
232 Reviews
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Pieces of Her (2022)
I Struggled to finish this
21 March 2024
Rarely do I not persist and keep watching, even when I know something is bad , but in this case I made an exemption !

I gave up with one episode to go , thats how much I did'nt care

This was a complete mess from the word go .

Unconvincing, unlikeable characters , bad acting ( apart from the brilliant Toni Collette ) and boring plot .

The daughter Andy was quite honestly the most irritating , whingy , useless and dull character that I have seen in while.

I just could not listen to her anymore , what a pain !

Apart from her , the stroryline was slow , not engaging at all .

A huge dissapointment , I think that maybe Karen Slaughter might not be very happy with this adaptation .

Perhaps the book is better , I hope so .
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The Mistress (II) (2022)
Unexpectedly ,A Good Movie
22 August 2023
I watched this last night , not really expecting it to be any good , but , I was very surprised by it .

Now, having said that , it certainly was'nt perfect .

The plot was a bit confusing at times , but the ending explained a lot , I like it when a movie gets you thinking one way , as in predicting the ending yourself , and then turns you in a different direction, unexpectedly !

The house itself was so atmospheric , beautiful and classic .

I did get a little hint of Hitchcock here and there , no harm in directors dipping in and out of classic movies, I have no problem with that !

All in all I thought this was a very good thriller , perhaps not horror , but very captivating .
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Guilt (2016)
I Watched It For Billy Zane
8 June 2023
This series is just.....bizarre !

It is all over the place and not very good , a plot that just gets more ridiculous as it goes on , ten episodes ...way too long The character Grace is just , how can I put this ? Ya that's it ...... Stupid.

And the rest of them are'nt much better ,accents are all over the place , American , British , and Irish , and when I say Irish I mean a very bad Belfast accent, almost brogue at times , I laughed out loud .

I stuck it out to the end , I really did'nt care about keeping up , I just enjoyed watching Billy Zane , who is one of my favourites !

He made this worth my time , he always delivers .
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Maryland (2023)
Crisis After Crisis
6 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who thought that this was a good idea ?

Firstly ,I have to say that if I had two daughters like these two I would be happy to live as far away as possible from them also !

Their attitude to everone was just awful, aggresive and shouty , obviously , manners was not very high on the list of their upbringing .

And , the storyline just kept getting more and more crazy , between their mother's secrets , and their own personal dramas .

Of course Suranne Jones did what she does best , scream and make sorrowful faces , and Eve Best , who I am not familiar with , did much the same .

Stockard Channing was a very odd character in this, and then there was a Taxi driver who seemed to be available at all times !

No, I did not enjoy or even like this drama , fairly boring and dull .
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Entertaining , I liked It
26 May 2023
Ok , so I see most of the reviews here are bad , not sure why ... It ticked all the boxes for me !

It was so refreshing to watch a movie with an all male cast for a change , don't see them that often .

It was very entertaining,and moved along quickly , with a nice touch of humour underlying all the time ! Especially from one character in particular, Josh , he was my favourite !

So , basically it's about four guys heading off to a cabin for a weekend , to do some male bonding and hunting , Steve the main guy , is having a bit of a marriage crisis , and is wanting to take some time out , it goes frome there and takes a few twists and turns along the way .

Stick with it , it's entertaining !
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Lake Eerie (2016)
Not as Bad As Reviewers Say
25 May 2023
I really liked this movie , I really do think that Indie movies should be given more of a chance , and a break !

The setting was beautiful , and the house was so interesting , just right for these type of movies . I don't think I have ever seen a movie made on the lakes .

Now, the acting was a bit suspect a times ,but I was intrigued so it did'nt matter that much .

I would'nt class this as a horror movie , more so a mystery , and , ok , there were some odd scenes , maybe not done very well , but overall I think that it was an enertaining , enjoyable watch !

I don't think that it deserves the scathing reviews here , Without a doubt I have seen far worse movies that have got good reviews .

Give Indie movies a chance !!!
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If I Can't Have You (2023 TV Movie)
So Bad
19 May 2023
Oh dear, I am watching this as I write my review . Whenever I see Eric Roberts name in a movie , I know that it will not be good!

And so far , I am right!

The story line is just pathetic , and someone is trying to compensate for bad acting and script by playing continuous music throughout , in scenes where it sould not be played !

The main actress is so bad , monotone and flat , i don't think that she changed her expression throughout , and the scene where she went to the police to report that she was being stalked was hilarious ! The detective with the odd hair that spoke with her should go back to training , because the exchange between them was ridiculous !!

