2017. Packed with entertaining conversations and moments from Piana's last year on earth, the film gives a unique insight into the mind of a man who was obsessed with being massively muscular, and who would go to any lengths to maintain his Hulk-like physique - including the use of steroids and testosterone. Piana is refreshingly open about his use of these substances while consistently informing those who seek his advice about the risks, as well as ways to potentially lessen some of the dangers.

R. I. P. Rich Piana.
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Deadly Whispers (1995 TV Movie)
Tony Danza extravaganza
2 June 2022
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Once again we see another terrific movie that just doesn't get the respect it deserves. There is more to life than what you're living, so take a chance and face the wind...j/k...based on tragic real life events, Tony Danza is outstanding in "Deadly Whispers" as father Tom Acton, who goes from grieving Dad to murderer with multiple personality disorder throughout the course of the film. Danza gives an intense, gritty performance that really demonstrates how well rounded an actor he is. Pamala Reed is unforgettable as grief stricken mother Carol Acton and Ving Rhames is tremendous as the stoic detective Jackson. So if you're a fan of the Danza-Man, definitely take a vacanza with this Tony Danza Bonanza.
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The Batman (2022)
Left wing rhetoric injected into an otherwise good movie
19 March 2022
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I was really enjoying this film up to the point when cat woman describes Gotham city's bad guys as quote: "white privilege A-holes". Since when did Batman movies become racial? It was a sneaky and tasteless effort to normalize the use of racial slurs towards white people, plain and simple - specifically directing the content subtly towards teens and young adults. I could understand if the film had racism or racial tension as part of its storyline, but no, it was just a way to sneak in more Hollywood-normalizing of anti-white narratives. It seems Critical race theory is now being infused into super hero movies, and the dumbed down public are completely content to embrace the very racist ideologies and practices that they say they're against. That's hypocrisy for ya'. Otherwise, Riddler and Penguin were cool, and the film was aesthetically one of the coolest Batman movies I've seen, but superhero movies are supposed to be fun, propaganda, whether from the left or the right, is not what I want to see from a Batman movie. You want to spread your political message? Don't be sneaky about it, save it for the appropriate forum.
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The Fanatic (2019)
A fanatic for The Fanatic
5 February 2022
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The fact that this amazing movie is only rated 4.1/10 on IMDB and 16% on rotten tomatoes, for me, absolutely proves true the old adage that the masses are asses. Asses that are ill equipped to appreciate concepts and performances that exist outside of their expectations. Why go quirky, offbeat and unique when we can watch another mindless teen drama or zombie thriller? Perhaps viewers are hopelessly tethered to older John Travolta films like Grease or Saturday Night Fever when he was still the perfect portrait of a youthful, suave and attractive leading man, and therefore they cannot enjoy the more strange, layered, unattractive and dark character that he becomes for Fred Durst's 2019 thriller "The Fanatic". I think the movie also forces the viewer - the fan, as it were, to have to at times take the position (uncomfortably for some) of Travolta's character (simply called "Moose" in the film) as he and we are confronted with not only the fact that many of our so called screen "heroes" would be totally uninterested in actually meeting many of their most dedicated fans, but also with the reality of the massive disparity that exists between celebrities and regular - middle/working class people. Whatever the reasoning for its seemingly unpopular status currently, I believe over time, this film will develop a sincere cult following as it is a tremendously entertaining movie that probes into the obsession that the public has with celebrities as well as the media's role in promoting this unhealthy level of fandom. John Travolta is absolutely outstanding throughout the film, delivering an unnervingly authentic performance as the aforementioned celebrity obsessed "Moose". Devon Sawa is equally fantastic as the object of Moose's attention - movie star Hunter Dunbar. Dunbar never gives Moose an inch as his #1 fan is time and again aggressively rejected by the popular actor. Things will of course spiral well out of control by the end of the movie as Moose just won't take no for an answer. For what it's worth, I think Fred Durst did an amazing job writing and directing this film which for me is perhaps the most under appreciated of 2019.

So open your eyes and experience this awesome movie for yourself, you might just become a fan...
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Hard Luck (2006 Video)
Gritty, sexy and downright fun!
