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Kimi (2022)
Not So Bad Really
10 February 2022 - 6 out of 16 users found this review helpful.
I've never seen Zoe Kravitz act before, but she was much better than Kristen Stewart's one-dimensional schlock job in "Spencer". At least Zoe has more than one facial expression, and actually wa pretty believable throughout.
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Dasatskisi (2020)
If You Speak Georgian, This is the Movie for You!
30 January 2021 - 5 out of 44 users found this review helpful.
I have never seen a movie with such poorly done subtitles. The dialog goes, then a full 9 or 10 seconds later you finally get the translation, often for the wrong person who is now speaking. The plot was thin
The camera work was bizarre. Not worth the time.
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