Watch it if you will , but be warned .....not good !
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The Mist (2017)
What A Let Down
13 April 2023
I was looking forward to watching this . I am a huge Stephen King fan. I have read the short story , which is great , and the movie is excellent .

But , this series I must say, is so bad . First of all the acting ...Who cast this ?, because as far as I can see , half of the actors in this simply cannot act . Or, maybe it is because of the awful script , which is my second gripe .

Next , the actual characters themselves . I can honestly say that I did not like one single character in this, especially Eve and her daughter Alex, what a bland , boring duo , expressionless and annoying , I just wanted the mist to swallow them !!!

The back stories of all the characters were dull , and uninteresting. I just felt , while watching this , that I would have been very happy for the whole lot of them to be killed off as quickly as possible .

I hope that Stephen King did not give this his seal of approval .

Oh , and one more thing , there were no monsters , the writers decided not to include them for some wierd reason , I mean, after all that is the whole point of The Mist .

A big let down , and I am not surprised at all that it was cancelled .
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Departure (2019–2022)
So Bad , But I am still Watching
13 February 2023
I really do not know where to start with this one , it really has to be seen to be believed !

To begin with, the premise is a good one , air crash , traincrash and ferry disaster ,all being investigated by Kendra Malley senior crash investigator in 3 separate seasons .

Sound good , right ? Well let me tell you in simple terms , No it is brutally bad , I cannot remember the last time that I have watched something so badly written and acted .

The storylines that come with each season are truly bizarre, complicated and ridiculous .

I am not exaggerating here, really !!!

I watched each season in disbelief , it is strangely addictive , but probably because of the bad script and acting , give it a go and you will see what I mean !

The one good thing about it though,are the settings and locations, and the cinematography is top knotch.
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I See You (II) (2019)
Why Have I Not Heard Of This Gem !
13 December 2022
This is one great mystery thriller , I was not expecting it to be so good .

It kind of caught me off guard .

A slow start , but believe me , stick with it. It went in a direction that I did not see coming at all , and continued to surprise and shock me as it went on .

These ones don't come along very often , it is up there with the best of them , and I am not easily pleased when it comes to mystery, physological thrillers and horror.

I highly recommend this , a must see , twists and turns , and no dissappointments .

I would definitely watch this again .

Do watch this movie , It is Soooo good !
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The Dinner (I) (2017)
IT Got My Attention
22 November 2022
This is definitely one of those movies that you will either love it , or hate it ! Me ? I loved it . There is nothing I enjoy more than a drama involving a disfunctional family , complicated relationships , and tense situations , and all over an overpriced meal in a sumptuous five star restaurant !

The characters were perfect in their roles , not one of them anyway likeable , and the subject of their meeting ? Well , it was'nt a pleasure dinner for sure , the topic was how to handle a shocking situation , in which their sons were involved in , a voilent crime was commited , and it seems , the only people the diners were interested in, were themselves , and their reputations , and their son's futures Some very serious topics here , and very uncomfortable and upsetting viewing at times .

I think this movie is underated , not to everyones taste but does deserve better ratings .
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It Was What I Thought It Would Be
13 November 2022
I finally gave in and watched this film , having listened to people raving about how brilliant it is . And as predicted , I hated it , I knew that , being a David Lynch film ,that it would be weird and all over the place , like " Twin Peaks " crossed with " Blue Velvet " .

To those of you who will , no doubt, say that I did'nt " get it " I would say that I did , but I just did'nt like it . It just is not my type of film . Surrealism does'nt do it for me

I felt the same about this as I did about " Nocturnal Animals " and " Mother ! " , different directors I know , but simililar movies , peculiar and odd.

I can understand why Mulholland Dive is rated so highly , the acting , direction , and cinematography are excellent , but is , in my opinion an " acquired taste " film , just not mine .
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The Vanished (2020)
I Think This Movie Is Great
11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really cannot understand the bad reviews that this has got .

For me , it is one of the best that I have seen in a while , and I mean that !

For a while I did think that the acting , especially fron the parents, who by the way were not very likeable , was a bit off, and several things were knawing at the back of my mind ............ just something was not right here .

As the movie progressed I was more and more intrigued , thinking I had it figured , and then .....maybe not.

And so, to the end , I was so taken aback at the outcome , wow , what a twist.

WARNING Major Spoiler

Everything finally made sense, and fell into place . As the grief councillor had told them , the trick is , not to get stuck in one of the stages of bereavement, and clearly they had , several times , For six years they simply, could not accept the fact that their daughter was gone forever....and they could not move on , Heartbreaking stuff.