28 January 2022
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Mario Van Peebles directs and acts in this gritty crime/action drama and does a great job in my opinion. I truly don't understand all of the negative reviews this flick has gotten on IMDb other than to say that I think maybe people simply don't always give quirky or offbeat films a chance. The cast is terrific, Wesley Snipes (as "Lucky") displays a very authentic demeanour throughout the movie that is indicative of how well he seasoned as an actor over time. Luis Guzmán is also entertaining as the eccentric and very flamboyant pornographer "Million Dollar Mendez", while Cybill Shepherd is absolutely fantastic as one half of a vicious serial killer couple that eventually crosses paths with Snipes. There is also some fun performances from greats like Bill Cobbs and Tom Kemp, while actress Jackie Quinones is fantastic (and super sexy) as the sultry and sharp-tongued stripper Angela.

I'm not sure what people are looking for when they sit down to watch movies like this, but Hard Luck is fun, entertaining, and full of heart.

Not everything is meant to be taken so seriously, so relax and enjoy this action packed adventure - Jackie Quinones and her fabulous booty should be reason enough!
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Joseph (1995)
The story of Joseph and his brothers comes to life on the screen!
18 January 2022
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Filmed in Morocco, this mini series is truly awesome, with fantastic cinematography and some truly powerful acting, it should be a must watch for any fan of Bible stories. Paul Mercurio (Neighbours, Promised) stars as Joseph, while Martin Landau completely sets the screen on fire with his visceral and emotional portrayal of Joseph's father Jacob (renamed Israel in Genesis 32:29). Ben Kingsley is also extremely impressive as Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's guard. So Torah open a bag of chips, pour yourself a sanctified soda and enjoy the epic story of Joseph.
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Stepfather 3 (1992 TV Movie)
Oh! My Pa-Pa...
18 January 2022
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I am a massive fan of "The Stepfather" (1987). That being said, I didn't expect much from the third instalment, especially since Terry O'Quinn would not be appearing. I can honestly say that I was pleasantly surprised by how decent a film it actually is. Robert Wightman (The Waltons, Living in Oblivion) stars as stepfather Jerry Blake, now calling himself "Keith Grant" - who also has a new face thanks to some successful back-alley plastic surgery. I was sceptical as first, but it's really quite impressive how Wightman is able to capture the country tone and old fashioned style that was so iconic about Terry O'Quinn's performance. Terry O'Quinn will always be the first and the best, but Wightman still did a damn good job. The beautiful Priscilla Barnes co-stars as the unwitting single mother who becomes the focus of Keith Grant's attention, while John Ingle (From the Office - Robert Dunder) plays the role of the town priest Father Brennan. What can I say? No sequel or remake can come close to the original movie "The Stepfather", but "The Stepfather 3" provides plenty of great entertainment for die-hard fans of the stepfather franchise. So give The Stepfather 3 a chance - he may not be your real Dad, but his parenting style is to die for!
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The Fan (1996)
I'm your number one fan!
17 January 2022
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This is a somewhat undervalued little film directed by the prolific Tony Scott. Based on the book "The Fan" by crime fiction writer Peter Abrahams, it is the story of a knife salesman and baseball fan Gil Renard, who is losing visitation rights with his son and is beginning to mentally break down. Gil becomes more and more obsessed with his favourite baseball player Bobby Rayburn (Wesley Snipes) and eventually goes way over the edge when he inserts himself into Rayburn's personal life. Things get weird, intense and violent as the baseball star's son is eventually targeted by Gil, setting off the final events of the film. To really nail the whole celebrity stalker thing, Robert De Niro reportedly researched infamous celebrity stalker Robert Bardo, who murdered actress and model Rebecca Schaeffer. All of this shows through as De Niro is able to once again pull off an intimidating and authentic portrait of a mentally deranged individual in a performance that rings back to films like Taxi Driver and Cape Fear. Not only is this movie creepy and interesting, it has a great cast comprising of Robert De Niro, Wesley Snipes, John Leguizamo, and Benicio Del Toro, with some amusing appearances from Jack Black, Charles Hallahan, Dan Butler and Paul Herman. So if you're a De Niro fan like myself, go back and watch this under appreciated little gem, just be mindful: fans can be cool, but get too close, and you might get the blade...