I found the last scene, as they drove away, incredibly moving and sad.

This movie , in my opinion is highly underestimated.
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A Headscratcher For Many Reasons
10 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just dont't know what to say having watched this movie .

Firstly , I was very disappointed with the acting and the script , Denzel ( Deke ) just mumbled and muttered throughout the whole thing , and Rami Malek ( Jimmy ) just looked constipated all the time ...... and also , what detective on earth would drive off with a murder suspect ( Sparma ) and start digging holes looking for a dead body , just because the suspect asked him to !!!!! Just crazy .... Now , for the ending , Did suspect kill the women or not ? I do not think so , but what the hell are we supposed to think , if not him ?

Are they implying that Denzel ( Deke ) did it ? , Perhaps , there were some signs throughout , but why ?

Or am I just overthinking it ?

Frustrating movie and a messy unclear end.
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Mother! (2017)
Another " Art " Film
31 October 2022
If you are into pretentious , arty , " deep meaning " and downright confusing movies , then by all means go ahead and watch this one .

If you do not wish to be irritated , annoyed, and just bored , then definitely give this one a miss .

I was expectng to be entertained , but spent most of the time googling what the hell this was all about !

And now I have to write more on my review , to fulfill the required amount of characters, which ,If I had enjoyed and liked this movie , I would be happy to do , but considering that I do not have much more to say about this one, only that it annoyed me , I can write no more .
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Split (IX) (2016)
I was underwhelmed
29 October 2022
Ok, so judging from all the other reviews , I am definitely in the minority here.

I am usually such a fan of M. Night Shyamalan's films , but am sorry to say that this one did not do it for me.

James McEvoy was , without a doubt , brilliant in this , and everyone else acted their parts realy well.

My problem is , that I realy could not understand how three well abled girls could not overpower , or outsmart one slight of build man !

There were so many missed opportunities , not to mention potential weapons of all sorts , mirrors, cleaning products , hangers ,etc. I could go on but you get the point ?

Also how daft is it for a highly intelligent woman ,Dr. Fletcher ,to go alone to his home , and then, after she twigs that he is highly dangerous ( finally ) , and has her suspicions that he might not be alone , she continues to go snooping around his creepy home, rather than doing a runner and contacting the police .

I found these parts a major let down , also I was not really convinced about the " Beast ".

Now , a lot of reviewers might say that I just did'nt " Get It " , but I did,, I just did'nt think that it was the masterpiece that I had been led to believe .
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I Loved It
29 October 2022
Ouch ! , Some really scathing reviews for this one , and I really do not know why ?

From the very beginning I was glued , this movie held my attention throughout .

The characters were very interesting and mixed , I loved Julianne Moore in it , and as always Amy Adams gives a topnotch performance .

Yes , it was a bit theatrical in parts , but I enjoyed that side of it .

It kept me guessing , and I was really surprised at the final outcome , it caught me !

So, I can only say that ,I really enjoyed this movie , it certainly entertained , and I do not say that so often when it comes to these types of movies .

Give it a chance , if you like Hitchcock , you will probably enjoy this.
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The Murder of " Death On The Nile "
22 October 2022
Where to begin ? What did Kenneth Branagh think he was doing , he absolutely butchered this wonderful original story .

From the crazy , ridiculous nightclub scene at the beginning , with cringe worthy dancing and , my favourite character from the original movie Salome Otterbourn , transformed from an author to a jazz singer !!!!

I wanted to scream from then on ... that incessant jazz music that I thought would never end , the overacting like kids in a school play , the manicness of the script , and the introduction of different characters , and changing the original stories of some of the original characters was too much for me !

Several times I wanted to switch it off, but I suffered through just so I could write my review.

Message to Kenneth , I really like you , but maybe you should stick to Shakespeare , and leave Agatha alone ... Please ?
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Maxine (2022)
A Difficult Watch
13 October 2022
I felt very uncomfortable while watching this ,well aware of the backlash that channel 5 were getting .

It was so hard to look at them both , without having that sick feeling that you get when you are repulsed by someone .

Perhaps it will help to keep us all reminded of the fact that there are evil people in this world , disguised in everyday jobs , in our towns and communities , and how easy it can sometimes be for them to slip under the radar.

Not for one minute ,did I find this in any way an easy watch , as I imagine everybody else did not either .

Jemma Carlton played the role very well,, a brave undertaking considering that she was a newcomer .

I did not like a lot of the scenes involving the journalists , it made me feel angry that tragedies like this are handled so insensitively by the press. For them, it's all about selling newspapers .

But , that is the reality of it .

Whether , this drama should have been made or not , I really cannot say, but I would imagine that everbody who watched it felt anger towards those two, and upset , and brokenhearted for Holly and Jessica's families.
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The Landlord (2017 TV Movie)
It was ok but....
11 October 2022
I saw a movie a few years ago called " The Resident " , which is very similar to this one , starring Hilary Swank and Jeffrey Dean Morgan .

It was made in 2011 , and this one was made in 2017 , so....... this is almost a copy of that movie .

By the way , The Resident was very disappointing , I would not recommend it , the reviews were not good .

So back to this movie , it was just ok for me , It was a just a bit too predictable though.

I do wonder sometimes though, why is it that some women, in these types of movies, do not spot the early signs of possible obsessiveness from men that they have just met !

I thought that the landlord showed classic signs in the beginning , maybe its just me ..... Watchable , but not thrilling .
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'He's Watching' (2018 TV Movie)
Wooden Acting , Plastic Setting
29 September 2022
Nothing in this , movie seemed real ! From ridiculously perfect lifestyles and homes , to perfect work places .

Is there ever a hair or a cushion out of place in these fake movies ?

And the leading actress playing Angela , well, for such a well educated , supposed to be intelligent woman , she did'nt seem to have one shred of common sense ' !

Firstly ,she takes on her ex as a client , then she sleeps with him , and then tells him the following day that it was a mistake , and " lets be friends again, and you can still be my client " !

No. Angela , it does'nt work like that !

Also , it did seem at times , that it was all about Angela , and her perfect body and face , what was with all the ' Angela getting wet ' scenes ? , ok , I get it , when a movie is this rubbish , just throw in the eye candy shots for the male audience !

Give this one a miss , I advise.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
I Think That I Might Call It A Day Now
28 September 2022
I have watched the first two seasons . Season one was brilliant , I put it on a par with " Lost " and " Hannibal " .

Season two ? Ok , the first two or three episodes were good , then after that I started to lose interest gradually , I found myself drifing off thinking of other stuff , it was hit and miss with each episode. The one about, the Japanese Samurai and the one about the Ghost Nation bored me a bit, they were so drawn out , and slow .

Also, Dolores's monotone voice began to irritate me , I don't know why , because I did'nt take much notice in season one .

So, I suppose, maybe the whole thing just lost it's magic for me as it went on.

But , the presentation and the cinematograpy was stunning, and the acting were excellent.

Well worth watching, well.... for me, the first two seasons anyway.
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Old (2021)
I Loved It !
28 September 2022
I am always excited to see M. Night Shyamalan's next offering , and I am rarely disapointed . Maybe I am too easily pleased !

This one was different and unusual , with a good mix of characters with back stories, relevant to the story .

Of course the location was beautiful, and the cinematogrophy was perfect,as always in his movies .

I had no idea where it was going , and I have to say that, unlike many reviewers here, I did not find the ending a let down at all , in fact I thought that it was a very clever idea.

I am surprised by the bad reviews , I would definitely recommend it , and I would watch it again , no problem.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Uncomfortable Movie
28 September 2022
I was trying to think of a title for my review, and I think ' uncomfortable' is the best way to desribe it .

Just watching Justin Bateman's character Simon in action made me feel uncomfortable, because I felt that I was back in school , there were one or two Simons where I went! . The problem with bullies, is that they come right out and say awful things to people , not only to the person themselves, but to everbody else as well , whch is , of course nasty and a deliberate way of hurting someone.

I cringed so many times during this movie , and I was angry at Simons wife for not taking a stand sooner , I mean , come on, she married the guy , did she not spot this before ?

Now , all in all I do think that this is a very good movie , Justin Bateman played the part really well , and somehow I do not think that we were meant to like any of the characters in this , including Gordo !

I think that maybe , if Gordo had been portrayed as a little more confident , that it would have worked better , rather than making him act oddly throughout the movie. . So, its a seven from me , well worth a watch.
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The Suspect (2022)
Oddly , I Am Enjoying It
13 September 2022
Usually I switch off when these dramas come on , they are always so predictable and annoying.

But, for some reason , which I cannot explain , this one has me gripped !

Perhaps it is Aidan Turner's character , he is brilliant in this , I cannot figure if he is guilty or not !

I find myself bemused at times by the lead detectives attitude , he is like a dog with a bone , and it is a bit odd that he is not willing to investigate other avenues and suspects , when , clearly there is evidence to suggest that it could very well be someone other than Dr. O'Loughlin.

So to sum up , Its all a bit bonkers , but strangely addictive !
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