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It's all about The Ripper!
9 January 2022
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Seriously, I like this movie - the storyline is creative and it has some funny moments, but truly the greatest thing about the film is Tom Noonan's unforgettable and spine tingling performance as the vile axe murderer "The Ripper". The movie begins with main character Danny (Austin O'Brien) watching Tom Noonan as "The Ripper" kidnap Jack Slater's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) son during an intense movie rooftop showdown. I have always wished that Last Action Hero could have just been about Jack Slater and The Ripper, but I digress. Tom Noonan's makeup is so good he is almost unrecognizable with gnarly teeth, piercing eyes and long stringy hair. He is also decked out in a creepy yellow raincoat and carries around a massive axe. He looks like the epitome of every child's nightmare - some kind of twisted cross between Robert Pickton and the crypt keeper. Something about the combination of the look and Noonan's performance just steal the show for me. There are some other notable actors worth mentioning too as F. Murray Abraham, Charles Dance, Robert Prosky, Art Carney, Anthony Quinn and Ian McKellen all grace the screen. What else can I say, Arnold is always...if it weren't for The Ripper, I probably wouldn't give this movie the time of day.
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A truly unappreciated movie
8 January 2022
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Silent Night, Bloody Night is a fantastic little piece of cinema from a foggy, bygone era. The mood and atmosphere are creepy and foreboding, the storyline is interesting and unique and the acting is terrific. It is directed by Theodore Gershuny (Tales from the dark side, Monsters) and stars the incredibly talented James Patterson (Bonanza, Hawaii Five-O) who would sadly pass away from cancer at age 40 on August 19, 1972. Silent Night, Bloody Night was released on Nov. 17, 1972, making it the last film of James Patterson's remarkable career. The movie also features some other great performances from various outstanding actors such as Grant Code, Philip Bruns, Astrid Heeren, Mary Woronov, and Patrick O'Neal. I love watching this movie around Christmas time and firmly believe that it holds its own when compared to other popular holiday horror films. So give this awesome movie a chance, but just remember, every home has a secret history, and sometimes it's a history filled with terror, violence and death...Merry Christmas!
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Maniac Cop (1988)
Maniac Cop - I think I'm gonna need to see your badge number...
7 January 2022
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Maniac Cop is one of those fantastically nostalgic late 80's/early 90's slasher franchises that were just full of wild stunts, huge explosions, entertaining action and all around mayhem and craziness. Written by Larry Cohen (It's Alive, Phone Booth) the film stars the always enjoyable Tom Atkins as Lieutenant Frank McCrae and "Evil Dead" star Bruce Campbell as officer Jack Forrest. Robert Z'Dar is outstanding as the towering maniac cop Matt Cordell, who assails his victims throughout the movie with an imposing, cold and monster-like demeanour. This is one of my favourite slasher franchises of all time and is definitely worth watching - you just might find yourself a bit more hesitant to pull over the next time you see the red and blue lights in your rear view mirror.
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Discovering Bigfoot (2017 Video)
Todd Standing is the Sasquatch-man
7 January 2022
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If you can get passed the limited production quality and hokey soundtrack, you'll discover that this film has a lot to offer. Although filmmaker Todd Standing spends a little too much time analyzing what he believes are Sasquatch footprints left in moss, he does present some fascinating information about Bigfoot creatures throughout the documentary. By far the most incredible part of the film is getting to see some of the astounding Sasquatch footage Standing has filmed over the years - clear, unmistakable shots of various Bigfoot living stealthily within the vast North American wilderness. These moments make this documentary well worth watching, while Todd Standing demonstrates throughout the film his utter fearlessness and persistence in pursuing these dangerous beasts. I will say, at times I was reminded of Timothy Treadwell's style of filmmaking especially with the "wild Timmy jungle scenes" type moments...(see Grizzly Man). Overall, a great watch for hardcore Bigfoot enthusiasts - let's just hope this guy doesn't wind up as dinner for a hungry Sasquatch.
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